2020 Presidential Race

Even Jill Biden lies about their first "blind" date.
Jill and her then husband were working on Joe's Senate campaign...he had to go out of town and do something for a Springsteen tour....Jill stayed behind so she could be alone having her affair with Joe....only reason we found out is that Joe wrecked her hubby's Vette and never paid or admitted to the damages
I don't disagree that there is racism through our country on both sides. But the leader of our country has fueled the fire since the day he announced he was running. His very first remarks were designed to unite his followers behind him against the brown people from south of the border. Its structure was to relate to us that Mexicans were drug dealers, rapists and criminals and oh yeah a few of them are good people I suppose. He knew what he was doing and he's kept it up ever since. He is the single most driving force of racism in the country.
Another example of your unwillingness to give the benefit of the doubt to demonize a person/group that you disagree with.

Please specifically quote Trump's racist statement. Are you referring to the comment that there are rapists and murderers in that group? There were. It was a true statement. And it was by definition NOT a racist statement.

A racists statement would have been: "We don't want brown/hispanic people in this country." But he didn't even say we don't want them. He said there are dangerous elements within that group that must be weeded out, and we have immigration policy that does that.

(It's a shame I should have to spell this out, but nonetheless... READ: He gave a reason besides race, which is by definition not a racist statement.)

If you pick a hair out of your meal, does that mean that you hate the entree, or does that mean that you don't want to swallow a hair?

Now, go back and reread your blatant mis-characterization, the demonization of your political enemies, as you claim that they are the divisive ones.
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No it's not. The current state is to falsely demonize those who disagree with us, and you seem to be leading the charge here.
He’s right @Hunerwadel watching you die on this buckwheat O-tay hill is rather unexpected. It’s just dumb, the “ok” symbol has been around forever with no racial overtones. Hell its the international divers symbol for everything is... “ok” 🤷‍♂️C83BB2FB-6228-41F4-8647-C83E2207F7DF.jpeg
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Listen dang it. Trumps core of worshipers are totally and completely tuned in. They know the winks and nods. I've known for a long time what it means and I'm 100% positive the vast majority of his people do too .
Winks and nods, huh? That's what makes this all racist? Is it possible you're the one hung up on race and you're the one that's making issues about it where there are non?

Every time the left accuse Trump and the right of racist dog whistles, do you know what they're actually admitting? They're admitting that there's nothing there unless you filter everything through their narrative of hate and fear towards their enemies. They're admitting it's nothing unless you buy into their methods of demonizing their enemies.

That's what you are advertising right now with this "wink and nod" stuff. And you have the audacity to do it in conjunction with the accusation that they are the dividers, while you are attacking, demonizing and dividing.

If you actually believe the ideals you claim to value--unity, love, compassion, mutual respect--maybe you'll take a long hard look in the mirror and decide that those are values that you should begin to exemplify.

Or... You could use the idea of those values as a mallet, as you've continually done so here.

That's about it. Have a nice day.
He’s right @Hunerwadel watching you die on this buckwheat O-tay hill is rather unexpected. It’s just dumb, the “ok” symbol has been around forever with no racial overtones. Hell its the international divers symbol for everything is... “ok” 🤷‍♂️View attachment 317362
Let's see... There's an "O" in there, and there's a "K" in there...
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Ahh EL's fave Dem talking point liar got reprimanded by the Gov....he truly is the biggest lying POS on Twitter...Kyle was the one posting Schiff's leaks that later proved to be wrong during impeachment 20201024_094702.jpg20201024_094639.jpg

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