2020 Presidential Race

She claimed to have evidence. If she doesn’t she lied. No way she does that for Trump.

Claiming your client is Jesus is one thing. Claiming you have PROOF your client is Jesus is a different ballgame.
Evidence is a fun word. She very well may. And it may very well be explained away. And it may be very weak evidence. Or it may be evidence that isn’t admissible. Or it may be evidence that’s unsubstantiated. Her job is to project strength for her side. Then argue it in court. If she loses, potential future clients respect her tenacity but know she had a shot hand. If she wins then yea she’s a rockstar forever. She has no downside.
Evidence is a fun word. She very well may. And it may very well be explained away. And it may be very weak evidence. Or it may be evidence that isn’t admissible. Or it may be evidence that’s unsubstantiated. Her job is to project strength for her side. Then argue it in court. If she loses, potential future clients respect her tenacity but know she had a shot hand. If she wins then yea she’s a rockstar forever. She has no downside.
It's beaitiful to see the "ifs" and "mays". I'll go to bed with a smile, knowing you've learned some valuable lessons.
Evidence is a fun word. She very well may. And it may very well be explained away. And it may be very weak evidence. Or it may be evidence that isn’t admissible. Or it may be evidence that’s unsubstantiated. Her job is to project strength for her side. Then argue it in court. If she loses, potential future clients respect her tenacity but know she had a shot hand. If she wins then yea she’s a rockstar forever. She has no downside.
Let me be clear. I don’t think she is going to deliver the election for Trump. But I do think they have SOMETHING right now. For the record I’m not listening to Rudy. Because of his stunts. But I do listen to Powell. Because of her lack of stunts this far anyway
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It would be highly out of demonstrated behavior I think. Yeah that’s probably a better way to say it. @volfanhill might be right. I honestly don’t know. I just don’t think it fits 🤷‍♂️
It's a bit cringy to see him go from professing there is no evidence and no chance in hell, and balancing the idea of calling his father a bold-faced liar. So, turns out she may have evidence after all.
Let me be clear. I don’t think she is going to deliver the election for Trump. But I do think they have SOMETHING right now. For the record I’m not listening to Rudy. Because of his stunts. But I do listen to Powell. Because of her lack of stunts this far anyway
That’s fair. And I have no problem with Trump going down this path. Now if he loses his judicial challenges I worry he, and many of his supporters, will still call BS. That’s unacceptable. And if he wins his challenges and is re-elected I have no problem with it.
It's a bit cringy to see him go from professing there is no evidence and no chance in hell, and balancing the idea of calling his father a bold-faced liar. So, turns out she may have evidence after all.
Eh hill gets credit for his posting history also though. Who knows why but honestly based on the last few posts I don’t think we’re that far off on where this will wind up.

I’m off to bed. Good night to the both of you.
I have nothing to do with these cases getting thrown out of court. The coffee boy filed them. The awesome ones are coming . . . soon!

He definitely wasn’t involved in the one misfiled in Fed Claims Court titled “Donald Trump vs USA”
That’s fair. And I have no problem with Trump going down this path. Now if he loses his judicial challenges I worry he, and many of his supporters, will still call BS. That’s unacceptable. And if he wins his challenges and is re-elected I have no problem with it.
Let me be clear again. If he exhausts all his challenges and refuses to vacate I’ll help throw his ass out. Our Democratic process and Republic are greater than any damn individual or party. Off to bed goodnight.
Evidence is a fun word. She very well may. And it may very well be explained away. And it may be very weak evidence. Or it may be evidence that isn’t admissible. Or it may be evidence that’s unsubstantiated. Her job is to project strength for her side. Then argue it in court. If she loses, potential future clients respect her tenacity but know she had a shot hand. If she wins then yea she’s a rockstar forever. She has no downside.
I actually owe you a HUGE apology. I had you confused with someone else. I humbly ask your forgiveness.
Trump July 2015: “He’s not a war hero,” said Trump. “He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”

South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham, a close friend of McCain’s, tweeted, “If there was ever any doubt that @realDonaldTrump should not be our commander in chief, this stupid statement should end all doubt.” He added: “At the heart of @realDonaldTrump statement is a lack of respect for those who have served - a disqualifying characteristic to be president.”

