2020 Presidential Race

Chelsea was born far too late....she would have made a great Democratic property retrievement pursuer in the 1800s
Let's see... There's an "O" in there, and there's a "K" in there...
The ok symbol was devised by some trolls on 4 Chan to troll the media into thinking it was a rascist gesture. Since journalists as a whole are not a very intelligent group and are notably uncurious, they unsurprisingly bit on the bait and that’s where we are now.
I'd have to think I've used it in class or on Zoom. Always to mean OK. Frightening to think people like our posters here would interpret as racist
Sometimes it's an o-kay sign.
If my mom used the sign, I would interpret it as her saying o-kay.
If a skin-head with a swastika tattoo on his forehead used the sign, I would have a tendency to interpret it as a white power sign.
That's kind of the thing with those types of symbols.
The ok symbol was devised by some trolls on 4 Chan to troll the media into thinking it was a rascist gesture.
I saw the links to the 4Chan posts some time ago. That's my understanding as well. These were the same trolls that tricked women in foregoing sanitary supplies and bleeding for feminism, or some stupid crap. They're no better. At least they're honest about what they are.
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Sometimes it's an o-kay sign.
If my mom used the sign, I would interpret it as her saying o-kay.
If a skin-head with a swastika tattoo on his forehead used the sign, I would have a tendency to interpret it as a white power sign.
That's kind of the thing with those types of symbols.
In other words, if someone told you they were using it as a WS symbol?

What about if a non-skin-head with different political ideas used it? (Please be careful of question begging in your answer. Thanks.)
I saw the links to the 4Chan posts some time ago. That's my understanding as well. These were the same trolls that tricked women in foregoing sanitary supplies and bleeding for feminism, or some stupid crap. They're no better. At least they're honest about what they are.
OC, there is a book you might interesting that delves into the characters in the current new right and the alt right subset. It delves into this topic and others like Pepe the frog and is very well written.

In other words, if someone told you they were using it as a WS symbol?

What about if a non-skin-head with different political ideas used it? (Please be careful of question begging in your answer. Thanks.)
Thanks for asking, I was hoping someone would take the bait.
The answer is obvious; you don't always know, you're left to use your own judgement.
That's the whole point of giving a common symbol a secret meaning.
As I said last night, it's all about the user's intent and the receiver's ability to accurately interpret the intent.
Thanks for asking, I was hoping someone would take the bait.
The answer is obvious; you don't always know, you're left to use your own judgement.
That's the whole point of giving a common symbol a secret meaning.
As I said last night, it's all about the user's intent and the receiver's ability to accurately interpret the intent.
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Serious question: For a sign that's had a well know meaning for generations, and has more recently been claimed to have a niche meaning by a small, mocked group, how can you so surely stand yourself up as the trustworthy moderator of assumed motives?

I'd like a serious answer because, in all honesty, it comes across as arrogant to the extreme. And from the group that accuse the right of being vindictive and divisive, it comes across as more than arrogant. IT comes across as hypocritical since all appearance indicate that you are unwilling to give the benefit of the doubt and are just looking for reasons to demonize the opposition.

Liberals" The Great Unifiers,

Things change. It is now a racist sign and has been. By unifying do you mean I have to see things your way or you have to see things mine. You knot that will not happen. We or you have to win by numbers or find a common enemy worse than each other. Which is going to be hard to knowing what Trumpism stands for.
The 'OK' Hand Gesture Is Now Listed As A Symbol Of Hate
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OC, there is a book you might interesting that delves into the characters in the current new right and the alt right subset. It delves into this topic and others like Pepe the frog and is very well written.

I found this of interest, though:

As united by their opposition as they are divided by their goals, the members of the New Right are willfully suspicious of those in the mainstream who would seek to tell their story. Fortunately, author Michael Malice was there from the very inception, and in The New Right recounts their tale from the beginning.
That's something that I've found interesting with the left. They've built their minions on postmodernism and the claim that we must distrust every authority, narrative and worldview, as they are mere weaponized words, as agendas, used to control.

Yet they have created mindless drones that do not question the postmodern agenda and weaponized liberal narrative. (They don't even question the postmodern worldview which--according to the postmodern worldview--must by definition be weaponized words, used as agendas, to control.) They hold up the MSM as the authoritative source of truth, and they demonize those who distrust their own liberal narrative and sources.

It's pure self-contradiction.
Ahh EL's fave Dem talking point liar got reprimanded by the Gov....he truly is the biggest lying POS on Twitter...Kyle was the one posting Schiff's leaks that later proved to be wrong during impeachment View attachment 317377View attachment 317379
They are identified as being "far right" in basically every publication which discusses them, including recent articles in USA Today. Their Wikipedia page also describes them as being "far right". I understand that anyone can edit a Wiki page, but if it isn't accurate, then maybe they should correct it?
And sociology, psychology, and political science books will be full of theories of how the American public allowed it to happen.
This is absolutely correct.
They will also be full of theories as to how seemingly functional, nominally sane individuals justified a vote for either of these two bozos.
Good grief...

People are offended and going off on Twitter about Trump saying the air in India is filthy.

He called a spade a spade and people want to be triggered and offended about it?
Who cares? It’s people that wouldn’t vote for him anyway.
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No it's not. The current state is to falsely demonize those who disagree with us, and you seem to be leading the charge here.
The man at the top is leading the charge. He started off on day one demonizing the brown skinned people down south. Tell me that's not true. He could have spoke about illegal immigration without branding them with rapists, drug dealers and criminals and implying that only a few of them were a good people.....perhaps. His adoring mobs rallied around that and expanded it to include everyone who is not them.
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