2020 Presidential Race

Well, since Hannity just had 3 of the whistle blowers on his program, and they have all signed sworn affidavits under penalty of perjury, I'd say....yeah.
I wouldn’t trust anybody Hannity has on his show even if they signed in blood and promised their first born child. Everybody on that show is in the tank for Trump.
I answered about 5 or 6 posts back.

So, you think they were too.. I figured
someone might post a video showing that part.

I did read an account of how at least what one lady was saying didn't match her affidavit.

So maybe someone will post some of the goods.
So, you think they were too.. I figured
someone might post a video showing that part.

I did read an account of how at least what one lady was saying didn't match her affidavit.

So maybe someone will post some of the goods.
I watched 3 of them say they had signed sworn affidavits. But, if you prefer to believe your unbiased sources like CNN and MSNBC, that's fine with me.
Also, the governor of GA signed a compromise ( with STACEY FREKING ABRAMS hahaha) and changed the LAW regarding mail in ballots and signature verification procedures. As soon as this gets appealed from the GA circuit Court up to the Supreme Court....prepare for all that to be struck down. Guess they will have to have another election in person? I don't know...but the US constitution clearly states that only a state legislature can change any law pertaining to a federal election....yall know the SC will strike that sheit down right? Even Roberts and a couple Libs will vote to strike that BS down... because it is THAT obvious that they broke the law to make it easier for Dems to file fraudulent mail in votes...

The Georgia state legislature passed the signature verification law that was signed by Kemp last year.

Georgia Requires Signature Matching On Mail-In Ballots, But The Science Is Dubious
Prior to 2018, an absentee mail-in ballot reviewed by an untrained person in Georgia could be tossed out without recourse over a signature mismatch. The lawsuit, filed on behalf of the Muslim Voter Project against then Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp, argued that this process violated the 14th amendment, which protects a citizen’s right to due process. The legal proceedings kicked off due to a disproportionate number of mismatches recorded in Gwinnett County. The U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Georgia agreed, requiring a “curing” period for fixes in the 2018 election. A federal appeals court upheld the ruling, which was codified in law by the state legislature in 2019.

GA code 21-2-386
SB 630 - Elections Code - merge, delete, amend cert. provisions
I watched 3 of them say they had signed sworn affidavits. But, if you prefer to believe your unbiased sources like CNN and MSNBC, that's fine with me.

Uh.. well signing an affidavit doesn't mean what they were saying at the hearing was the same thing that had swore to in their affidavit.

And I was reading some of the interactions from the hearing, actually.

But someone should have those transcripts or video in its entirety vs a collection of tweets.

Maybe an affidavit or two?
I watched 3 of them say they had signed sworn affidavits. But, if you prefer to believe your unbiased sources like CNN and MSNBC, that's fine with me.
And as you know, just bc it's what they think happened doesn't mean it is what actually happened. They will need supporting evidence besides "this is what I saw." Seeing something doesn't mean they interpreted it correctly. So the courts will sort it out. And in that endeavor it hasn't been going well. Even with the sworn affidavits they have presented
And as you know, just bc it's what they think happened doesn't mean it is what actually happened. They will need supporting evidence besides "this is what I saw." Seeing something doesn't mean they interpreted it correctly. So the courts will sort it out. And in that endeavor it hasn't been going well. Even with the sworn affidavits they have presented
Right. What the man thought was over 140,000+ ballots in his truck that he hauled from N.Y. to Pennsylvania were probably 140,000+ Christmas cards from St. Judes.
Uh.. well signing an affidavit doesn't mean what they were saying at the hearing was the same thing that had swore to in their affidavit.

And I was reading some of the interactions from the hearing, actually.

But someone should have those transcripts or video in its entirety vs a collection of tweets.

Maybe an affidavit or two?
I'm sure that you know what they all said ver batim, so I'm sure you are correct.
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Right. What the man thought was over 140,000+ ballots in his truck that he hauled from N.Y. to Pennsylvania were probably 140,000+ Christmas cards from St. Judes.
Can't wait until it's adjudicated. It's one mans claim. Could easily be bs. And I am sure there is more to the story. If it's proven then I hope PA goes trumps way.
Can't wait until it's adjudicated. It's one mans claim. Could easily be bs. And I am sure there is more to the story. If it's proven then I hope PA goes trumps way.

So, 140k fraudulent ballots are mailed via USPS...many pallets of them?

Smells like BS to me.. but yes please let's see the goods.
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So, 140k fraudulent ballots are mailed via USPS...many pallets of them?