“America’s POWs deserve much better than to have their service questioned by the offensive rantings of Donald Trump,” tweeted Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, who spoke at the summit before Trump.

Sean Spicer, a spokesman for the Republican National Committee, tweeted: “There is no place in our party or our country for comments that disparage those who have served honorably.”
McCain is a despicable person for trying to undermine Trump’s presidency with his involvement with the fake dossier.
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That’s fair. And I have no problem with Trump going down this path. Now if he loses his judicial challenges I worry he, and many of his supporters, will still call BS. That’s unacceptable. And if he wins his challenges and is re-elected I have no problem with it.
And you're OK with him saying the Democrats switched millions of votes?

Let me be clear again. If he exhausts all his challenges and refuses to vacate I’ll help throw his ass out. Our Democratic process and Republic are greater than any damn individual or party. Off to bed goodnight.
Sorry. You didn’t ask for this. But my dad passed a few years ago and my mother recently. So our conversation has me reminiscing some. One of my favorite stories about my dad is him telling me a story about the partner at his firm that he trained under in the ‘70’s. His mentor had submitted and expense report for over $20,000. Again in the ‘70’s. The client called to complain and he waived my dad into his office to hear the conversation. This guy was extremely southern. He listened for a few minutes to the clients complaint. Then he responded “ while I understand your concern you have to know that at home I sleep in the finest bed, with the best sheets, next to a beautiful woman, when I eat it’s the best food, and the best wine. Now you wouldn’t want me to suffer and distract me from defending you, because I miss home, that I am distracted while preparing our case would you?
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McCain is a despicable person for trying to Trump’s presidency with his involvement with the fake dossier.

Trump's comment on McCain was absolutely classless - the kind of thing that comes from someone who speaks first and perhaps thinks later. It should offend all of us. However, the McCain that Trump was dealing with at the time certainly wasn't the McCain of the Viet Nam war; he was a washed up RINO - somebody who maybe entered congress with good intentions, but McCain's very flashy thumbs down vote on the obamaCare repeal showed what he had become - basically as little as Trump.
Ironic post is ironic
Do you remember the last time Donald Trump claimed that millions of votes were incorrectly counted? Way back in 2016? When he won?

He set up a commission to investigate it.

Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity


Remind us what they found to back up his claims?

And here we are again, two years after that ended, and the sheep are all, "Man! He really must have something here. Look at those tweets. Listen to his lawyers on TV. We will win!"
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Sorry. You didn’t ask for this. But my dad passed a few years ago and my mother recently. So our conversation has me reminiscing some. One of my favorite stories about my dad is him telling me a story about the partner at his firm that he trained under in the ‘70’s. His mentor had submitted and expense report for over $20,000. Again in the ‘70’s. The client called to complain and he waived my dad into his office to hear the conversation. This guy was extremely southern. He listened for a few minutes to the clients complaint. Then he responded “ while I understand your concern you have to know that at home I sleep in the finest bed, with the best sheets, next to a beautiful woman, when I eat it’s the best food, and the best wine. Now you wouldn’t want me to suffer and distract me from defending you, because I miss home, that I am distracted while preparing our case would you?
Lol that’s funny (the story). I hope the triggering of your memories wasn’t a hurtful experience and if it was I am genuinely sorry. I’ll get the same experience from people triggering thoughts on my father from time to time. It’s been 11 years and I still miss him and think about him every day. My mother also. Cheers.
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Lol that’s funny (the story). I hope the triggering of your memories wasn’t a hurtful experience and if it was I am genuinely sorry. I’ll get the same experience from people triggering thoughts on my father from time to time. It’s been 11 years and I still miss him and think about him every day. My mother also. Cheers.
Not at all my friend . Brought a smile to my face.

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