2020 Presidential Race

I don't disagree that there is racism through our country on both sides. But the leader of our country has fueled the fire since the day he announced he was running. His very first remarks were designed to unite his followers behind him against the brown people from south of the border. Its structure was to relate to us that Mexicans were drug dealers, rapists and criminals and oh yeah a few of them are good people I suppose. He knew what he was doing and he's kept it up ever since. He is the single most driving force of racism in the country.
That’s based strictly on the persons perceptions that is hearing it..... a very big issue is illegal immigration which a lot feels need to be corrected.... YES.....did he go over the top with fear tactics? YES.... but no different than the democrats and climate change.... we are going to die or coronavirus with comments that trump killed 200,000 people..... Ask people that have immigrated here legally..... they are more pissed about illegal immigration than any redneck southerner and they have brown skin as well.....That’s the probably with racism..... people have started wanting to see it every where.... trump talks just as bad about white people.... black people.... women..... Mexicans......That looks like equality to me
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Listen dang it. Trumps core of worshipers are totally and completely tuned in. They know the winks and nods. I've known for a long time what it means and I'm 100% positive the vast majority of his people do too .
Serious question: For a sign that's had a well know meaning for generations, and has more recently been claimed to have a niche meaning by a small, mocked group, how can you so surely stand yourself up as the trustworthy moderator of assumed motives?

I'd like a serious answer because, in all honesty, it comes across as arrogant to the extreme. And from the group that accuse the right of being vindictive and divisive, it comes across as more than arrogant. IT comes across as hypocritical since all appearance indicate that you are unwilling to give the benefit of the doubt and are just looking for reasons to demonize the opposition.

Liberals" The Great Unifiers,

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