Smells like BS to me.. but yes please let's see the goods.
It's all nonsense. You have very loyal Trump Governors getting attacked in every swing state. Not that PA has one .But their GOP led house set up the rules for this election. Watching Trump supporters attack clearly pro Trump state admins is sad. These are the same people who accuse Obama supporters of being cult like. Lol ok.
Yeah, I've only seen Barr's statement being reported. But sure I guess 'some media outlets" could have reported that.

Maybe they'd post just one that reported that DOJ had concluded/suspended investigations?

Yeah, you've seen a statement from Barr's interview. The statement in which AP mixed up "affect" and "effect". One sentence rarely covers the whole issue. For example "We've found nothing so far." wouldn't be the same as "We've found nothing so far. However, the investigation is in the early stages, and we've only looked into a handful of issues." The media are well known for taking statements out of context ... and occasionally selectively editing them. None of us knows what the DOJ is doing, and it's very unlikely that any of the press know anything close to the whole story.
The Georgia state legislature passed the signature verification law that was signed by Kemp last year.

Georgia Requires Signature Matching On Mail-In Ballots, But The Science Is Dubious

GA code 21-2-386
SB 630 - Elections Code - merge, delete, amend cert. provisions

Signatures are a piss poor way to verify anything. I've always gone by my middle name, and 40+ years ago when I registered here that's likely how I signed ... but I don't know - an early voter ID card is signed middle and last name only. Today with more strict requirements on documents and signing as the name is presented on the document, signing with just the middle name isn't generally acceptable. Add to that my handwriting has changed over the years ... some due to computer use, some due to retirement, and some due to natural aging - generally I just don't write and the aging effect changes penmanship. That's why mail in voting should require a notary signifying that he/she has verified the person by picture ID - no more stringent than the ID process when voting in person. The whole mail it in process is fraudulent.
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Man, y'all fill pages fast. Can't find the comment to respond but someone basically asked - 'what's the point of poll watchers if there's no follow up.'
Serious answer..

There is follow up. But a poll watcher is there to raise a question during the action, it's the literal job (meant factually, not snarky).
There's official R's (and dems) right there to show any evidence. Or contacts for out of building, off site activities.
Popping up 2, 3 or 4 weeks later, saying you wanted to but didn't, gets moved into 'hearsay' for obvious reasons.

And unfortunately, previous cases of people like O'Keefe/Powell/Guiliani associates making contact before the official claims are made, has cast further doubt.
Man, y'all fill pages fast. Can't find the comment to respond but someone basically asked - 'what's the point of poll watchers if there's no follow up.'
Serious answer..

There is follow up. But a poll watcher is there to raise a question during the action, it's the literal job (meant factually, not snarky).
There's official R's (and dems) right there to show any evidence. Or contacts for out of building, off site activities.
Popping up 2, 3 or 4 weeks later, saying you wanted to but didn't, gets moved into 'hearsay' for obvious reasons.

And unfortunately, previous cases of people like O'Keefe/Powell/Guiliani associates making contact before the official claims are made, has cast further doubt.

So a poll watcher sees something and says something, what's the process? Apparently it doesn't stop anything; and if election officials refuse to do anything, then what? Are you intentionally omitting that for "2, 3 or 4 weeks" people have been trying to have issues addressed and virtually every official avenue has been blocked, ridiculed, or simply ignored? This process is like a football game where the coaches can simply overrule the officials on the field, and the officials become observers of a free for all.
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You’re claiming one of the most coordinated, massive, precise, and consequential frauds in US History, and all you have as evidence is random poll workers telling unverified stories. I’m not saying they are all lying, but they may misremember or not have a full picture of what it is they observed. Eye witness accounts are notoriously unreliable.

Every single claim brought to court has been dismissed. All of the claims about Dominion (offshore servers, uses Smartmatic, and others) are untrue. The trump team is throwing a bunch of **** at the wall and seeing what sticks. That’s why they claim fraud from every angle without any type of focus.

Actually no, no I am not. Like all the other non lib posters here, I just post the links to the people who actually saw the fraud and are willing to risk their necks to testify about what they saw. In each and every single case, it is the Constitutional RESPONSIBILITY of the state legislatures in each respective STATE to investigate these affidavits BEFORE they certify the result in their state. To do otherwise is complete BS, and makes them complicit in the fraud due to the dereliction of their sworn duties.

There are a ridiculous number of items in this election that don’t fit historical patterns. The COVID situation could be the enabler to help any mischief or just the reason why everything was so different. But that alone isn’t PROOF. Where I’m at is a bunch of stuff looks questionable as hell, but if you can’t prove anything then there is no case. And that’s the way it has to be, for what’s at stake there must be irrefutable PROOF

I agree 100%....BUT:

Here's the trillions of dollars question:

Exactly WHICH agency or department is RESPONSIBLE for investigating and seeking prosecutions for EACH affidavit that is filed as evidence? FBI? Respective SBI? Police? NSA? **

WHO is going to investigate these HUNDREDS of sworn affidavits about fraud blatantly taking place ALL OVER these states??? Where is their spokesperson and press conferences to let Americans know their concerns are being investigated? These VERY SERIOUS allegations???

