2020 Presidential Race

We paid for it in 2009.
Hate to break it to you but Clintons last day in office was January of 2000. 2008/2009 was GWB recession we pulled America out of and this is Trumps. Again don't worry we will fix this just so everyone can get comfortable again with their lives so in 8 year GOP can start to propagate gay Muslims who are coming to take your guns away in order to abort every baby they can!
Hate to break it to you but Clintons last day in office was January of 2000. 2008/2009 was GWB recession we pulled America out of and this is Trumps. Again don't worry we will fix this just so everyone can get comfortable again with their lives so in 8 year GOP can start to propagate gay Muslims who are coming to take your guns away in order to abort every baby they can!
And the economy was on the way to a recession when Bill left in January 2000. And what exactly can the feds “fix” right now? If governors would just open their states back up we’d be fine. Hell if they wouldn’t have shut them down in the first place the economy would still be roaring along like it was before the virus.
Hate to break it to you but Clintons last day in office was January of 2000. 2008/2009 was GWB recession we pulled America out of and this is Trumps. Again don't worry we will fix this just so everyone can get comfortable again with their lives so in 8 year GOP can start to propagate gay Muslims who are coming to take your guns away in order to abort every baby they can!

Look at who pressured Fannie/Freddie to make changes to their lending practices. Who signed the bill (Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act) that allowed the recession of 2009?
Hate to break it to you but Clintons last day in office was January of 2000. 2008/2009 was GWB recession we pulled America out of and this is Trumps. Again don't worry we will fix this just so everyone can get comfortable again with their lives so in 8 year GOP can start to propagate gay Muslims who are coming to take your guns away in order to abort every baby they can!
Whatever, Mick.
mmmhmmm...just like we all did with Clinton after the Reagan/Bush recession. Greatest economic expansion in decades. Don't worry, we are here just in time to dig ourselves out yet again.

Why would you look to government to take care of us ... except for that thing about paying exorbitant amounts of money into government supposedly for that purpose. It's a little bit like "Except for that, how did you like the play Mrs Lincoln?"

Between big government and big industry we are in no way prepared to handle a crisis on our own. What happens when China declares war ... whether a real one or the trade type?
President P*ssbag gets grilled and... surprise... p*ssies out like the big p*ssy that he is and always has been.

CBS News calls out White House for breaking agreement and posting Trump's '60 Minutes' interview online

The interview began with Stahl asking the President if he was "ready for tough questions." Trump replied that he only wanted her to be "fair."

"But you're OK with some tough questions?" Stahl asked.

"No, I'm not," Trump replied.
Biden wins, he gets impeached for all the Hunter shenanigans that get tied to him, Senate convicts, presto, we have our first woman President.

Not so all far fetched any more, it's 2020, so it could happen.*

Probably not*
Biden wins, he gets impeached for all the Hunter shenanigans that get tied to him, Senate convicts, presto, we have our first woman President.

Not so all far fetched any more, it's 2020, so it could happen.*

Probably not*

Not going to need an impeachment for him to step down after the midterms. Heck Harris could be his insurance policy in case the Rs take the house. They impeaching him with her next in line.
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Hate to break it to you but Clintons last day in office was January of 2000. 2008/2009 was GWB recession we pulled America out of and this is Trumps. Again don't worry we will fix this just so everyone can get comfortable again with their lives so in 8 year GOP can start to propagate gay Muslims who are coming to take your guns away in order to abort every baby they can!

Yay another alter/lawyer amiright?
He didn't have to lead them when he was on national tv every night for months. He just needed a consistent message and a coherent plan. Instead we got disinfectants, uv lights and a reminder he "shut down" travel every single night

There's a new story going around now that mouthwash inactivates cv in the mouth. Obviously the cure is ingesting large amounts of alcohol.
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Hate to break it to you but Clintons last day in office was January of 2000. 2008/2009 was GWB recession we pulled America out of and this is Trumps. Again don't worry we will fix this just so everyone can get comfortable again with their lives so in 8 year GOP can start to propagate gay Muslims who are coming to take your guns away in order to abort every baby they can!
This downturn was caused by Governors who ignorantly shut their entire states down. Many of them still have it shut down. And I will assume you are smart enough to know which political party they are associated with.
Not going to need an impeachment for him to step down after the midterms. Heck Harris could be his insurance policy in case the Rs take the house. They impeaching him with her next in line.
Won't have to wait until the midterms this way. The R's aren't going to take the House.

Here's another one, Biden catches COViD, recovers but now his dementia is full blown as a result, 25th Amendment, Nancy! Presto, first woman President.

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