2020 Presidential Race

Here it is again. This is straight out of the Trump/Giuliani playbook. There is always the tease of some big revelation on the way... but for a reason which is never explained, it can't be revealed just yet. But it's coming soon and it will change EVERYTHING. No such revelation is ever made. You have the promise of evidence to come, but it never does. It's just a tease in the act.
They've managed to fool his base for years doing stuff like this, and that is pretty clearly their only play here. Try to undermine faith in the elections and whip his cult into a frenzy.
They've managed to fool his base for years doing stuff like this, and that is pretty clearly their only play here. Try to undermine faith in the elections and whip his cult into a frenzy.
And they never hold anyone accountable for jerking them around. It's like they enjoy being teased, and lied to.
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Trump has no shot in court or through recounts. His only shot is for GOP legislatures to say **** their constituents and try to appoint Trump electors. And they’ve made it pretty clear they aren’t willing to do that. Hopefully, for the sake of American democracy, that doesn’t change.
You see, it's ignorant claims like this that make rational discussion on this impossible. Period.

You have absolutely no way of knowing that. Period. It's just as stupid as making the absolute claim that "No voter fraud happened", or "No evidence exists".

You have no idea what the Trump team has or doesn't have.

Again, I highly suspect all these absolute guarantees are posturing to hide your own discomfort and help you sleep at night.
That is the bottom line to this. It's not being mentioned in court. One of Trump's attorneys, Jonathan Goldstein, has specifically said that they aren't alleging fraud in a Pennsylvania court.
Wait, just to be clear, who are these people on his "legal team"? You mention the cases in these individual states, but don't mention Powell or Wood?

I guess I' saying can you reconcile what you are claiming with this:

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You see, it's ignorant claims like this that make rational discussion on this impossible. Period.

You have absolutely no way of knowing that. Period. It's just as stupid as making the absolute claim that "No voter fraud happened", or "No evidence exists".

You have no idea what the Trump team has or doesn't have.

Again, I highly suspect all these absolute guarantees are posturing to hide your own discomfort and help you sleep at night.
LOL, I'm sure Trump's people have the json data ready to present in court.
Wait, just to be clear, who are these people on his "legal team"? You mention the cases in these individual states, but don't mention Powell or Wood?

I guess I' saying can you reconcile what you are claiming with this:

There's that uncomfortable position of arguing that Trump's legal team isn't even alleging fraud, but they should be held accountable for making claims about fraud.

Here it is again. This is straight out of the Trump/Giuliani playbook. There is always the tease of some big revelation on the way... but for a reason which is never explained, it can't be revealed just yet. But it's coming soon and it will change EVERYTHING. No such revelation is ever made. You have the promise of evidence to come, but it never does. It's just a tease in the act.
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On the streets, they call that selling wolf tickets. They are really gassing up these revelations that are apparently coming out. Again, just like in the QAnon thread, I'm from Missouri. They probably have a mountain of evidence, but if it doesn't result in perp walks, then it is a waste.
Here it is again. This is straight out of the Trump/Giuliani playbook. There is always the tease of some big revelation on the way... but for a reason which is never explained, it can't be revealed just yet. But it's coming soon and it will change EVERYTHING. No such revelation is ever made. You have the promise of evidence to come, but it never does. It's just a tease in the act.
I gave you a like on that post even though I probably disagree with everything that you probably stand for. But all of the overselling and underperforming is getting old.
On the streets, they call that selling wolf tickets. They are really gassing up these revelations that are apparently coming out. Again, just like in the QAnon thread, I'm from Missouri. They probably have a mountain of evidence, but if it doesn't result in perp walks, then it is a waste.
I’m still willing to wait and see.
It’s obvious to me at this point that it’s all far from over.
Your problem is that you have no idea what they have, yet guaranteeing his fate in court. Who should be laughing, and who should be self-aware enough to be embarrassed?
Have you looked at the lawsuits? Not only are they getting ridiculed in court, they won't even come close to overturning anything. Trump's legal case is the equivalent of contesting a field goal in a game that he has already lost by 20 points. The money he's asking for aren't even going to his court battles, but paying off his campaign debts. I am concerned, but my concern is for the deliberate attempt to undermine faith in democracy. I'm not concerned about Trump winning court cases, because even if he was winning, it wouldn't overturn a single electoral vote. It just wasn't that close.
Have you looked at the lawsuits? Not only are they getting ridiculed in court, they won't even come close to overturning anything. Trump's legal case is the equivalent of contesting a field goal in a game that he has already lost by 20 points. The money he's asking for aren't even going to his court battles, but paying off his campaign debts. I am concerned, but my concern is for the deliberate attempt to undermine faith in democracy. I'm not concerned about Trump winning court cases, because even if he was winning, it wouldn't overturn a single electoral vote. It just wasn't that close.
Did you go to the same critical thinking school that BB did? What you did there was a hasty generalization.

What you also did was talk around my point. Answer yes or no, please.

Do you know all of the evidence that Trump's team does or does not have?

Yes or no.
Have you looked at the lawsuits? Not only are they getting ridiculed in court, they won't even come close to overturning anything. Trump's legal case is the equivalent of contesting a field goal in a game that he has already lost by 20 points. The money he's asking for aren't even going to his court battles, but paying off his campaign debts.

Shhh. Let them keep sending their money.

"We will win!"
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I'm not sure how all this is supposed to work.

If Trump's campaign legal team filed lawsuits with evidence from Barr's investigations before the investigations finished, would we still accuse him of using the AG as his personal attorney?
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Did you go to the same critical thinking school that BB did? What you did there was a hasty generalization.

What you also did was talk around my point. Answer yes or no, please.

Do you know all of the evidence that Trump's team does or does not have?

Yes or no.
Is this how childish you’re going to be? No, I haven’t seen Trump’s “evidence” which means that I have something in common with all the judges who are trashing all these cases.
Did you go to the same critical thinking school that BB did? What you did there was a hasty generalization.

What you also did was talk around my point. Answer yes or no, please.

Do you know all of the evidence that Trump's team does or does not have?

Yes or no.
We can point to more false claims of voting fraud (from the Trump press release last Wednesday, such as the one Tucker Carlson talked about - but then apologized for), than you can point to actual proven claims of fraud. You have allegations and nothing else. Tucker Carlson made an a$$ of himself on Thursday over his "James Blalock voted while dead" claim.
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