2020 Presidential Race

There is a date. You have to cast your vote by Election Day and put it in the mail. Any dates based on receipt are going to either (a) throw out votes cast on Election Day as “too late” or (b) include votes cast after Election Day, which is obviously problematic

If it's mail in, the postmark date needs to be before Election Day, like maybe a week before. But that's not the biggest problem. They need to look carefully into ballot harvesting and come up with a law that bans that. I don't like 3rd parties being paid to collect and deliver "ballots". This results in boxes of ballots being "dumped", very late in the game. This is crap. Here's a little about it:

What is ballot harvesting, where is it allowed and should you hand your ballot to a stranger?
There is a date. You have to cast your vote by Election Day and put it in the mail. Any dates based on receipt are going to either (a) throw out votes cast on Election Day as “too late” or (b) include votes cast after Election Day, which is obviously problematic
Again the date is irrelevant.
Pick a cutoff for whatever reason and everyone knows the rules. No votes are counted till all are in.
How about do away with party system elect individuals based on platform.
Again, the party system is a people choice. How do you get rid of a system created by the people? The Constitution didn't create political parties, people did. There is no magic wand to get rid of political parties. People have to make a conscious choice to move away from that, and I doubt a majority of people are willing to do that. Most people are happy being sheep.
My gut tells me there was voter fraud just from watching several statistically improbable things happen consecutively all favoring Biden. Granted, that isn't proof in and of itself. If there was fraud, was it the determining factor? Maybe not. But any voter fraud in a close election will undermine confidence in the results. Either way, I think this one is over and we need to move on. For future elections, we need to make sure that these things don't happen. Who in their right mind could possibly be against having open and transparent vote counting? Hell, it ought to be recorded close up and live streamed on YouTube for every district. The only reason you could be against that is if you wanted to cheat while counting. And while we're at it, there has to be a better way of running the mail in voting process. It isn't nearly as secure as in person voting and needs to either be scrapped altogether or completely overhauled. If you are against that, it is can only be because you would like for your party to be able to cheat with it in the future.
What?? You mean the Republicans don't plan to loot 70in TV's and playstations?? Throw bricks, hit people with lead pipes or burn peoples buisnesses down??VJHtXeMHViHRHvKGKm.gif
Again the date is irrelevant.
Pick a cutoff for whatever reason and everyone knows the rules. No votes are counted till all are in.

Yeah, I wasn't a fan of mail in ballots before the election. That hasn't changed. But if its going to be done on a similar level going forward, they have to find a better way of doing it. Id start here tho. If you have "in" person on Nov 3, the rest of the ballots need to be present the day of the election and processed ready to count.
Hey conservatives on this board who always say “you don’t see the ‘right’ going around rioting and causing chaos”, I present you with Exhibit A: this 🤡.

Appears there are extreme characters on both sides. Who knew.
You think a post on a message board a is equal to actual rioting.
That system exists because of Republican decision making. Besides, if they let Trumpsters sit 3 inches away and stomp their feet at every Biden ballot, it wouldn't matter. Plus, if they did, the Trumpsters would find something else to cry foul about.

Its over. Biden is going to be President in January.
I’m not disputing the outcome of this election. I’m saying that mass mail in balloting is a mine field that we’ve got to gain control over or every close election is going to be met with these claims. Got to find ways to better authenticate ballots, maintain chain of custody in an uber transparent way and be less schizophrenic with deadlines.
True - we are a very divided nation. And I used “majority” in a literal sense meaning more people will have voted for Biden than Trump. Didn’t mean to make it sound like it’s all one sided or a blowout

The majority voting for Biden doesn't necessarily mean they agree with Biden. It could be they just agreed with him more than they did with Trump. The people aren't actually being represented when they choose the POTUS. They're basically given a choice of two people and asked which one can they live with best? Winning the Presidency isn't a mandate that people want to see your policies implemented so much as it is they just liked you better than the other choice.
I like it but don’t see those changes being made to the constitution either

I believe Senators were originally selected by the state legislatures. The 17th Amendment's approval in 1913, based on a wave of populist fervor, ended that and began the popularity contests. I, for one, have thought this was a not a better method. Prior to, a Senator, regardless of party, had to pretty much keep his ear to ground with regards to the interest of his state because the state legislature could remove him and had longer memories than the general population who tends to only pay attention every six years. The 17th was another in a line of amendments that weakened the relative position of the states to the federal government.

