2020 Presidential Race

You're arguing that there's a huge conspiracy of people lying and committing fraud that would cause them to go to prison for life if proven (including plenty of Republicans), but it's apparently unthinkable that someone would actually lie or not tell the whole truth in a sworn affidavit.

Nope. Your side is the one that says nobody would commit voter fraud because prosecution is a deterrent. My point is simply those people are virtually invisible - anonymous in comparison to people who are testifying and presenting sworn affidavits. I don't dismiss people who have more at stake, but apparently your side does.
So he’s saying that every state does their own source code review as part of the certification process?

Who could have predicted that?
Lol. So in reality you have no idea what he means by “audit.” Glad we cleared that up.

Alternative argument, since you can’t refute anything about that one without making unfounded assumptions:

Tell me about Georgia Tech? You think there’s nobody there that can run a “design review” (even though the Secretary of State didn’t call it that). The statement says they have a group from GT that helped with the audit.

The paper bag is now open at both ends. Surely an “engineer” can find a way out of it.

Oh that’s right, Rockytop85 predicted that based on evidence that was publicly available from a statement released by the Georgia Secretary of State.
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So is your girlfriend.
Still have seen anyone even attempt to explain the rejection rate. Just admit y’all know they cheated but you don’t care.

Exactly. 1% of mail in votes were rejected in the last few elections, even though those are filled out typically by people who vote absentee every election and are familiar with the ballots and process.....but THIS election where there were actually MILLIONS of people in EACH swing state voting by mail for their very 1st time.....and 0.037% were rejected. 27 times fewer. 1st time random idiots that were sent ballots were 27 times as good at filling out the form as people who are well practiced at it from voting absentee every election.

For the 458,932nd time in 2 weeks.... " NOTHING to see here. Move along folks"

These “eye witnessss” being paraded on these press conferences have not had their claims fact checked and have no proof of their allegations. Ask yourself why these accounts are not making their way to court, and when they do they crumble under the most basic amount of scrutiny? These press conferences are literally just hearsay.

And why do the manual hand recounts match the machine tabulation if there is widespread vote switching? The recounts in Georgia and Wisconsin were both consistent with the original machine count. How can that be if there was widespread vote switching?

You answered your own question
A recount of the same ballots accomplishes nothing when it was prepared for..we don't need recounts.

We need AUDITS . Signature matching. Confirming that each mail in vote came from a LIVING, BREATHING, REGISTERED VOTER. Any vote that cannot be linked to a registered voter in that precinct, state etc is completely INVALID and FRAUDULENT.

We know that you and every liberal sheotbag will fight that tooth and nail though. Heaven forbid yall had to actually win an election only counting real voters right? Only counting legal voters, right? If yall are sooooooo damn sure that Creepy Joe did all that you say, why would you ever oppose seeking 100% truth and accuracy on every vote where fraud is alleged to have occurred??? Why? If it wasn't fraud, would you not WANT 75 million people to know that you beat their candidate fair and square?? Why are the Dimwits fighting every challenge tooth and nail then???

She also says in plain English that she saw STACKS of ballots with sequential numbers and signatures that looked the same being entered manually.....

Sequential numbered ballots, huh?

Names the street where at least some of these were addressed from.....hmmmm

Signatures all looked the same too, on those sequential ballots, huh? Hmmm...

So this immigrant who loves our country is willing to risk perjury charges in order to testify about what she saw...not counting the concerted effort to get all the GOP challengers and watchers thrown out of the vote counting center in WI.....hmmmm.

I know. We know we know....

Nothing to see here folks. Move along.

Like the hundreds of other people willing to risk getting sent to prison in order to testify that this was fraud.

All just a coincidence, right libs?

Happens every election, right?

I am 43...dont remember ANY of this bullsheit ever happening before. Never. Ever. Every freaking where you turn there are American citizens screaming about this fraud and willing to lose their careers, their physical freedom, and anything else to get the word out about this scam election.....

They must all be Liars though right?

Hundreds and hundreds of people willing to throw their lives away for Trump....who they have almost certainly never even met or been within a country mile of....

