2020 Presidential Race

Momentum is all Trump....just gotta finish strong....more to come laptop..hopefully the dark stuff and Joe's complacency with Hunter won't need to come out...you can bet Russia and China have stuff on him too.

Oozing desperation. I like it.
Oozing desperation. I like it.
The great news for you guys is that thanks to Dem Senate candidate screwups..the GOP will more than likely retain control...so even if Biden wins you will still have someone to blame on your life failures, bitterness, and overall unpleasantness
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The great news for you guys is that thinks to Dem Senate candidate screwups..the GOP will more than likely retain control...so even if Biden wins you will still have someone to blame on your life failures, bitterness, and overall unpleasantness
And you will still be you, which if you think about it kinda sucks for you.
Mandated masks for all interstate transportation? WTF does that even mean?

"As president I will mandate mask wearing in all federal buildings and all interstate transportation because masks save lives - period," Biden said in a speech in Delaware.
See it's a gift, they say something and it really means nothing.
Vegas doesn’t like anyone but the color green.... that means more gamblers have bet on Kelly..... not who they think will win

True, but pretty sure the line would adjust downward if they felt like the probability of Kelly losing was anything different than the odds they have set.
And you will still be you, which if you think about it kinda sucks for you.
Nah man I'm good...planning trips for the holidays...if Biden wins I'll shrug it off change some investments and move on...as opposed to the Libs in here walking around with clinched fists murmuring Orange Man bad for 4 years
True, but pretty sure the line would adjust downward if they felt like the probability of Kelly losing was anything different than the odds they have set.
Here's the site I was talking about. I'm not a betting person but with recent polling and the pic of Hitler...think Kelly's press secretary also said something about the police...you gotta think that McSally would be a bargain at that price 20201023_201347.jpg
There is no way that guy didn't know how the o-kay sign was interpreted.
As the ok symbol, which is how you identified it.....

If you have to describe 1 symbol with a 2nd symbol to describe the first I dont think you can rationally say the default is the first.

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