2020 Presidential Race

Guess you missed the whole USPS slowdown cluster F Trump appointee DeJoy caused?

Immediately following the election there was reports of upwards to 300k ballots that got lost in the mail system.

Follow up reporting claims they weren’t “lost” but rather they weren’t scanned and couldn’t be confirmed delivered. But since we are choosing what we want to believe based on feelings/smell tests/anomalies, then I’m going to stick with lost.

No, I read what was released, but I'm betting there's more to the story ... a lot more. First, the initial decision to change didn't sit well with the postal workers union, so don't bet that a lot of what happened wasn't simply the union going postal. Having said that, as an engineer, I've seen upper level management do incredibly stupid stuff over the years because they were too arrogant to listen and too technically incompetent to understand, so I could believe either option or both. One thing I have no doubt about is that the post office has been pushing volume by subsidizing junk mail with first class mail and it bit them in the end with decreasing first class mail, so perhaps the reduction in sorting equipment had a purpose that the unions went nuts with - less volume = fewer jobs.

All that aside the mail it in voting was a disaster waiting to happen - poorly planned, poorly implemented, and without the necessary security measures. Something that should never have happened in a developed country.
No, I read what was released, but I'm betting there's more to the story ... a lot more. First, the initial decision to change didn't sit well with the postal workers union, so don't bet that a lot of what happened wasn't simply the union going postal. Having said that, as an engineer, I've seen upper level management do incredibly stupid stuff over the years because they were too arrogant to listen and too technically incompetent to understand, so I could believe either option or both. One thing I have no doubt about is that the post office has been pushing volume by subsidizing junk mail with first class mail and it bit them in the end with decreasing first class mail, so perhaps the reduction in sorting equipment had a purpose that the unions went nuts with - less volume = fewer jobs.

All that aside the mail it in voting was a disaster waiting to happen - poorly planned, poorly implemented, and without the necessary security measures. Something that should never have happened in a developed country.

There was plenty of time to improve the system. 3 states have been doing it as their primary system for years with no problems.

Trump overplayed his hand. He should have supported absentee due to pandemic. For one, it would have given the appearance that he gave a damn about people’s safety. Second we wouldn’t have had this imbalance of Biden votes being counted after Election Day.

But of course he knew the latter would be the reason he throw his tantrum. This whole charade was planned and telegraphed months ago
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Horowitz: New analysis shows Biden winning nearly impossible margins on mail-in ballots in Pennsylvania


So its completely obvious to ANYONE who doesn't have their head up their liberal azz that Trump actually won PA, WI, MI, GA, and AZ... so not only did he win the presidency, it actually wasn't close.

Need a manual inspection of EVERY SINGLE mail in ballot for signature matching , and we need forensic analysis of all the vote dumps that happened between 130am and 630am. Period.

Republicans will either fight this theft to the very end or we will likely never win another presidency....IF they are allowed to blatantly cheat and fraudulently STEAL this election

Every single azzwipe that can be linked to this fraud needs prison time. All of them
Dude, seriously, how can you just disregard all the people who are coming forward with sworn affidavits alleging fraud. These are people who were actually there. Keep in mind they aren't allowed to video at a lot of these places so their word is all we have. I need a real investigation to feel better about Trump losing

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Oh I get it. We’re never to question what the powers that be say. Even tho there are serious questions and irregularities and, in the tweet I posted, actual verifiable proof of fraud that took place, we should just ignore that and do and believe why we’re told.

It's always an interesting quandary with the left. If you question freedom of the press, they go nuts ... because it's there to keep an eye on the government. If you question freedom of speech because of violent acts they deem freedom of speech, they go nuts. However, should you take a stance the left doesn't like, and wish to question the government - you, know redress grievances kind of thing, they go nuts. It seems pretty one-sided in the liberal world - nobody else has the right to question.
Fired director of U.S. cyber agency Chris Krebs explains why President Trump's claims of election interference are false

Chris Krebs, who worked for Trump and was appointed by Trump. He protected not just elections but tons of U.S. cyber infrastructure.

What is his angle for lying about this?
If he claims fraud, he's incompetent right? That was his job, to secure the tech infrastructure.
Good on 60 minutes for presenting nothing but facts..... Except they made the entire piece about opinion.
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Right, like people take things posted from CNN as gospel here lol
If CNN was showing a hearing, or press conference, that isn’t CNN’s pundits speaking. Do you see the difference? That’s like you watching Fox News showing a Biden press conference and complaining that you can’t believe it because it’s on FNC.
If he claims fraud, he's incompetent right? That was his job, to secure the tech infrastructure.
Good on 60 minutes for presenting nothing but facts..... Except they made the entire piece about opinion.

So your theory is was just trying to cover his own ass... by rebuffing his boss and losing his job?
Horowitz: New analysis shows Biden winning nearly impossible margins on mail-in ballots in Pennsylvania


So its completely obvious to ANYONE who doesn't have their head up their liberal azz that Trump actually won PA, WI, MI, GA, and AZ... so not only did he win the presidency, it actually wasn't close.

Need a manual inspection of EVERY SINGLE mail in ballot for signature matching , and we need forensic analysis of all the vote dumps that happened between 130am and 630am. Period.

Republicans will either fight this theft to the very end or we will likely never win another presidency....IF they are allowed to blatantly cheat and fraudulently STEAL this election

Every single azzwipe that can be linked to this fraud needs prison time. All of them
If CNN was showing a hearing, or press conference, that isn’t CNN’s pundits speaking. Do you see the difference? That’s like you watching Fox News showing a Biden press conference and complaining that you can’t believe it because it’s on FNC.
CNN doesn’t show my neighbor down the street talking about his theory of election fraud either. See the difference?
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CNN doesn’t show my neighbor down the street talking about his theory of election fraud either. See the difference?
Your neighbor isn’t an eye witness speaking at a hearing in front of state legislatures about the presidential election. See the difference?

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