If Mary J. Rotten Rottencrotch was witnessed by people under oath saying she sat there and fed the same box of ballots into the machine over and over again ...which is alleged at many places....who is gonna put back bracelets on that rotten bitch and change her with federal felonies??? Who??? When???

If John T. Pantywaist was witnessed filling in birthdates from 1900 ad or 1.20.2020 in order to be able to hand feed hundreds if not thousands of fraudulent mail ballots Into the counting machines.....which is already alleged in sworn affidavits at multiple sites in multiple states....
Who is gonna go cuff and stuff Mr. Pantywaist???? Who does this?? When???

Doesn't surprise me a bit that Barrs fatazz can go on TV and say that HE has not personally seen yet evidence of SYSTEMIC fraud that would change the results of the election....which IS ALL he said....because it isnt his responsibility to investigate and prosecute these felonies, right???

Can't find anything if you never look...or it isnt even your job to look ....

So who the HELL is gonna investigate EACH affidavit???

Yall realize a truck driver for USPS testified, affidavit, and went on TV( which is VERY brave doxxing himself like that..) saying that he drove an 18 wheeler loaded with 24 PALLETS from NY to PA .... ballots already filled out mind you....the fraud of JUST that 1 incident is enough votes to change the results in PA....

WHO is gonna put every supervisor above him, dispatcher, truck loaders, everyone who is likely involved....put them 1 at a time in separate rooms and interrogate them and offer an immunity deal to those willing to come CLEAN about who was pulling those strings, and WHERE those ballots ended up???? Pipes BURST under PRESSURE...

Who is gonna do that investigation and leave no stone unturned? Who will have the full might and authority of the US government to slap MULTIPLE FELONIES on those who tried to steal that election??? Which agency is responsible for this, and how do us citizens find out what happens with the investigation if the media won't even report on it?? Hope they let FOX and OAN get some interviews in???

This sheot isnt gonna go away. It isnt gonna be ignored. We want ANSWERS to all of the questions posed above and MORE. Where are those answers gonna come from???

Now that there have been official hearings with AMAZING testimonies in multiple states, when is the MSM gonna do their freaking JOBS and report the NEWS to all Americans??? They too are derelict in their duties, and their blatant bias is sickening. .

**( the NSA employs more people than the FBI and CIA COMBINED....can anyone here tell me a single damn thing that they do? A single criminal case they brought to court, or a single mission against a foreign adversary?? What does this HUGE agency actually DO? Why is there NEVER any record or news report or hearings about anything at all that they have accomplished???)

This doesn't even make any sense. This is talking about individual ballots not being shipped via UPS and FedEx because they need to be postmarked. This is obviously not individual ballots--it's boxes of ballots being transferred from a warehouse likely to wherever they will be individually mailed to their destination. No one is even alleging that this is illegal, they're just hoping that you don't use common sense and realize the difference.
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Actually no, no I am not. Like all the other non lib posters here, I just post the links to the people who actually saw the fraud and are willing to risk their necks to testify about what they saw. In each and every single case, it is the Constitutional RESPONSIBILITY of the state legislatures in each respective STATE to investigate these affidavits BEFORE they certify the result in their state. To do otherwise is complete BS, and makes them complicit in the fraud due to the dereliction of their sworn duties.

I agree 100%....BUT:

Here's the trillions of dollars question:

Exactly WHICH agency or department is RESPONSIBLE for investigating and seeking prosecutions for EACH affidavit that is filed as evidence? FBI? Respective SBI? Police? NSA? **

WHO is going to investigate these HUNDREDS of sworn affidavits about fraud blatantly taking place ALL OVER these states??? Where is their spokesperson and press conferences to let Americans know their concerns are being investigated? These VERY SERIOUS allegations???

If Mary J. Rotten Rottencrotch was witnessed by people under oath saying she sat there and fed the same box of ballots into the machine over and over again ...which is alleged at many places....who is gonna put back bracelets on that rotten bitch and change her with federal felonies??? Who??? When???

If John T. Pantywaist was witnessed filling in birthdates from 1900 ad or 1.20.2020 in order to be able to hand feed hundreds if not thousands of fraudulent mail ballots Into the counting machines.....which is already alleged in sworn affidavits at multiple sites in multiple states....
Who is gonna go cuff and stuff Mr. Pantywaist???? Who does this?? When???

