2020 Presidential Race

Trump War Room - Text TRUMP to 88022 (@TrumpWarRoom) Tweeted:
“Mr. Trump, we’re voting for you. And I think that we’re going to be bringing a lot of other Hispanics to vote with you."

"Trump has been the most pro-Latino president.” https://t.co/aSgT974tmi

Not according to many liberals. How dare they?
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Rich guy b!tches about taxes. I guess there's a first for everything.
Are these positive numbers?

According to the Tax Foundation’s General Equilibrium Model, Biden’s collective policies would reduce GDP by 1.5 percent over the long-run, reduce wages by 0.98 percent and eliminate about 585,000 jobs. But they would increase federal tax revenue by $3.8 trillion between 2021 and 2030 relative to current law.

The Tax Policy Center estimates Biden’s proposals would increase federal revenues by $4 trillion between 2021 and 2030, relative to current law. It would also disproportionately raise taxes on the top quintile of the income distribution.

That's not just people making over $400k
The next step is Hunter selling Uranium to China.

There's either complicity or outright stupidity in allowing the Chinese to buy up mining of exotic metals and minerals within our sphere of influence. The thing about imports and damage to our own natural resource industries seems less clear. It hurts our industry and balance of trade to import, but then again if something is truly a finite resource, we can be the last man standing when the world depletes the resources elsewhere. But it's absolutely stupid to even consider giving up mining rights on our soil or the raw metals/minerals (especially strategic and exotic materials) to a foreign government, and make no mistake China is China, Inc regardless of "company".
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