2020 Presidential Race

Kamala Harris’ Family Exposed as Violent Plantation Slave Owners

While Democratic 2020 hopeful Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif) is making calls for "some form of reparations" for slavery, her father has revealed that their family has a history of violent slave owners.

Unrecognized ‘Mixed-Blood’ Tribe in Oregon Offers Warren Membership

An unrecognized "mixed-blood" tribe in Oregon has invited Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.) to join its ranks so she can proudly call herself the member of a tribe.

Founded after they were rejected in 2000 by existing Native American tribes for not meeting bloodline requirements, the "Una Nation" doesn't have a high bar for membership. Twenty-nine-year-old Richard B. Lake III, who is the "King" of the tribe, told KVAL earlier this month a member only needs one ancestor who was Native American or an indigenous person.

Warren would meet that requirement. After years of criticism from Republicans and "Pocahontas" taunts from Donald Trump over unsubstantiated claims of past Native American ancestry, she released a widely panned DNA test in October showing she was between 1/64th and 1/1,1024th Native Americana.

"If she's Native American, or of Native American descent, that means she's a mixed-blood, and we stand by her and her statement that she is part-Native American," he said.

Unrecognized 'Mixed-Blood' Tribe in Oregon Offers Warren Membership
De Blasio Visits Iowa, Trashes Hillary, Warns Against Discounting Trump

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio has not declared his intention to join the crowded Democratic 2020 presidential field but he is in Iowa this weekend where only a couple dozen people braved the cold weather to hear him speak.

“We’re not going to win by talking about Donald Trump,” de Blasio said in a New York Post report.

“I have deep respect for our previous nominee — I know her very well — but I think a lot of us would say that was one of the mistakes, the focus on Trump,” de Blasio said of failed 2016 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

De Blasio Visits Iowa, Slams Hillary, Warns Against Discounting Trump
De Blasio Visits Iowa, Trashes Hillary, Warns Against Discounting Trump

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio has not declared his intention to join the crowded Democratic 2020 presidential field but he is in Iowa this weekend where only a couple dozen people braved the cold weather to hear him speak.

“We’re not going to win by talking about Donald Trump,” de Blasio said in a New York Post report.

“I have deep respect for our previous nominee — I know her very well — but I think a lot of us would say that was one of the mistakes, the focus on Trump,” de Blasio said of failed 2016 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

De Blasio Visits Iowa, Slams Hillary, Warns Against Discounting Trump

LOL. This loser gets a couple of people (albeit mostly reporters) to come listen to his liberal insane BS. What a waste of time. I don't think I saw where he slams/trashes his good friend Hillary Clinton as suggested that he did so that right there is misleading & click bait material. Listening/watching this guy is like puking your guts out. He's not worth the time to sneeze at.
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Bernie Sanders’ campaign sees Major Shakeup, just one week after launch

Bernie Sanders’ Democratic presidential campaign is experiencing a major shakeup, with several top advisers heading for the exits, just one week after the Vermont senator launched his second bid for the White House.

Three of the top advisers who helped propel the senator's 2016 White House bid -- Tad Devine, Julian Mulvey and Mark Longabaugh -- are parting ways with Sanders, the campaign confirmed Tuesday.

Sanders' 2020 campaign manager Faiz Shakir said in a statement to Fox News that "the campaign appreciates all the good work DML has done and wishes them well." DML is the name of the political consulting firm headed up by Devine, Mulvey and Longabaugh.

"The entire firm has stepped away. We're leaving the campaign … We just didn't have a meeting of the minds,” Longabaugh told NBC News, which was first to report the departure of the senior strategists. The advisers cited creative differences.

Bernie Sanders’ campaign sees major shakeup, just one week after launch
Looks like the Ho from Cali is looking to decriminalize prostitution. Not that I have an issue with it really just thought it was funny coming from her. Wonder if that includes payment in “favors”?
Bernie Sanders’ campaign sees Major Shakeup, just one week after launch

Bernie Sanders’ Democratic presidential campaign is experiencing a major shakeup, with several top advisers heading for the exits, just one week after the Vermont senator launched his second bid for the White House.

Three of the top advisers who helped propel the senator's 2016 White House bid -- Tad Devine, Julian Mulvey and Mark Longabaugh -- are parting ways with Sanders, the campaign confirmed Tuesday.

Sanders' 2020 campaign manager Faiz Shakir said in a statement to Fox News that "the campaign appreciates all the good work DML has done and wishes them well." DML is the name of the political consulting firm headed up by Devine, Mulvey and Longabaugh.

"The entire firm has stepped away. We're leaving the campaign … We just didn't have a meeting of the minds,” Longabaugh told NBC News, which was first to report the departure of the senior strategists. The advisers cited creative differences.

Bernie Sanders’ campaign sees major shakeup, just one week after launch
Bernie's problem, when he ran 3 years ago he was the only admitted socialist, now everyone running is a socialist. His time has passed

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