2020 Presidential Race

Just showing the mental capacity of that 🤡 who is advocating for violence/rioting (just like conservative hero Steve Bannon who said he would put Fauci’s and Wray’s head on a stick) and that there are, in fact, extremes on both sides.

Although you are absolutely correct, saying it and doing it are different.

And my guess is that 🤡 is merely a keyboard warrior, which in this situation is preferable. So I’m sure nothing comes of it.

I know what you're saying, but I also realize the right talks a mean game but rarely follows through, whereas the left has actually followed through with disruptive protests that have led to riots in the past.
The far right just tried to to shoot up the Philadelphia convention center in an attempt to stop vote counting. I thinkcthe far right is plenty dangerous.
Once again, 2 lone idiots planning and then not doing something is different than thousands of people looting stores, beating people in the streets, and burning private property to the ground for 6 months.
The fewer ca policies the better imo

But that was also an issue when the ec was rolled out. It's why there are 2 houses and checks/balances
That brings up and interesting point that I haven't seen mentioned in this discussion.

The Fed government being the massive bloated animal that it is, forces this to be more important than it should be. Or was designed to be.

Your normal everyday life should have a lot less to do with who is running the Fed gov (Pres, Senators, Reps) than who your Gov., state reps, and mayors are.
Yeah why update something that was put in place 200 years ago when the landscape was completely different and the whole reason it was put in place was to ensure that slave holding states could wield as much power as the north.

The US would not break up because of this. You really think a system where the miniority rules is just? Haha
I'll share with you what I've shared with others to describe the relationships between voters, states, and our federal government.

The three participants above are in a dance of governance. In this dance, no one is supposed to lead. All should have an equal footing...it is structured this way to prevent one's power and influence stepping on the others.
Citizens are represented by Representatives.
States are represented by Senate (since amended).
Federal concerns are represented by the President.
Much of the negotiation and concern when the states began the process of unionization dealt with assurances all 3 parties of the dance are protected.
China's little b***h will not be a legitimate president, he will have won by cheating and that's clear. I figured they would cheat but I didn't see it happening is so many different states. I will never acknowledge him as our president
Reminds me of the kid in our neighborhood who would cry and take his ball home if the game wasn't going his way.
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I believe Senators were originally selected by the state legislatures. The 17th Amendment's approval in 1913, based on a wave of populist fervor, ended that and began the popularity contests. I, for one, have thought this was a not a better method. Prior to, a Senator, regardless of party, had to pretty much keep his ear to ground with regards to the interest of his state because the state legislature could remove him and had longer memories than the general population who tends to only pay attention every six years. The 17th was another in a line of amendments that weakened the relative position of the states to the federal government.

But agree, the 17th will never be changed because it favors the incumbents and they sure as hell are not voting against their self interest.

The 17th amendment is a travesty.
No reason? We knew when we were going to have this election 150 years ago. Despite a growing sentiment of mistrust in our election process(that's a healthy outcome to accomadate the few people who refuse to use the many resources and opportunities to vote) , you still think it's the best way? Only explanation is partisanship. If you ask me, do away with mail in ballots and have a strict process of request and deadline so people go vote in person with IDs. Then it leaves very few margin to dispute.

It’s definitely partisanship, in that one side uses unsubstantiated allegations of widespread voter fraud to try to restrict the other party’s members from voting, then pretend it’s out of concern for “the integrity of the election” when the only concern about integrity was something they themselves invented
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The far right doesn’t exist in terms of any kind of base. The far left has burned cities and killed people for 6 months. One is a much bigger problem than the other.

The far right has killed far more people and they have threatened to kidnap and kill a governor.

We can go round and round on this but part of the problem is that people need to recognize the shortcomings on their own side.
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