2020 Presidential Race

Won't have to wait until the midterms this way. The R's aren't going to take the House.

Here's another one, Biden catches COViD, recovers but now his dementia is full blown as a result, 25th Amendment, Nancy! Presto, first woman President.

Dude, Biden (if he wins) will be POTUS until Jan 2023 unless he passes. He's not stepping down until after the 2022 midterms.
Dude, Biden (if he wins) will be POTUS until Jan 2023 unless he passes. He's not stepping down until after the 2022 midterms.
He's either not stepping down at all or circumstances ensue that he has to. I just laid out some scenarios where it could happen. Didn't say that they would. You miss my asterisk on the first scenario post?

Don't get so excited. Dude.
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Tulsi and Jim Webb are the two dems that the GOP should have done everything in their power to convert. There's still a chance with Tulsi. I could be happy with the next GOP ticket being Nikki Haley and Tulsi. The dems wouldn't know what to do if hit by that combination.
I'm no fan of Nikki Haley. She and Pompeo, if given the chance, would be warmongers on the level of Rumsfeld and Cheney, imo.
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Nancy requires a more permanent fix.
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Tahiti - never too hot never too cold.
I actually like the different seasons, but I get fed up with them before they end, except for Spring and Fall. The Winter and Summer seasons are when I like to take a break from sh!tty weather. I'm fine from 40 to 85 degrees. I despise rainy, cold, dreary days, and 90+ degree, high humidity days too..
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He's either not stepping down at all or circumstances ensue that he has to. I just laid out some scenarios where it could happen. Didn't say that they would. You miss my asterisk on the first scenario post?

Don't get so excited. Dude.

Dude! I missed your asterisk.
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he's bound and determined to make a damn fool out of himself.
Nah. If the media won’t acknowledge the 800 lb gorilla in the room then put the gorilla front and center. Now he could make a damn fool out of himself in how he uses him but if he speaks to the guy and not Joe and points to his previous business dealings Joe won’t be able to resist.
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We would have also accepted San Diego as a correct answer..the only Cali city I would move too
I met a man and his wife on vacation from San Diego a few years ago and he was an absolute tool. He talked about how much money he had spent on his landscaping and he didn't give a crap how much water he used watering his lawn even though they were in a drought. California deserves itself.
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I know. I am starting the negotiations process with a tenant to buy one of my houses. I was astonished at the comps for it.

I've also been looking at the Northeastern Florida market a little in anticipation of a move down there. I certainly get more for my money in TN than I will in Fl.
If Biden gets elected I bet you’ll be going on those foreclosure bus tours like they had in 2008. My boss bought a house in a gated community.... on the golf course in Venice.... 2 miles from the beach... in ground pool.... for $227k. It was built in 2006 and sold for $600k. He kept it until 2017 and sold it for nearly $500k
Nah. If the media won’t acknowledge the 800 lb gorilla in the room then put the gorilla front and center. Now he could make a damn fool out of himself in how he uses him but if he speaks to the guy and not Joe and points to his previous business dealings Joe won’t be able to resist.
Let em drain Mead till they extinct themselves then we can replenish it download.jpeg
Not going to need an impeachment for him to step down after the midterms. Heck Harris could be his insurance policy in case the Rs take the house. They impeaching him with her next in line.

Glad to see you guys are coming to accept the fact your boy is losing. Kudos!

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