2020 Presidential Race

There it is again! "I don't like it so its a conspiracy theory! You shouldn't believe it. why? Because it's a conspiracy theory!" This is just like calling everyone you disagree with racist. It's just a means to discredit them with no real reason to do so. By the way, Obamagate was a conspiracy theory; the bought and paid for by Hillary Russian collusion hoax was a conspiracy theory. Except they were true.

I’m saying it’s a conspiracy bc *checks notes* that’s right, it’s a conspiracy theory.

Orange Man has literally said every election is rigged. Everything that has ever been against him has been “rigged”.

You’re being played.
I’m saying it’s a conspiracy bc *checks notes* that’s right, it’s a conspiracy theory.

Orange Man has literally said every election is rigged. Everything that has ever been against him has been “rigged”.

You’re being played.
Please show me where I'm quoting Trump. I'd like to see it. I'm watching a hearing of poll workers, you know, witnesses testifying about what they saw. I listened to Braynard, a guy who did an analysis of the election results, and called people who supposedly had voted with an absentee ballot who didn't actually vote. I'm pointing out the fact that the most susceptible form of voting to fraud is mail in balloting, and we have the lowest rejection rate in history, in spite of having the most mail in ballots in history. That isn't Trump, nor is it a conspiracy theory, but keep shouting that if it makes you feel better. Keep pretending this election was perfect because the media told you so
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Please show me where I'm quoting Trump. I'd like to see it. I'm watching a hearing of poll workers, you know, witnesses testifying about what they saw. I listened to Braynard, a guy who did an analysis of the election results, and called people who supposedly had voted with an absentee ballot who didn't actually vote. I'm pointing out the fact that the most susceptible form of voting to fraud is mail in balloting, and we have the lowest rejection rate in history, in spite of having the most mail in ballots in history. That isn't Trump, nor is it a conspiracy theory, but keep shouting that if it makes you feel better. Keep pretending this election was perfect because the media told you so

I shall. And you can keep pretending it was rigged by democrats.

We’ll see where the chips fall. Let me guess - if the courts decide nothing is to be done and massive fraud isn’t proven - then the courts are rigged too, yes?

Lol and I’m going off what the media says? Or by what Secretaries of State, the guy who was the Director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, and election officials all across the country say. Yes, those are big time “media” personalities.
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I shall. And you can keep pretending it was rigged by democrats.

We’ll see where the chips fall. Let me guess - if the courts decide nothing is to be done and massive fraud isn’t proven - then the courts are rigged too, yes?
Why do you keep attributing things to me that I have not said? I have said from the beginning I do not think this will be overturned. I have said from the beginning that when the electoral college elects Biden that will be the end. But I'm not going to ignore what is right in front of us because the powers that be tell me to. You seem perfectly fine with just falling in line and believing what you're told, in spite of the irregularities that we are seeing. Again, how can we have the most mail in ballots in history with the lowest rejection rate in history? "Conspiracy theory!"
Oh I get it. We’re never to question what the powers that be say. Even tho there are serious questions and irregularities and, in the tweet I posted, actual verifiable proof of fraud that took place, we should just ignore that and do and believe why we’re told.
. Take those “serious questions and irregularities” to a judge then. Until then it’s nothing more than the same 💩 Trump spews on an hourly basis. Talkin’ loud and sayin’ nothing. We’re waiting.....
Fired director of U.S. cyber agency Chris Krebs explains why President Trump's claims of election interference are false

Chris Krebs, who worked for Trump and was appointed by Trump. He protected not just elections but tons of U.S. cyber infrastructure.

What is his angle for lying about this?
Better be careful. Joe Di Genova (one of Trump’s attorneys) will say you need to be drawn and quartered and shot too just like he said about Krebs. You can’t make this stuff up.
I shall. And you can keep pretending it was rigged by democrats.

We’ll see where the chips fall. Let me guess - if the courts decide nothing is to be done and massive fraud isn’t proven - then the courts are rigged too, yes?

With all the testimonies from people that were there and risking their life and the threats made against them, and the proof that is being presented, then yes if the courts ruled against them they would be rigged. It is the America that we live in.
Dems on here just believe that all of these people are lying. Well, they don't actually believe that, but that's what they say because they really don't care that they cheated.
I'm still waiting on actual proof. Not Rudy sweating in a basement in Gettysburg. Not Trump tweeting between golf and golden ***** on his throne. Not retweets from Jack Probesic or whatever his name is. Like actual, proof. If this fraud is so wide spread, where is the proof? Bring it. I mean, Trump and friends are what, 1-40 in court now?
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Better be careful. Joe Di Genova (one of Trump’s attorneys) will say you need to be drawn and quartered and shot too just like he said about Krebs. You can’t make this stuff up.

Very American. Very cool. I think it speaks to Krebs' credibility as a witness that they are this desperate to shut him up.
I'm still waiting on actual proof. Not Rudy sweating in a basement in Gettysburg. Not Trump tweeting between golf and golden ***** on his throne. Not retweets from Jack Probesic or whatever his name is. Like actual, proof. If this fraud is so wide spread, where is the proof? Bring it. I mean, Trump and friends are what, 1-40 in court now?
You're counting court cases like Bama counts championships. Look above you at eye witness testimony. Eye witness testimony is enough to put people on death row, but you won't accept it as proof in this election.
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I agree, but I'm not interested in trying to prove anything to them. Had enough of their name calling, mocking and slander. I only share info that I think people such as myself that are interested as I am in finding the real truth. Even if it is not changed I just want to know the facts.
Should we call someone a Ho?
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Hey, nothing to see here. These are just patriots trying to protect our election system. They wouldn't advocate torturing and murdering a political opponent, or anything like that.
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I'm still waiting on actual proof. Not Rudy sweating in a basement in Gettysburg. Not Trump tweeting between golf and golden ***** on his throne. Not retweets from Jack Probesic or whatever his name is. Like actual, proof. If this fraud is so wide spread, where is the proof? Bring it. I mean, Trump and friends are what, 1-40 in court now?

If the machines were hacked, the paper ballot recounts would have blown this wide open. Instead they were totally consistent with the machine counts. That Trump did better in many of the places he claims are hacked in 2020 than he did in 2016 also doesn't help the cause.
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You're counting court cases like Bama counts championships. Look above you at eye witness testimony. Eye witness testimony is enough to put people on death row, but you won't accept it as proof in this election.
TAKE IT TO COURT AGAIN. Try to submit a court document without spelling errors, though.
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