2020 Presidential Race

And they never hold anyone accountable for jerking them around. It's like they enjoy being teased, and lied to.

This one may come back to haunt you with Biden and Harris for 4 years if you are willing to go all in with them like you did with the media on Trump .. we are still waiting on General Kelly to confirm that unidentified source and what Trump was to have supposed to have said about the dead soldiers .
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You hate to see it.

That is surely a headscratcher. He behaved like a normal GOP governor during the COVID nonsense, but there is speculation in several places that the guy is a RINO. Like I said yesterday, GA has until later this week to certify the election down there. That should tell us a lot about whether Trump and Powell are cooking with grease or just blowing smoke.
Is this how childish you’re going to be? No, I haven’t seen Trump’s “evidence” which means that I have something in common with all the judges who are trashing all these cases.
Childish? Just the opposite, I believe. You made an absolute statement about this election's end result via Trump's chances in court. I pointed out that ignorance such as that is what kills any ability to rationally discuss. You doubled down. I pressed you.

And here we are.

I find it ironic that there's an entire group here who are discussing what we suspect to be true and reminding everyone that the media doesn't assign our leaders, nor has the system produced a President. You all mock us for actually correctly pointing out the correct state of things. You make baseless claims as fact.

And yet we're the childish ones?

You may want to rethink things.
I gave you a like on that post even though I probably disagree with everything that you probably stand for. But all of the overselling and underperforming is getting old.
What I think is funny is that BB, and others, typing what they're typing after the fake Russian hoax and the MSM that pushed it. He needs to hold them responsible before telling anyone else what they need or should do.
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We can point to more false claims of voting fraud (from the Trump press release last Wednesday, such as the one Tucker Carlson talked about - but then apologized for), than you can point to actual proven claims of fraud. You have allegations and nothing else. Tucker Carlson made an a$$ of himself on Thursday over his "James Blalock voted while dead" claim.

You're welcome to point to everything you want. And it's not our job to collect or present evidence for voter fraud. It's patently absurd that you'd expect we'd need to.

But as you make irrational grandstanding claims, we can point out just how juvenile the thinking behind your arguments actually are.
That is surely a headscratcher. He behaved like a normal GOP governor during the COVID nonsense, but there is speculation in several places that the guy is a RINO. Like I said yesterday, GA has until later this week to certify the election down there. That should tell us a lot about whether Trump and Powell are cooking with grease or just blowing smoke.
He hasn't been anywhere near the idiot he portrayed himself as in his adds-- riding around in his pick-up, wearing a flannel shirt, carrying a shot gun, and talking about rounding up illegals. I guess he knew what he needed to do in order to get votes.
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Childish? Just the opposite, I believe. You made an absolute statement about this election's end result via Trump's chances in court. I pointed out that ignorance such as that is what kills any ability to rationally discuss. You doubled down. I pressed you.

And here we are.

I find it ironic that there's an entire group here who are discussing what we suspect to be true and reminding everyone that the media doesn't assign our leaders, nor has the system produced a President. You all mock us for actually correctly pointing out the correct state of things. You make baseless claims as fact.

And yet we're the childish ones?

You may want to rethink things.
That’s basically Trump’s re-election strategy at this point.
Seriously LG. You ask for proof of fraud, someone shows you, and you insult them and ignore it. Do you really think it’s the only issue? Do you really think people would risk felony charges to cast a single fraudulent vote? Maybe it’s not enough to change the outcome but any fraud is a problem. Apparently you don’t think so as long as the fraud helps your candidate. Maybe you are the dolt, not Laura.

I ask for proof of voter fraud that in any way actually could even theoretically remotely make a difference.

This fails that, of course. But its what you are down to.
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Obviously you haven’t crunched the json data.
So, you go off half cocked, get called on it, play the victim, call me childish, and then post passive aggressively like a pouting child?

That's who you want to be here? If so, I'm happy to just leave you to be that.

Have a good evening, sir or ma'am.
That is surely a headscratcher. He behaved like a normal GOP governor during the COVID nonsense, but there is speculation in several places that the guy is a RINO. Like I said yesterday, GA has until later this week to certify the election down there. That should tell us a lot about whether Trump and Powell are cooking with grease or just blowing smoke.
I wonder if they are waiting in GA to certify I wonder IF THEY HAVE ANYTHING if that is the trigger. And if so why? That would imply to me they know people in the cert chain would be certifying fraudulent results maybe?
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So, you go off half cocked, get called on it, play the victim, call me childish, and then post passive aggressively like a pouting child?

That's who you want to be here? If so, I'm happy to just leave you to be that.

Have a good evening, sir or ma'am.
And that would be twice tonight that he’s done it and got called 😂
I wonder if they are waiting in GA to certify I wonder IF THEY HAVE ANYTHING if that is the trigger. And if so why? That would imply to me they know people in the cert chain would be certifying fraudulent results maybe?
That's a possibility. She sounded like a threat when she made reference to being "stupid enough" to certify fraudulent data.

I also WONDER IF the Barr DoJ investigations have any bearing on the timeline of using evidence IF IT ACTUALLY EXISTS.
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That's a possibility. She sounded like a threat when she made reference to being "stupid enough" to certify fraudulent data.

I also WONDER IF the Barr DoJ investigations have any bearing on the timeline of using evidence IF IT ACTUALLY EXISTS.
And it think it’s awesome that we have to CAPITALIZE THE CONJECTURE WE ARE MAKING so some maroon doesn’t come back with yeah? Prove it! Who am I kidding they will anyway.
And it think it’s awesome that we have to CAPITALIZE THE CONJECTURE WE ARE MAKING so some maroon doesn’t come back with yeah? Prove it! Who am I kidding they will anyway.
Personally, I think it helpful to make note of the way we're making our argument in comparison to those who call us conspiracy theorists wingnuts.
Is this how childish you’re going to be? No, I haven’t seen Trump’s “evidence” which means that I have something in common with all the judges who are trashing all these cases.
But, but, but Nuthouse Rudy is now in charge of all the “evidence”. I am all a twitter waiting for that laugh fest. Will he do it in front of the Four Seasons again or the adult bookstore?
I wonder if they are waiting in GA to certify I wonder IF THEY HAVE ANYTHING if that is the trigger. And if so why? That would imply to me they know people in the cert chain would be certifying fraudulent results maybe?
That's what it seems to be. They are really focusing on the certification. Like someone said before, we don't do pre-crime in the US, so maybe they are needing for the players involved to go through with it to trigger something or maybe they are hoping that someone steps forward that is in the chain and flips, or maybe they are just wanting people in the chain (or mainly at the tope of the chain) to not certify at all...
That is surely a headscratcher. He behaved like a normal GOP governor during the COVID nonsense, but there is speculation in several places that the guy is a RINO. Like I said yesterday, GA has until later this week to certify the election down there. That should tell us a lot about whether Trump and Powell are cooking with grease or just blowing smoke.
Calling Brian Kemp a RINO is just about as dumb as it gets.
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