2020 Presidential Race

Trump supporters now shifting from “there is tons of fraud evidence” to “even if it can’t be proven, it’s obvious there was fraud”

Seems to me that the more Trump irrationally claims that stalwart Republicans were "in on it" because they did not do his bidding and commit political suicide to help him, the less persuasive he is the next time he accuses someone else of being in on it.


Love that movie.... thanks for the posting picture.
These “eye witnessss” being paraded on these press conferences have not had their claims fact checked and have no proof of their allegations. Ask yourself why these accounts are not making their way to court, and when they do they crumble under the most basic amount of scrutiny? These press conferences are literally just hearsay.

And why do the manual hand recounts match the machine tabulation if there is widespread vote switching? The recounts in Georgia and Wisconsin were both consistent with the original machine count. How can that be if there was widespread vote switching?
I'll wait for the video, aside from the video I've already seen of a woman filling out vote after vote after vote.

Yeah. And also, TN’s board of professional responsibility has a hierarchy of trust:
3. Lawyer complains about another lawyer? Double yawn.
2. Client complains about a lawyer? Usually, yawn.
1. Judge complains about a lawyer? Lawyer may be in some ****.

I imagine it is similar elsewhere.
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But you know according to our liberal friends there's no voting fraud because people could be prosecuted for that. Amazing they believe hordes of relatively anonymous people would be concerned, but people actually speaking up in public at the risk of prosecution aren't reliable sources. Pretty incredible logic actually.
You're arguing that there's a huge conspiracy of people lying and committing fraud that would cause them to go to prison for life if proven (including plenty of Republicans), but it's apparently unthinkable that someone would actually lie or not tell the whole truth in a sworn affidavit.
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You're arguing that there's a huge conspiracy of people lying and committing fraud that would cause them to go to prison for life if proven (including plenty of Republicans), but it's apparently unthinkable that someone would actually lie or not tell the whole truth in a sworn affidavit.
Oh no. Every Republican loves Trump. There are no Repubs who want him gone.

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