2020 Presidential Race

These “eye witnessss” being paraded on these press conferences have not had their claims fact checked and have no proof of their allegations. Ask yourself why these accounts are not making their way to court, and when they do they crumble under the most basic amount of scrutiny? These press conferences are literally just hearsay.

And why do the manual hand recounts match the machine tabulation if there is widespread vote switching? The recounts in Georgia and Wisconsin were both consistent with the original machine count. How can that be if there was widespread vote switching?
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The old adage still holds: No one has ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of the American people.

So why block an effort that would prove people claiming fraud wrong? Why not just let an investigation play out in open view so we could all witness how the claims of fraud don't stand up? Wouldn't "we told you so" be fun? You'd think that statement would be far more satisfying than "because we're telling you ...".
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So your theory is was just trying to cover his own ass... by rebuffing his boss and losing his job?
Who knows why he would claim they are secure when affidavits already deemed to have merit are stating downloads to election software the night before election, vcards with mysterious people who shouldn't have them and software with known vulnerabilities still in use.
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Your neighbor isn’t an eye witness speaking at a hearing in front of state legislatures about the presidential election. See the difference?

How does his audience make any difference? Partisan hacks in chairs and a microphone are the only difference I see. TV can make anything look “official” even if it’s not. Let me know when there is real evidence taken up by a court of law that proves any large scale fraud. Until then, please proceed with the flailing.
A good politician knows how to lie as truthfully as possible. Trump has never mastered this skill. He tells outright lies and expects to get away with it. And, he does with a segment of the population. That's what baffles me to no end.

Obviously Trump isn't a "good politician". And just as obviously "good politician" is a contradiction in terms. I'd think fewer politicians and more novices in government would suit our purposes much better.
So why block an effort that would prove people claiming fraud wrong? Why not just let an investigation play out in open view so we could all witness how the claims of fraud don't stand up? Wouldn't "we told you so" be fun? You'd think that statement would be far more satisfying than "because we're telling you ...".

Exactly! Why isn't the money Trump is raising going to investigate election fraud? It makes no sense. Good to see we are in agreement.
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How does his audience make any difference? Partisan hacks in chairs and a microphone are the only difference I see. TV can make anything look “official” even if it’s not. Let me know when there is real evidence taken up by a court of law that proves any large scale fraud. Until then, please proceed with the flailing.
So all of these eye witnesses are lying because you don’t like what they’re saying. Got it
Who knows why he would claim they are secure when affidavits already deemed to have merit are stating downloads to election software the night before election, vcards with mysterious people who shouldn't have them and software with known vulnerabilities still in use.

Affidavits with merit that don’t hold up in court?

Now Barr is throwing cold water on these conspiracy theories too. Just another deep stater working against the president I guess.
Fired director of U.S. cyber agency Chris Krebs explains why President Trump's claims of election interference are false

Chris Krebs, who worked for Trump and was appointed by Trump. He protected not just elections but tons of U.S. cyber infrastructure.

What is his angle for lying about this?

Because CISA is a joke, and Krebs is a lawyer in charge of the clown show? Why would you put a lawyer in charge of an organization dealing with technical security issues in the first place?

For those keeping score at home...

List of people who have filed affidavits saying they will testify under oath and threat of perjury charges that we (US) have used Hammer Scorecard to change elections in other countries like Venezuela, and that they were likely used to steal this election, in addition to all the mail fraud we already know about. So far:

The PhD above who is cited by many as one of the foremost cyber security expert in the US..

The guy who actually invented the Hammer Scorecard software...

A retired US General from the intelligence side

Who else? How many more well respected men who have spent 30 to 50 years building their careers and serving our country have gone ON RECORD to testify that not only do we have this capability, but that we have used it before to great success, that they believed it WAS USED in this election, and that if it was done properly there is likely no "fingerprints " left behind on the hacked machines and servers ...by design. Using a back door that was built into these machines and their software.

Feel free to post links from anyone else you know of that is willing to risk their entire career as well as catching criminal perjury charges in order for this truth to be known.

The question remains... WHO is going to actually do anything about it? Just like all the other fraud it seems like the majority of conservatives are willing to let this election be stolen without consequences?
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So why block an effort that would prove people claiming fraud wrong? Why not just let an investigation play out in open view so we could all witness how the claims of fraud don't stand up? Wouldn't "we told you so" be fun? You'd think that statement would be far more satisfying than "because we're telling you ...".

Not sure why they are so intent on convincing us that trump is collecting money on false pretense to try and prove fraud. Why does it get them so aggravated?
Maybe that it scares them that so much money and support is behind this.
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These “eye witnessss” being paraded on these press conferences have not had their claims fact checked and have no proof of their allegations. Ask yourself why these accounts are not making their way to court, and when they do they crumble under the most basic amount of scrutiny? These press conferences are literally just hearsay.

And why do the manual hand recounts match the machine tabulation if there is widespread vote switching? The recounts in Georgia and Wisconsin were both consistent with the original machine count. How can that be if there was widespread vote switching?

But they have signed affidavits, and if committing perjury they can go to prison. That would be intimidating enough to not lie.
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So why block an effort that would prove people claiming fraud wrong? Why not just let an investigation play out in open view so we could all witness how the claims of fraud don't stand up? Wouldn't "we told you so" be fun? You'd think that statement would be far more satisfying than "because we're telling you ...".

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