2020 Presidential Race

I think it's more likely that huge numbers are showing up. Granted the hard core members are not that big but there are a helluva lot of sympathizers out there. Look I'm a well traveled and educated southern boy and look like the biggest old redneck on earth. I blend in. I've hung around the barber shops pool halls and beer joints. I have a large and conservative family and old friends and acquaintances. I know the land. I know the people. My brother is a college graduate Lipscomb (if you accept that as a college) and just retired Church of Christ minister of a very large congregation. I don't think he realizes how racist he is. He stopped using the N word sometime ago but the way he his wife and those around him talk and act hasn't changed. His kids aren't like that and I've seen his son look at me and shake his head. I love him because he's family and we grew up hunting, fishing and playing sports together but I swear to God I am ready to take a 2x4 to his ass.
That is just people being normal..... I am a white redneck that lives in a heavily minority community..... I hang out with black people the majority of the time.... racist thoughts and ideas tend to happen from both races when they are not routinely around each other..... Tv.... news.... social media tends to hype up the worst of each group..... Look at you.... they have you talking about a symbol that maybe .000000001% of the population use as a racist symbol.
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Listen dang it. Trumps core of worshipers are totally and completely tuned in. They know the winks and nods. I've known for a long time what it means and I'm 100% positive the vast majority of his people do too .

BS. I've never given it a second thought as anything but OK, and I'd bet only an infinitesimal number of people see it as anything else.
That is just people being normal..... I am a white redneck that lives in a heavily minority community..... I hang out with black people the majority of the time.... racist thoughts and ideas tend to happen from both races when they are not routinely around each other..... Tv.... news.... social media tends to hype up the worst of each group..... Look at you.... they have you talking about a symbol that maybe .000000001% of the population use as a racist symbol.

I don't disagree that there is racism through our country on both sides. But the leader of our country has fueled the fire since the day he announced he was running. His very first remarks were designed to unite his followers behind him against the brown people from south of the border. Its structure was to relate to us that Mexicans were drug dealers, rapists and criminals and oh yeah a few of them are good people I suppose. He knew what he was doing and he's kept it up ever since. He is the single most driving force of racism in the country.
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I don't disagree that there is racism through our country on both sides. But the leader of our country has fueled the fire since the day he announced he was running. His very first remarks were designed to unite his followers behind him against the brown people from south of the border. Its structure was to relate to us that Mexicans were drug dealers, rapists and criminals and oh yeah a few of them are good people I suppose. He knew what he was doing and he's kept it up ever since. He is the single most driving force of racism in the country.
It was a calculated strategy........straight from Bannon and Stone. No one can deny it with a straight face.
Listen dang it. Trumps core of worshipers are totally and completely tuned in. They know the winks and nods. I've known for a long time what it means and I'm 100% positive the vast majority of his people do too .
I've been behind the times, I guess. I'll be sure and use it now around all my white supremacist buds.
Delphi Retirees Thank Trump for Action to Restore Their Pensions: ‘Best News Since Nightmare Began’ by Obama-Biden

Former Delphi workers, who had their pensions slashed in the Obama-Biden administration’s auto bailout, are thanking President Trump for his order that seeks a solution in restoring the lost pensions.

In 2009, as part of the Obama-Biden administration’s taxpayer-funded bailout of General Motors (GM), the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) terminated the pension plans of about 20,0000 non-unionized Delphi workers. In some cases, workers had their pensions gutted by as much as 75 percent.

A federal report in 2013 detailed that the Delphi workers would likely have their pensions cut by an estimated $440 million. Meanwhile, GM topped off unionized Delphi workers’ pensions at a cost of about $1 billion.

This week, Trump signed a memorandum that orders federal agencies to devise a plan on how to restore the Delphi workers’ slashed pensions over the next 90 days. Den Black with the Delphi Salaried Retirees Association (DSRA), which has been fighting for their pensions since the auto bailout, praised the decision.

“This is the best news since this nightmare began 11 years ago,” Black wrote in a statement:
Same thing happened to my father's retirement. In the last 35 years they have slashed it in half.
Listen dang it. Trumps core of worshipers are totally and completely tuned in. They know the winks and nods. I've known for a long time what it means and I'm 100% positive the vast majority of his people do too .

No they don’t, I have lived, grown up, and worked in North Georgia, North Alabama, and Southeast Tennessee. I have never seen or heard anyone use that symbol or been to a klan rally. I grew up in Southern Baptist. My dad fought in Vietnam. My mom’s brother died from cancer caused by Agent Orange and was a tunnel rat. Maybe you should question the company you keep before your project your political assumptions on the rest of humanity
No they don’t, I have lived, grown up, and worked in North Georgia, North Alabama, and Southeast Tennessee. I have never seen or heard anyone use that symbol or been to a klan rally. I grew up in Southern Baptist. My dad fought in Vietnam. My mom’s brother died from cancer caused by Agent Orange and was a tunnel rat. Maybe you should question the company you keep before your project your political assumptions on the rest of humanity

I have lived in Memphis for most of my life and spent a lot of time in the Mississippi delta. I’ve never seen or heard of KKK groups once in these areas except for the times the KKK is on the news because they acquire a meeting permit and it’s on local news and the 6 or so KKK members come in from Illinois. In the early 90’s I did see a group of 4 KKK members in Clayton, GA handing out pamphlets while being heckled from cars passing by. There are probably less than 7000 KKK members nationwide in a county of 330 million, so as a statistic they don’t even exist. Probably over half of the 7000 are also FBI informants.

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