2020 Presidential Race

Krebs' punishment:
"Drawn and quartered" refers to a medieval punishment in which a person's body was dragged behind a horse and "drawn" to the place of execution. There, the person's genitals were cut off and their intestines pulled out of their body cavity while still alive. Afterward, the executioner would cut off the person's head and then "quarter" the body into four pieces, each containing one of the major limbs.
This particular style of public execution was typically reserved as a punishment for high treason and attacks on the monarchy. It was carried out in public, with the victim's body parts publicly displayed afterward, as a warning for other people who would dare challenge a king or queen's power.

Trump's lawyer recommends.
I wonder how many times over the years somebody made the statement that another individual should be shot/hung/beaten/ or drawn and quartered and everybody around him thought that was meant to be taken literally. Jees...
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Why do you keep attributing things to me that I have not said? I have said from the beginning I do not think this will be overturned. I have said from the beginning that when the electoral college elects Biden that will be the end. But I'm not going to ignore what is right in front of us because the powers that be tell me to. You seem perfectly fine with just falling in line and believing what you're told, in spite of the irregularities that we are seeing. Again, how can we have the most mail in ballots in history with the lowest rejection rate in history? "Conspiracy theory!"
So your theory rests on the notion that there are not enough legally cast ballots being thrown out to satisfy your expectations? How very Republican of you lol
Guess you didn't have enough of the name calling, mocking, and slander.

yes, I have had enough of it, but I will fight back.
I admit I have passed on info that may have offended you, only because I get tired of the attacks that has been made to me and my right to have my own opinion.
Can you admit that you have done the same?
yes, I have had enough of it, but I will fight back.
I admit I have passed on info that may have offended you, only because I get tired of the attacks that has been made to me and my right to have my own opinion.
Can you admit that you have done the same?
Oh you haven't offended me at all. I don't really do the name calling thing, aside from Lord Red Hat and other Red Hats. But I think they are cool with it, so whatevs.
So your theory rests on the notion that there are not enough legally cast ballots being thrown out to satisfy your expectations? How very Republican of you lol
So you just ignore everything else I’ve said? Truth doesn’t matter? How very Democrat of you.
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yes, I have had enough of it, but I will fight back.
I admit I have passed on info that may have offended you, only because I get tired of the attacks that has been made to me and my right to have my own opinion.
Can you admit that you have done the same?
Oh you haven't offended me at all. I don't really do the name calling thing, aside from Lord Red Hat and other Red Hats. But I think they are cool with it, so whatevs.
Oh you haven't offended me at all. I don't really do the name calling thing, aside from Lord Red Hat and other Red Hats. But I think they are cool with it, so whatevs.

Good Mr. Innocent because it would literally break my heart if I had to live with offending you.
Seriously? It is a good question. But unfortunately, one that will never get adequately addressed much less answered.
Pretty simple for me. Trump won in 2016. I accepted him as my President. I still accepted him as my President after the Russia thing fell apart. I accept Biden as my President. When I see some actual proof, and not the ravings of an irrelevant TV star pissed that he lost, then we can talk.
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Pretty simple for me. Trump won in 2016. I accepted him as my President. I still accepted him as my President after the Russia thing fell apart. I accept Biden as my President. When I see some actual proof, and not the ravings of an irrelevant TV star pissed that he lost, then we can talk.
I think we will have no choice but to accept Biden and shortly Harris as our President.

But I refuse to accept JG as my quarterback.
Did you see the blond lady destroy Dem Senator Irwin? That was priceless.

Yes I saw her, that was awesome!! I keep trying to find a clip of her of her testimony. Anybody who listens to this hearing and says there is no fraud is completely dillusonal. Keep in mind, these poll watchers are not allowed to video. At this point the only evidence there could possibly be are peoples testimonies and there are plenty of them out there
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