2020 Presidential Race

The Director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) in the United States Department of Homeland Security, Christopher C. Krebs, has thoroughly debunked the claims of voter fraud on a website run by the CISA dubbed "Rumor Control" which was established to discredit any and all claims of voter fraud, attempting to undermine the results of the presidential election.

Do yourself a favor and take a look at the Krebs' site: CISA.gov - and the click on "Rumor Control". It covers every false allegation. It is the reason that the White House will probably fire Krebs. He has debunked all of their lies and nonsense, in one place.
Is this the link you are talking about?

Rumor Control | CISA
Do you have any proof that voter fraud took place in this contest? Or are you just taking the word of the bitter loser with the fragile ego - Donald Trump? The burden of proof lies with the people making the claims of wrongdoing. Trump and his legal team are just blowing smoke because they lost... and because you wanted them to win, you are eager to believe them, with zero evidence.
The only tweets I have seen... Here. The only headlines from msm....here. I did however look for dominions connections to scytl and watch the forensic analysis of vote changing.
What I am eager about is finding out why on election night I kept seeing irregularities. They are the very same counties in contention now. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out totals are skewed.
I'm interested in why the election system uses an aggregate in effing Germany.
I'm interested in the time stamps of all those districts in question.
I'm interested in why so many dnc ties are even present and well connected to the software company used in the states in question. I'm curious that way.
I would like to see proof on a court document rather than baseless nut hanging for and from the msm. Theses a reason why I don't switch on any major news service, Im not paying for cable to be lied to.
If there is proof, take it to court. Have it sorted legally.
I think I would have probably voted for one or the other if I felt that strongly about the presidential candidates. But do carry on with the op-ed.
It is, but unless some insane evidence comes out, Biden it’ll be. Trump will go on to collaborate or create a media empire and will be an absolute thorn in the side of Biden/Harris.

The closest version of that happening is what the military does every now and then - they fire a mid-level guy for "loss of confidence". Somehow overnight the poor guy who according to all his prior efficiency reports/performance appraisals lost the ability to walk on water and can't find his way out of a paper bag - overnight. This way the military doesn't accept failure or blame, so there's no need for change. All bureaucracies work that way (the military just has better and more lethal toys than the rest); if anything happens, change won't be systemic, and it will be the fault of some mid-level nobody. He/she will be shuffled off, a lateral move, left promotable, and will retire well.
Sounds like Keebler is overstepping:

"CISA’s Countering Foreign Influence Task Force (CFITF) is charged with building national resilience to foreign influence activities. "
Go get him tiger! It’s exhausting pointing out to BB the links he offers dont support his narrative normally. I’ve done my tweaking for the day hes all yours.
Go get him tiger! It’s exhausting pointing out to BB the links he offers dont support his narrative normally. I’ve done my tweaking for the day hes all yours.

BB is like luther and huff - their minds cannot be tweaked - they are locked and loaded, and resistant to any reasonable argument.
Go get him tiger! It’s exhausting pointing out to BB the links he offers dont support his narrative normally. I’ve done my tweaking for the day hes all yours.
His narrative would be easier to defend if he wasn't making objective guarantees about things he has no objective insight into.
His narrative would be easier to defend if he wasn't making objective guarantees about things he has no objective insight into.

In a way, though, he's no different from the officials and pundits telling us the same thing. BB just doesn't have the title to go with the job. None of them seem to care much about fact.
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His narrative would be easier to defend if he wasn't making objective guarantees about things he has no objective insight into.
Yep. But damn... it’s a guilty pleasure pointing that out to him and spooling him up 😂 I do think he should not be so invested in this stuff I don’t think it’s really healthy but oh well to each their own 🤷‍♂️
Well first off, that YouTube video was made on October 28th. WTF does that have to do with the recent developments since the election was on November 3rd? Secondly, what proof or evidence did he offer in that video?

Did I miss something?
Krebs is the one who has called this election "the most secure in history". He is not a Democrat.
Do you have any proof that voter fraud took place in this contest? Or are you just taking the word of the bitter loser with the fragile ego - Donald Trump? The burden of proof lies with the people making the claims of wrongdoing. Trump and his legal team are just blowing smoke because they lost... and because you wanted them to win, you are eager to believe them, with zero evidence.
Rich coming from a dude who posted link after link of conspiracy theory bullsh!t and unsubstantiated "anonymous sources" that amounted to absolutely nothing for four years.
Well first off, that YouTube video was made on October 28th. WTF does that have to do with the recent developments since the election was on November 3rd? Secondly, what proof or evidence did he offer in that video?

Did I miss something?
No you didn’t OC had a nice summary of what the sight says a bit up. It doesn’t support what BB is claiming. It’s saying trust the process and don’t believe all the rumors. It debunks nothing specifically.
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Well first off, that YouTube video was made on October 28th. WTF does that have to do with the recent developments since the election was on November 3rd? Secondly, what proof or evidence did he offer in that video?

Did I miss something?

Now ask why he felt the need to make a "Rumors of election fraud are false!" video/site before the election even happened.
No you didn’t OC had a nice summary of what the sight says a bit up. It doesn’t support what BB is claiming. It’s saying trust the process and don’t believe all the rumors. It debunks nothing specifically.
I think you misinterpreted my post. I don't see that it says "trust the process". It seems to say, "Trust me. Don't look at the man behind the curtain!"
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