2020 Presidential Race

What????????? Where in the world did you come up with that nonsense.

It's more that you guys are claiming, "I hear no whistle, therefore there cannot be one".

Who can hear the dog whistle, luther? And why is it that us non-dogs have to take your word for the fact that there's a whistle?

Why not just listen to what they say (and clarify), make intellectual judgments, and note that the only ones that can hear the evil whistle happen to be the ones that are in a struggle against them for the face of our nation and culture?

And I'm not saying there "cannot" be one. That's very intellectually dishonest to claim. We're saying, prove it. And your argument isn't that there "may" be a whistle. It's that there is a whistle. Yet you consider making the accusation synonymous with winning a debate.

It's absurd on its very face.
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Then perhaps you should start acting like it. If you want to prove that they're racists, stop asking us to take your word for it. Prove they're racist. Pointing at attributed motives that hings on a hand gesture that has always had one meaning and now (supposedly)has ANOTHER, well, that's just asking us to look at you instead of the object of the discussion.
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I've been very clear that that's not what I've meant. I've pointed out the hoops that you jump through to demonize your enemy, while claiming they are the dividers. Here you are making excuses for being a divider who wants to win against your perceived enemies. It's kind of jarring, to be honest.

By using divisiveness as a pejorative, you made unity a virtue, and now here you are making excuses why divisiveness is a vice in your enemies, while its a virtue in your group. Weird, don't you think? Your only out is to claim that it hinges on who is virtuous and who is demonized.

So, you beg the question that your side is virtuous and the other are the demons.

You do so by begging the question of what they stand for. To do so, you mis-characterize their words, message and actions, even in the face of them trying to clarify. That's not a very virtuous way of proving your virtues.

You have to beg the questions by becoming the interpreter or their words and actions. By pointing to "winks, nods and dog whistles", to the person paying attention, it's become clear that you have to reason we find them demonic. We have to interpret them through your drive to "win by numbers", by creating numbers that view them the way you do.

Apparently by any means necessary.

That's not very virtuous.

For, what is a dog whistle, but something that not everyone can hear? Normal people can't hear the racism. Only dogs can. And if we let the dogs inform us, we can become dogs, and the dogs can win.

Oh, and you did mention that you're one of the few dogs that can hear the whistle. So, we should listen to you.

The dog.

You may not hear the whistle because you don't believe it exists or or believe it's not a whistle. I do and so do proud boys, bugaboo bois, skinheads, neos and their many sympathizers. Trump told them on national TV to stand back and stand by. You know stand by means hang on and wait for further information or communications. No, I do not intend to unify with you. Your ideals I do not share. Not just on social issues either. GWB once said if you support terrorists you are a terrorist. I believe if you support a racists you are a racist. Trump is clearly a racist and has demonstrated it over and over. We have no choice but banish these divisive leaders and ideas from our government. In that respect I am divisive.
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Nope. I’ve pointed out the consistent usage of these signs in the diver communications lexicon. The thumbs up has always been surface immediately and the ok has always been ok. And a bunch of made up 4 Chan **** that you idiots fell for doesn’t change that.
Did you suffer a head injury?
Whoever said it changed the meanings of the diver communications lexicon?
I've said some signs have multiple meanings. If you disagree with that, you're an idiot.
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Who can hear the dog whistle, luther? And why is it that us non-dogs have to take your word for the fact that there's a whistle?

