2020 Presidential Race

I think you misinterpreted my post. I don;t see that it says "trust the process". IT seems to say, "Trust me. Don't look at the man behind the curtain!"
I think you misinterpreted my post. I don;t see that it says "trust the process". IT seems to say, "Trust me. Don't look at the man behind the curtain!"
Eh then yeah I did misunderstand it. I took it for what I said that the system has checks and balances and what is happening is how it deals with claims against the initial result. Which I agree with. Until the results are certified and all claims are addressed the election result isn’t over.

I did miss that that date of the video was Oct 28 that is a bit odd.
Well first off, that YouTube video was made on October 28th. WTF does that have to do with the recent developments since the election was on November 3rd? Secondly, what proof or evidence did he offer in that video?

Did I miss something?

I missed that - have to go to YouTube to pick up the date. Pretty worthless against post election charges of fraud ... pretty worthless presentation to start with.
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I have nothing to do with these cases getting thrown out of court. The coffee boy filed them. The awesome ones are coming . . . soon!

Here is a direct link to YouTube... October 28th, 2020 was the day it was posted...

Eh within the context of foreign actors which was a huge (false) narrative in the last election maybe that was why they published it don’t know. But as we always do we show the world we really don’t need any help at getting after each other’s throats at this point 🤷‍♂️
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I have nothing to do with these cases getting thrown out of court. The coffee boy filed them. The awesome ones are coming . . . soon!

That is Trump's modus operandi. He will tease that some big revelation is coming just around the corner. He can't tell us what it is yet, or why he has waited this long to reveal it... but it's coming soon, and it will change EVERYTHING! But then nothing ever comes from these big teases. Trump overpromises and underdelivers.
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Between them, Dominion and ES&S now count the majority of American ballots. There are, of course, newer technologies in development, including Web-based voting. This latest innovation is being peddled by the Spanish-owned Scytl, which named Bob Urosevich managing director of its Americas division in 2006.

How to Rig an Election — National Election Defense Coalition

Devil's advocate here. Just being an amateur body language reader... but she was doing an awful lot of eye blinking in that interview. May not be anything to that, but just something I noticed.

Again, she is making some pretty bold claims. And she seems pretty confident that she can prove them. We shall see...
Soon to be a victim of Trump’s denial.
Why? If he’s being objective in the execution of his duty why does he need to be a victim to anybody or feel their wrath?

You know before Trump triggered you idiots you had career gov employees going along as different politicians came or went. After all they do the majority of the work anyway.

But now it matters all of a sudden SMDH you idiots and your “lists”
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Ok she seriously needs to start backing this up. Those are extremely serious claims being made in that video.
Man, I am so used to this giant build up and them let down stuff over the last 3-4 years. Why wouldn't this be another goose egg?

A whole lot of smoke, but no prosecutions or jail or actions of any kind at all.
Man, I am so used to this giant build up and them let down stuff over the last 3-4 years. Why wouldn't this be another goose egg?

A whole lot of smoke, but no prosecutions or jail or actions of any kind at all.
I agree with you. Enough with the fore play we’ve had that from both sides for four years. If you can prove it as you claim then prove it Sidney or GTFO with those claims. Why wait?
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