Makes perfect sense.

If you're a f$&king liar or a moron.

The rest of us can smell stench of what happened, everywhere we turn.
Yeah. And also, TN’s board of professional responsibility has a hierarchy of trust:
3. Lawyer complains about another lawyer? Double yawn.
2. Client complains about a lawyer? Usually, yawn.
1. Judge complains about a lawyer? Lawyer may be in some ****.

I imagine it is similar elsewhere.

0.5 People complain about lawyers... and it's generally true
IT Contractor Who Worked With Dominion on Election Day in Detroit: ‘What I Witnessed at the TCF Center Was Complete Fraud’

She remarked that she didn’t see a single vote for President Trump during the entire 27 hours she had worked at the TCF Center. “Not a single ballot,” Carone exclaimed. “That is scary.”

@AmericanGreatness - AmericanGreatness -
You answered your own question
A recount of the same ballots accomplishes nothing when it was prepared for..we don't need recounts.

We need AUDITS . Signature matching. Confirming that each mail in vote came from a LIVING, BREATHING, REGISTERED VOTER. Any vote that cannot be linked to a registered voter in that precinct, state etc is completely INVALID and FRAUDULENT.

We know that you and every liberal sheotbag will fight that tooth and nail though. Heaven forbid yall had to actually win an election only counting real voters right? Only counting legal voters, right? If yall are sooooooo damn sure that Creepy Joe did all that you say, why would you ever oppose seeking 100% truth and accuracy on every vote where fraud is alleged to have occurred??? Why? If it wasn't fraud, would you not WANT 75 million people to know that you beat their candidate fair and square?? Why are the Dimwits fighting every challenge tooth and nail then???

She also says in plain English that she saw STACKS of ballots with sequential numbers and signatures that looked the same being entered manually.....

Sequential numbered ballots, huh?

Names the street where at least some of these were addressed from.....hmmmm

Signatures all looked the same too, on those sequential ballots, huh? Hmmm...

So this immigrant who loves our country is willing to risk perjury charges in order to testify about what she saw...not counting the concerted effort to get all the GOP challengers and watchers thrown out of the vote counting center in WI.....hmmmm.

I know. We know we know....

Nothing to see here folks. Move along.

Like the hundreds of other people willing to risk getting sent to prison in order to testify that this was fraud.

All just a coincidence, right libs?

Happens every election, right?

I am 43...dont remember ANY of this bullsheit ever happening before. Never. Ever. Every freaking where you turn there are American citizens screaming about this fraud and willing to lose their careers, their physical freedom, and anything else to get the word out about this scam election.....

They must all be Liars though right?

Hundreds and hundreds of people willing to throw their lives away for Trump....who they have almost certainly never even met or been within a country mile of....

Makes perfect sense.

If you're a f$&king liar or a moron.

The rest of us can smell stench of what happened, everywhere we turn.

Yes, I'm sure there was an organized effort to have hundreds of thousands of people send in fake ballots in 7 states. But it was all a secret and everybody in on it has stayed mum.

Uh huh. Sure.
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Yes, I'm sure there was an organized effort to have hundreds of thousands of people send in fake ballots in 7 states. But it was all a secret and everybody in on it has stayed mum.

Uh huh. Sure.
It doesn't take "hundreds of thousands of people" to send in hundreds of thousands of ballots in 7 states.
You answered your own question
A recount of the same ballots accomplishes nothing when it was prepared for..we don't need recounts.

We need AUDITS . Signature matching. Confirming that each mail in vote came from a LIVING, BREATHING, REGISTERED VOTER. Any vote that cannot be linked to a registered voter in that precinct, state etc is completely INVALID and FRAUDULENT.

We know that you and every liberal sheotbag will fight that tooth and nail though. Heaven forbid yall had to actually win an election only counting real voters right? Only counting legal voters, right? If yall are sooooooo damn sure that Creepy Joe did all that you say, why would you ever oppose seeking 100% truth and accuracy on every vote where fraud is alleged to have occurred??? Why? If it wasn't fraud, would you not WANT 75 million people to know that you beat their candidate fair and square?? Why are the Dimwits fighting every challenge tooth and nail then???