Why not just listen to what they say (and clarify), make intellectual judgments, and note that the only ones that can hear the evil whistle happen to be the ones that are in a struggle against them for the face of our nation and culture?
You guys hear all types of dog whistles that I never hear. Everyone has their own personal range of frequencies.
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Did you suffer a head injury?
Whoever said it changed the meanings of the diver communications lexicon?
I've said some signs have multiple meanings. If you disagree with that, you're an idiot.
Well only you and huner. Both implying your narrow view dog whistle should be taken without question on your ******** assertions. Other than that nothing has changed.
I’ve always considered that hand signal to mean OK but since everybody’s now saying that’s racist I’ll guess I’ll change. Now when people ask instead of the “ok” sign I’ll just give em a sign of my longest finger. !!!!! Hey, it least it not racist.
Your prerogative. But they won't know you mean OK.
Well only you and huner. Both implying your narrow view dog whistle should be taken without question on your ******** assertions. Other than that nothing has changed.
It's my opinion the guy in the Trump video was flashing the white power sign. It's your opinion that he was not.
Everyone is free to make their own interpretation, a fact of which that guy was well aware.
You may not hear the whistle because you don't believe it exists or or believe it's not a whistle. I do and so do proud boys, bugaboo bois, skinheads, neos and their many sympathizers. Trump told them on national TV to stand back and stand by. You know stand by means hang on and wait for further information or communications. No, I do not intend to unify with you. Your ideals I do not share. Not just on social issues either. GWB once said if you support terrorists you are a terrorist. I believe if you support a racists you are a racist. Trump is clearly a racist and has demonstrated it over and over. We have no choice but banish these divisive leaders and ideas from our government. In that respect I am divisive.
Can "stand by" mean something else (e.g., Many bystanders stood by while the tragedy unfolded. We can't just stand by and let this happen)?
So was your link. In the ADL’s “opinion” the ok symbol has to a large degree been coopted as a hate symbol. Idiocy.
The link is a fact corroborated by many others and racists groups themselves. And it was hijacked. BTW all of my statements are my opinions also obviously. But I believe in my opinions and I admit I'm not infallible. But you have to show it to me.
It's my opinion the guy in the Trump video was flashing the white power sign. It's your opinion that he was not.
Everyone is free to make their own interpretation, a fact of which that guy was well aware.
Yep. We’re used to you taking things out of context and spewing your dog whistles. And it’s good clean fun mocking your idiot ass on it when you do it. That dude is the most stealth white supremacist anybody has ever seen 😂
You may not hear the whistle because you don't believe it exists or or believe it's not a whistle. I do and so do proud boys, bugaboo bois, skinheads, neos and their many sympathizers. Trump told them on national TV to stand back and stand by. You know stand by means hang on and wait for further information or communications. No, I do not intend to unify with you. Your ideals I do not share. Not just on social issues either. GWB once said if you support terrorists you are a terrorist. I believe if you support a racists you are a racist. Trump is clearly a racist and has demonstrated it over and over. We have no choice but banish these divisive leaders and ideas from our government. In that respect I am divisive.

That's a whole lot of tripe, you know? It's just a dog asking non-dogs to give them the benefit of the doubt.

And the tripe builds up when you try to demonize Trump and Righties as "divisive", and then get backed into the corner of describing your divisiveness.

I mean. Damn. That's ugly.

It's a blatant and obvious use of intellectual dishonesty and manipulation. You never considered "divisiveness" to be a vice. You obviously consider it to be a virtue. You just find it a convenient way to demonize those who disagree with you--those with whom you are at war and need to "win by the numbers".

I mean, damn. That's truly an ugly admission.

So, divisiveness is not a vice. It is a virtue. The vice is to hold ideological beliefs that differ from you. That's the real sin here. Not "divisiveness".

And if someone commits that sin, they're fair game for you and your side to demonize.


Good day.
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The link is a fact corroborated by many others and racists groups themselves. And it was hijacked. BTW all of my statements are my opinions also obviously. But I believe in my opinions but I admit I'm not infallible. But you have to show it to me.
😂. It’s their opinion huner. It’s well traced where this all started and it’s truly glorious on the idiots who have jumped on it and propagated it. Clearly one of 4 Chan’s best efforts to date.
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That's a whole lot of tripe, you know? It's just a dog asking non-dogs to give them the benefit of the doubt.

And the tripe builds up when you try to demonize Trump and Righties as "divisive", and then get backed into the corner of describing your divisiveness.

I mean. Damn. That's ugly.

It's a blatant and obvious use of intellectual dishonesty and manipulation. You never considered "divisiveness" to be a vice. You obviously consider it to be a virtue. You just find it a convenient way to demonize those who disagree with you--those with whom you are at war and need to "win by the numbers".

I mean, damn. That's truly an ugly admission.

So, divisiveness is not a vice. It is a virtue. The vice is to hold ideological beliefs that differ from you. That's the real sin here. Not "divisiveness".

And if someone commits that sin, they're fair game for you and your side to demonize.


Good day.
Your post has some merit IMO. I am divisive. Because my only other alternative is to join something I don't believe in. Donnie is divisive but he won't admit it and he's not going to change either.
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Because America is a CHRISTIAN nation dagumit!

Wouldn't it be nice if people actually cared about being good to our fellow man more than pontificating about prayer at school and the right to discriminate against those different from under the claim of "free exercise"?

Cool what should happen with them?
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