But agree, the 17th will never be changed because it favors the incumbents and they sure as hell are not voting against their self interest.
The majority voting for Biden doesn't necessarily mean they agree with Biden. It could be they just agreed with him more than they did with Trump. The people aren't actually being represented when they choose the POTUS. They're basically given a choice of two people and asked which one can they live with best? Winning the Presidency isn't a mandate that people want to see your policies implemented so much as it is they just liked you better than the other choice.

I don’t disagree with this. It’s the only options we’re given.
Repubs are throwing everything against the wall hoping something will stick. When will they admit they just can’t handle losing? It’s the same as 4 years ago with Dems. It’s Repubs turn now to eat humble pie.
Funny coming from people that still can't get over the 2016 election and a Russia hoax.
I'm okay with that....look at what happened this year...all the major Dem candidates dropped out before Super Tuesday it's not like the whole Dem country chose Biden as nominee...they really had no other choices..take the money out of it and expand ideology via more parties....a good start might be conservative, liberal, progressive, libertarian, and green
I agree. I also want ranked choice voting (makes multiple parties far more sustainable). And speaker of the house/senate majority leader should be replaced with procedural positions.
Lol pathetic. People complaining about voter fraud with no evidence at all. Let’s talk about how Biden won the popular vote by 4 million but due to electoral college - designed to give slave holding states equal power in the 1800s - we still have to wonder who won. Wonder why republicans don’t ever talk about that? A system they’ve gerrymandered to ensure the minority still has a hold on power.
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Hey conservatives on this board who always say “you don’t see the ‘right’ going around rioting and causing chaos”, I present you with Exhibit A: this 🤡.

Appears there are extreme characters on both sides. Who knew.
I've been critical of some of the Republican response, but I've yet to see where the right has taken to the street to riot or partake in general unrest. I've been paying attention, just on the off chance I can get some Christmas looting, er, I mean shopping, done.
I’m not disputing the outcome of this election. I’m saying that mass mail in balloting is a mine field that we’ve got to gain control over or every close election is going to be met with these claims. Got to find ways to better authenticate ballots, maintain chain of custody in an uber transparent way and be less schizophrenic with deadlines.

Besides getting the votes counted within 24 hrs, I don't think there is anything we could have done in this election that would have prevented Trump from making wild claims about fraud and his acolytes buying into it. Trump still would make the claims under those circumstances, but fewer red hats would be making noise at least.

You can improve the controls and transparency and people are still going to believe what they want to believe because there will still be blinds spots in the system.
The majority voting for Biden doesn't necessarily mean they agree with Biden. It could be they just agreed with him more than they did with Trump. The people aren't actually being represented when they choose the POTUS. They're basically given a choice of two people and asked which one can they live with best? Winning the Presidency isn't a mandate that people want to see your policies implemented so much as it is they just liked you better than the other choice.
Biden is not inspiring on any level. He is really very bland and not a progressive at all. There is no way he will be reelected in 2024... I don't think he will even run... and that's just fine with me and most Democrats as well.
I’m not disputing the outcome of this election. I’m saying that mass mail in balloting is a mine field that we’ve got to gain control over or every close election is going to be met with these claims. Got to find ways to better authenticate ballots, maintain chain of custody in an uber transparent way and be less schizophrenic with deadlines.

That's why in the future I want electronic voting.
You think a post on a message board a is equal to actual rioting.

Just showing the mental capacity of that 🤡 who is advocating for violence/rioting (just like conservative hero Steve Bannon who said he would put Fauci’s and Wray’s head on a stick) and that there are, in fact, extremes on both sides.

Although you are absolutely correct, saying it and doing it are different.

And my guess is that 🤡 is merely a keyboard warrior, which in this situation is preferable. So I’m sure nothing comes of it.

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