2020 Presidential Race

Ok, thats one.

Just have around 250,000 more to find.

Good job Laura. You dolt.
Seriously LG. You ask for proof of fraud, someone shows you, and you insult them and ignore it. Do you really think it’s the only issue? Do you really think people would risk felony charges to cast a single fraudulent vote? Maybe it’s not enough to change the outcome but any fraud is a problem. Apparently you don’t think so as long as the fraud helps your candidate. Maybe you are the dolt, not Laura.
I’ve seen this posted before, but here is the actual data, right on NYT’s website

So are Pubs trying to move people in as well? It would be stupid for them not to if the left is actively encouraging it.
Sadly, this is exactly what happens and our country suffers because these 2 parties play the same dirty game and try to one up each other. What Trump did was expose this game, expose the media’s role in it, and accelerate the extremism. He forced the more extreme parts of the Dem narrative to the surface. The Reps could easily occupy the moderate space now but I’m guessing they’ll push their own extremism going forward as well leaving moderates with either a bad choice or looking for another option. That’s what we just saw in this election and what we will likely see going forward. It’s a great time for a strong independent candidate.

Between them, Dominion and ES&S now count the majority of American ballots. There are, of course, newer technologies in development, including Web-based voting. This latest innovation is being peddled by the Spanish-owned Scytl, which named Bob Urosevich managing director of its Americas division in 2006.

How to Rig an Election — National Election Defense Coalition

Interesting article, and one written when the dems were apparently being victimized. The telling thing is this:

Ptashnik believes that election rigging remains an untouchable phenomenon in American politics. “Very few leaders are willing to fight it, which is probably why Kerry backed off in 2004. But the evidence is piling up. Democrats have to get their heads out of the sand and realize we’re looking at our worst nightmare: Karl Rove’s projected forty-year GOP dynasty.”

Looks like dems simply learned to play the game rather than make any effort to fix the problem. Nobody will admit to the problem much less work on it. At this rate, our elections just become an arms race, and whoever has the best offense wins. A very sad state of affairs. The government is in over it's head and like true bureaucratic cowards will deny, deny, deny.
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Sadly, this is exactly what happens and our country suffers because these 2 parties play the same dirty game and try to one up each other. What Trump did was expose this game, expose the media’s role in it, and accelerate the extremism. He forced the more extreme parts of the Dem narrative to the surface. The Reps could easily occupy the moderate space now but I’m guessing they’ll push their own extremism going forward as well leaving moderates with either a bad choice or looking for another option. That’s what we just saw in this election and what we will likely see going forward. It’s a great time for a strong independent candidate.

Trump gave every future GOP presidential hopeful a game plan to win a general election. But he’s also going to undue all that when he creates his own political party and splits the conservative vote. Lol at people thinking Trump gives two ***** about anything other than his own ego and bank account.
Devil's advocate here. Just being an amateur body language reader... but she was doing an awful lot of eye blinking in that interview. May not be anything to that, but just something I noticed.

Again, she is making some pretty bold claims. And she seems pretty confident that she can prove them. We shall see...

Code. Does look weird.
Not sure if serious.
So no answer huh? Look this is the guy your looney brother BB is touting as saying he’s debunked all of these fraud allegations. So his reward from the party for his good work is to crucify him?

Or did you step on you Johnson blindly and just put another Trump appointee on the “list”? Lol dumbasses 😂
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Do you know what started Trumps hatred of McCain? McCain was instrumental in distributing the fake Russia-Trump collusion dossier. McCain was a never-Trumper from the beginning.
Trump July 2015: “He’s not a war hero,” said Trump. “He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”

South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham, a close friend of McCain’s, tweeted, “If there was ever any doubt that @realDonaldTrump should not be our commander in chief, this stupid statement should end all doubt.” He added: “At the heart of @realDonaldTrump statement is a lack of respect for those who have served - a disqualifying characteristic to be president.”

“America’s POWs deserve much better than to have their service questioned by the offensive rantings of Donald Trump,” tweeted Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, who spoke at the summit before Trump.

Sean Spicer, a spokesman for the Republican National Committee, tweeted: “There is no place in our party or our country for comments that disparage those who have served honorably.”
So no answer huh? Look this is the guy your looney brother BB is touting as saying he’s debunked all of these fraud allegations. So his reward from the party for his good work is to crucify him?

Or did you step on you Johnson blindly and just put another Trump appointee on the “list”? Lol dumbasses 😂
I'm actually not sure if you were just pretending not to understand. Trump wants Krebs fired because Krebs is doing his job well. Trump doesn't want people who do their job well or serve their country honorably. Trump wants people to serve his personal interests, not the nation's interests.
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Ya know. I’m having trouble believing that (or maybe I don’t want to believe) that this could happen. But all the numbers guys are questioning it and BB85 is scared to death about it. Maybe it’s true.
I don't think BB85 is scared...

By the way, no credible sources are saying anything like this, and Trump and his legal team aren't even arguing this in court. This is just twitter fodder for true believers.

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