2020 Presidential Race

Oh that’s right, Rockytop85 predicted that based on evidence that was publicly available from a statement released by the Georgia Secretary of State.
LMFAO keep rewriting it 😂

There is no indication they conducted any source code review.

They audited the config data from previously configured code. It’s in the damn statement

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Lol. Are you 12 years old?

When you cannot logically refute a post with anything in the realm of fact or logic...just post Lol....or mock the poster. You guys must be crazy flexible to be able to stick your heads so far up your azzes....
You’re claiming one of the most coordinated, massive, precise, and consequential frauds in US History, and all you have as evidence is random poll workers telling unverified stories. I’m not saying they are all lying, but they may misremember or not have a full picture of what it is they observed. Eye witness accounts are notoriously unreliable.

Every single claim brought to court has been dismissed. All of the claims about Dominion (offshore servers, uses Smartmatic, and others) are untrue. The trump team is throwing a bunch of **** at the wall and seeing what sticks. That’s why they claim fraud from every angle without any type of focus.
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No, I read what was released, but I'm betting there's more to the story ... a lot more. First, the initial decision to change didn't sit well with the postal workers union, so don't bet that a lot of what happened wasn't simply the union going postal. Having said that, as an engineer, I've seen upper level management do incredibly stupid stuff over the years because they were too arrogant to listen and too technically incompetent to understand, so I could believe either option or both. One thing I have no doubt about is that the post office has been pushing volume by subsidizing junk mail with first class mail and it bit them in the end with decreasing first class mail, so perhaps the reduction in sorting equipment had a purpose that the unions went nuts with - less volume = fewer jobs.

All that aside the mail it in voting was a disaster waiting to happen - poorly planned, poorly implemented, and without the necessary security measures. Something that should never have happened in a developed country.
I have a slightly different take.

I believe the mail-in voting scheme was planned and carried out to perfection, enabling the Dems to pull off a major heist.
I have a slightly different take.

I believe the mail-in voting scheme was planned and carried out to perfection, enabling the Dems to pull off a major heist.
There are a ridiculous number of items in this election that don’t fit historical patterns. The COVID situation could be the enabler to help any mischief or just the reason why everything was so different. But that alone isn’t PROOF. Where I’m at is a bunch of stuff looks questionable as hell, but if you can’t prove anything then there is no case. And that’s the way it has to be, for what’s at stake there must be irrefutable PROOF
Investigate away. Let me know what you find.

Here's another little thought about all this. First amendment rights - the part that's generally ignored when the first amendment is discussed.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

There are plenty of people attempting to get the government to listen, but the government is refusing to grant the opportunity, and there is a clear constitutional obligation to do so.
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William Barr: No evidence of widespread fraud in presidential election - CNNPolitics

The Justice Department hasn't found evidence to support allegations of widespread fraud that could have changed the result of last month's presidential election, Attorney General William Barr said in an interview with the Associated Press published Tuesday.
"To date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have affected a different outcome in the election," Barr said.
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There are a ridiculous number of items in this election that don’t fit historical patterns. The COVID situation could be the enabler to help any mischief or just the reason why everything was so different. But that alone isn’t PROOF. Where I’m at is a bunch of stuff looks questionable as hell, but if you can’t prove anything then there is no case. And that’s the way it has to be, for what’s at stake there must be irrefutable PROOF

The key is that you have to actually investigate to see if there is proof. Blowing off every challenge isn't listening to and certainly not investigating what may or may not be fraud.
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The CEO of the company said that source code reviews are performed as part of the certification process.
Yep I saw that. That’s called a “design review” Now go back to the SoS statement when they conducted an “audit” and extrapolate that to a source code review. Protip: you can’t. So about that chest thumping dunk you tried to take 😂

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