She also says in plain English that she saw STACKS of ballots with sequential numbers and signatures that looked the same being entered manually.....

Sequential numbered ballots, huh?

Names the street where at least some of these were addressed from.....hmmmm

Signatures all looked the same too, on those sequential ballots, huh? Hmmm...

So this immigrant who loves our country is willing to risk perjury charges in order to testify about what she saw...not counting the concerted effort to get all the GOP challengers and watchers thrown out of the vote counting center in WI.....hmmmm.

I know. We know we know....

Nothing to see here folks. Move along.

Like the hundreds of other people willing to risk getting sent to prison in order to testify that this was fraud.

All just a coincidence, right libs?

Happens every election, right?

I am 43...dont remember ANY of this bullsheit ever happening before. Never. Ever. Every freaking where you turn there are American citizens screaming about this fraud and willing to lose their careers, their physical freedom, and anything else to get the word out about this scam election.....

They must all be Liars though right?

Hundreds and hundreds of people willing to throw their lives away for Trump....who they have almost certainly never even met or been within a country mile of....

Makes perfect sense.

If you're a f$&king liar or a moron.

The rest of us can smell stench of what happened, everywhere we turn.
At this point it is obvious that anyone who thinks this election was real is either a complete dip@@@@ or a liberal hack who cant fathom that they are not right in their beliefs. Thats it. Thats all it can be now. Its disappointing as hell to see, but thats where we are now in these United States.

I hope I have another 15 years to get my younguns into fighting shape before this insanity picks up enough notches to make us the 3rd world calamity I see taking effect here. SMDH
IT Contractor Who Worked With Dominion on Election Day in Detroit: ‘What I Witnessed at the TCF Center Was Complete Fraud’

She remarked that she didn’t see a single vote for President Trump during the entire 27 hours she had worked at the TCF Center. “Not a single ballot,” Carone exclaimed. “That is scary.”

@AmericanGreatness - AmericanGreatness -

How bout that Libs? Ya lying sacks of sheit.

Here's a link straight to her testimony...

IT Contractor Who Worked With Dominion on Election Day in Detroit: ‘What I Witnessed at the TCF Center Was Complete Fraud’ - American Greatness

Yall getting tired of this yet? We know. We know. ALL of these people are lying....perjury themselves to go to prison for a man they have never met...Trump.

Makes perfect sense..ya morons.

Keep up the good work guys. Post every plausible evidence of their fraud here.
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At this point it is obvious that anyone who thinks this election was real is either a complete dip@@@@ or a liberal hack who cant fathom that they are not right in their beliefs. Thats it. Thats all it can be now. Its disappointing as hell to see, but thats where we are now in these United States.

I hope I have another 15 years to get my younguns into fighting shape before this insanity picks up enough notches to make us the 3rd world calamity I see taking effect here. SMDH
So after 4 years of Trump and 300+ judicial appointment Trump went 1-40 on finding a judge who wasn’t a dip@@@@ and 0-40 on finding a dip@@@@ judge who would throw out enough votes to net him a single electoral vote?

Yeah, I’m with you. I can’t understand how anybody could believe that somebody that incompetent just straight up lost.
So he’s saying that every state does their own source code review as part of the certification process?

Who could have predicted that?
Not you if that’s what your implying. There is no indication that a source code review was done during the “audit”. However somebody did point out that code reviews are a normal step in an actual design review ... who was that again...
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How bout that Libs? Ya lying sacks of sheit.

Here's a link straight to her testimony...

IT Contractor Who Worked With Dominion on Election Day in Detroit: ‘What I Witnessed at the TCF Center Was Complete Fraud’ - American Greatness

Yall getting tired of this yet? We know. We know. ALL of these people are lying....perjury themselves to go to prison for a man they have never met...Trump.

Makes perfect sense..ya morons.

Keep up the good work guys. Post every plausible evidence of their fraud here.

So, how is it that anyone speaking there runs any risk of going to prison for lying?
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