2020 Presidential Race

Your post has some merit IMO. I am divisive. Because my only other alternative is to join something I don't believe in. Donnie is divisive but he won't admit it and he's not going to change either.
My post has a LOT of merit, considering your use of "divisiveness" as a pejorative, and neew admission that it's a virtue.

I don't believe divisiveness is a vice either.

Of course, I didn't use it as a sin to demonize someone for disagreeing with me, either.

So, what it boils down to is that you are an intellectual fascist that believes it's a sin to hold different values from you, and committing that sin makes them fair game to being falsely demonized (dehumanized) through intellectual dishonesty?

Like I said, it's an ugly admission.
My post has a LOT of merit, considering your use of "divisiveness" as a pejorative, and neew admission that it's a virtue.

I don't believe divisiveness is a vice either.

Of course, I didn't use it as a sin to demonize someone for disagreeing with me, either.

So, what it boils down to is that you are an intellectual fascist that believes it's a sin to hold different values from you, and committing that sin makes them fair game to being falsely demonized (dehumanized) through intellectual dishonesty?

Like I said, it's an ugly admission.
I haven't demonized you but I believe supporting a racists is racism. Where do you get that I am an intellectual fascist and I never said it's sinful to be misguided in your beliefs? It looks more like you are doing the demonizing.
Sometimes it's an o-kay sign.
If my mom used the sign, I would interpret it as her saying o-kay.
If a skin-head with a swastika tattoo on his forehead used the sign, I would have a tendency to interpret it as a white power sign.
That's kind of the thing with those types of symbols.

Is your mom white though?
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I haven't demonized you but I believe supporting a racists is racism. Where do you get that I am an intellectual fascist and I never said it's sinful to be misguided in your beliefs? It looks more like you are doing the demonizing.
No. You demonized Trump as "divisive" while also admitting that this is a battle of ideas, and divisiveness is a virtue in the war of numbers.

So, his sin is thinking differently, as opposed to being divisive. His sin is being on the other side of your ideological, cultural war. His sin is being your ideological enemy, as you seek to live divisively until everyone agrees with you and sees him as a demon.

That's intellectual fascism. I'm not demonizing. I'm just tearing away your descriptions and pointing out your actual argument.

And you are yet to prove that Trump is a racist. You've claimed him a racist, while inferring that we need to trust your divisive tactics in an ideological war of numbers to see his racism.

It's slight of hand, but when we piece the internal contradictions together... We see that you're just dehumanizing an enemy to win a cultural war.
No. You demonized Trump as "divisive" while also admitting that this is a battle of ideas, and divisiveness is a virtue in the war of numbers.

So, his sin is thinking differently, as opposed to being divisive. His sin is being on the other side of your ideological, cultural war. His sin is being your ideological enemy, as you seek to live divisively until everyone agrees with you and sees him as a demon.

That's intellectual fascism. I'm not demonizing. I'm just tearing away your descriptions and pointing out your actual argument.

And you are yet to prove that Trump is a racist. You've claimed him a racist, while inferring that we need to trust your divisive tactics in an ideological war of numbers to see his racism.

It's slight of hand, but when we piece the internal contradictions together... We see that you're just dehumanizing an enemy to win a cultural war.

Why are you on this sin kick. Sin is a made up biblical term that implies one might be in danger of hell fire or some horrid punishment. There is only right and wrong and that can be objective in so many cases. I have about 20 posts on the subject of racism which we were discussing. Take them as you will. I have nothing to add or argue about that. And I certainly don't want to argue religion but you brought up sin and I don't accept that it exists except in the mind. We're through here.

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