2020 Presidential Race

The Director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) in the United States Department of Homeland Security, Christopher C. Krebs, has thoroughly debunked the claims of voter fraud on a website run by the CISA dubbed "Rumor Control" which was established to discredit any and all claims of voter fraud, attempting to undermine the results of the presidential election.

Do yourself a favor and take a look at the Krebs' site: CISA.gov - and the click on "Rumor Control". It covers every false allegation. It is the reason that the White House will probably fire Krebs. He has debunked all of their lies and nonsense, in one place.
Reply to the wrong person? Because nothing you meandered thru addressed my answer to the question.
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So which is true BB? That we had the most secure election ever which means the supposed issue from 2016 was fixed under Trump or that Trump didn’t address the supposed interference from 2016 and so the 2020 election was compromised?
The 2020 election was not compromised, and Trump wouldn't be making allegations of fraud, if he had won.
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Guess it all boils down to which version of truth you choose to believe. At least we have that option left in this country, for now. Isn't that all democracy is anymore?
Reply to the wrong person? Because nothing you meandered thru addressed my answer to the question.
I was directing you to a site where you could find Trump's allegations of fraud being completely debunked by the director of a cyber agency (a Trump appointee, no less) from within the Department of Homeland Security ... if that is of interest to you. If not? Then ignore it.
Guess it all boils down to which version of truth you choose to believe. At least we have that option left in this country, for now. Isn't that all democracy is anymore?
There is only one version to this established fact - there was no voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election. End.
The in-fighting among Democrats continue! Could we see a split in the DNC by 2022 & 2024?
The great thing about it is every little coalition from Blue Dog to Justice Dem can shutdown a bill and Nancy won't be able to let any red district Dems take votes off....GOP should take Congress back based solely on Census redistricting...blue states were losing 5-7 reps to red states...so gridlock for 2 years impeachment for the last part of Biden Harris term

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