2020 Presidential Race

Yes I saw her, that was awesome!! I keep trying to find a clip of her of her testimony. Anybody who listens to this hearing and says there is no fraud is completely dillusonal. Keep in mind, these poll watchers are not allowed to video. At this point the only evidence there could possibly be are peoples testimonies and there are plenty of them out there

Since nobody chooses to act on poll watcher's accounts, you have to wonder why we bother to have poll watchers in the first place.
Affidavits with merit that don’t hold up in court?

Now Barr is throwing cold water on these conspiracy theories too. Just another deep stater working against the president I guess.
Some have been introduced in cases that are still pending. The cases filed in the last week have meat to them. If they didn't I'd be like congrats Joe.
It'll play out.
These “eye witnessss” being paraded on these press conferences have not had their claims fact checked and have no proof of their allegations. Ask yourself why these accounts are not making their way to court, and when they do they crumble under the most basic amount of scrutiny? These press conferences are literally just hearsay.

And why do the manual hand recounts match the machine tabulation if there is widespread vote switching? The recounts in Georgia and Wisconsin were both consistent with the original machine count. How can that be if there was widespread vote switching?

They aren't allowed to video at these places. What kind of evidence do you suggest they bring. Honest question.
Nothing to discuss honestly. Super biased article confirms why folks voted for Biden. Then super biased article lays out conspiracy theories about how Trump actually won!!
Hard to imagine a better “!” for your post than an article claiming old polling data and broad brush generalizations about voting trends are evidence of election fraud.
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Exactly! Why isn't the money Trump is raising going to investigate election fraud? It makes no sense. Good to see we are in agreement.

Because courts keep refusing to hear cases, and without their backing nobody will initiate a real investigation on an open platform?

For those keeping score at home...

List of people who have filed affidavits saying they will testify under oath and threat of perjury charges that we (US) have used Hammer Scorecard to change elections in other countries like Venezuela, and that they were likely used to steal this election, in addition to all the mail fraud we already know about. So far:

The PhD above who is cited by many as one of the foremost cyber security expert in the US..

The guy who actually invented the Hammer Scorecard software...

A retired US General from the intelligence side

Who else? How many more well respected men who have spent 30 to 50 years building their careers and serving our country have gone ON RECORD to testify that not only do we have this capability, but that we have used it before to great success, that they believed it WAS USED in this election, and that if it was done properly there is likely no "fingerprints " left behind on the hacked machines and servers ...by design. Using a back door that was built into these machines and their software.

Feel free to post links from anyone else you know of that is willing to risk their entire career as well as catching criminal perjury charges in order for this truth to be known.

The question remains... WHO is going to actually do anything about it? Just like all the other fraud it seems like the majority of conservatives are willing to let this election be stolen without consequences?

I think the fact still stands that nobody in government can let a real investigation happen. Some people are guilty of fraud, and too many of the rest abdicated responsibility and let it happen. Almost everybody has something to lose. Politicians and government bureaucrats are on the gravy train, and they aren't about to let anything derail that.

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