2020 Presidential Race

Where is everyone seeing this new info
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They didn't say it's 100% free of fraud, an impossible standard, but they said it was the most secure in history.

So, "they" didn't say what you claimed. And to make it even worse, you didn't post a link to the claims of the "they". You posted a link to a tweet that assures us what some nameless people supposedly said.

I'd seriously like to see a link to the basis of these claims, because I suspect I've read the source of what you're referencing and it wasn't a statement from "DHS". It was a statement from a non-official counsel, signed by members of various association, some of which serve in DHS.

I seriously would like these claims sourced.

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Yah. I verified. DHS did not make the claims per the election. A non-gov counsel called the "Election Infrastructure Government Coordinating Council", which happened to have a member of DHS in its leadership, made the claim.

(It's the equivalent of all these open letters signed by "150 former AGs", or whatever the heck the liberals feel they need at the moment to bolster a media narrative at any given time."

The former head of the DHS cybersecurity division is on that counsel.

There is no official DHS statement to that effect that I've seen. A lot of misinformation being passed as fact.
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1. That GCC statement was not a cybersecurity investigative summary.

2. If it were a cybersecurity investigative summary, I would be very suspicious of it. You just don't write "there is no evidence..." You write, we were unable to prove...ascertain...uncover...

You don't start the entire thing off with a giant claim to have proven a negative. It undermines any sense of credibility.

3. The timing of this is suspicious as h. if it were to be coming from DHS. The DoJ just said that they will begin investigating claims of election fraud. You don't come out and state there is no evidence before the investigation begins.

This has all the earmarks of a high-ranking member of a gov't agency adding his perceived clout to a non-gov't counsel in an effort to feed narrative. Little more and little less.
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That’s all well and good, but it doesn’t actually say anything about fraud. It just speculates what would happen if there was fraud, and even that is on shaky ground.
If you kept reading, you saw that I've already eyerolled this just as I do your links, for the same reason.

You asked. I answered.

Oh, and I think this was the link I meant to quote in response to your question.

Did the US Raid European Software Company Scytl and Seize their Servers in Germany? -- Company Refutes Claims?
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The mystery Michigan food vans did, in fact, contain food. There were orange slice’s, juice boxes, and sandwiches. The food wasn't allowed to be delivered because the sandwiches were cut diagonally instead of straight across.

You can’t prove that was my food.
I haven’t had a juice box since my adult children were small.

(Yes I altered you post just a smig)

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