Doesn't surprise me a bit that Barrs fatazz can go on TV and say that HE has not personally seen yet evidence of SYSTEMIC fraud that would change the results of the election....which IS ALL he said....because it isnt his responsibility to investigate and prosecute these felonies, right???

Can't find anything if you never look...or it isnt even your job to look ....

So who the HELL is gonna investigate EACH affidavit???

Yall realize a truck driver for USPS testified, affidavit, and went on TV( which is VERY brave doxxing himself like that..) saying that he drove an 18 wheeler loaded with 24 PALLETS from NY to PA .... ballots already filled out mind you....the fraud of JUST that 1 incident is enough votes to change the results in PA....

WHO is gonna put every supervisor above him, dispatcher, truck loaders, everyone who is likely involved....put them 1 at a time in separate rooms and interrogate them and offer an immunity deal to those willing to come CLEAN about who was pulling those strings, and WHERE those ballots ended up???? Pipes BURST under PRESSURE...

Who is gonna do that investigation and leave no stone unturned? Who will have the full might and authority of the US government to slap MULTIPLE FELONIES on those who tried to steal that election??? Which agency is responsible for this, and how do us citizens find out what happens with the investigation if the media won't even report on it?? Hope they let FOX and OAN get some interviews in???

This sheot isnt gonna go away. It isnt gonna be ignored. We want ANSWERS to all of the questions posed above and MORE. Where are those answers gonna come from???

Now that there have been official hearings with AMAZING testimonies in multiple states, when is the MSM gonna do their freaking JOBS and report the NEWS to all Americans??? They too are derelict in their duties, and their blatant bias is sickening. .

**( the NSA employs more people than the FBI and CIA COMBINED....can anyone here tell me a single damn thing that they do? A single criminal case they brought to court, or a single mission against a foreign adversary?? What does this HUGE agency actually DO? Why is there NEVER any record or news report or hearings about anything at all that they have accomplished???)

There's not much point in poll watchers if their allegations are ignored. If there's no set process to openly address the allegations, then they are basically ignored. If it's a "he said" "she said" process between election official and poll watcher with the typical bureaucratic cover up, then the process is ignored. You get the opinion the whole show is for appearances; and if ignored long enough, all the difficult questions will just fade away. Pretty much anybody who has worked in a corporate or government bureaucracy knows how this goes (just minus the threat of your livelihood).
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Here ya go...The case of the USPS contractor:

So, the driver gives an account of a truckload of apparent legal ballots on their way to be counted, disappearing from his trailer while parked overnight.

If anything, it seems more likely that someone didn't want them to be counted, rather than these ballots being fraudulent and later slipped into the legal count, eh?

So.. where did the idea originate that these ballots were fake?

Enter the Armistad Project, which takes the drivers account and turns it into the fake ballot conspiracy.


Again, some of you are being played for fools.
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You understand how software works. Our esteemed pettifogger is just blowing wind.

When the source code is reviewed at the DESIGN REVIEW and checked into the configuration management system then you build the executable. That executable has a CRC as well as embedded ID strings normally now. During an AUDIT you can extract (<- the exact word used in the SoS statement) the executable and compare the CRC and ID string to the configuration management data. That is still not a VALIDATION TEST or source code review.

This is just how you manage software regardless of what industry it’s being applied in.

Also, it assumes all parties are acting in a good faith manner between the source code review and compiled code generation. ( Tim foil hat parting shot 😎)

He said exactly that. Almost verbatim. Read it again.
He said they contracted third party labs via a bipartisan panel. But yeah sure that’s verbatim 😂

It’s clearly above your intelligence

Damn 85....quit while you're behind bro. Way, way behind. Seems ND40 actually knows exactly what the Hell he is talking about due to his. ..career and all.

" but the Dominion guy says his software is totally legit..."

Did you bother to read the sworn affidavits and testimony today from the IT lady that was subcontracting for Dominion in the election? Hear what she said about all the blatant fraud they were involved in???

How about the Dominion guy who took a server HOME with him on election night to "fix it" in GA?? Read about that one yet?

How about the affidavits from swing states in various places up north that say Dominion guys were breaking seals on the machines and uploading data into the tabulation machines in multiple instances? Replacing the "thumb drives" or whatever the Hell they called them with other drives they brought with them???

Multiple different people in multiple states are willing to risk perjury charges under oath to testify about illegal fraud from Dominion workers...over and over and over...

What about them? YOU THINK that is all just a grand conspiracy by Trumpers in different states and at different precincts that just so happen to have seen fraud over and over by Dominion techs???

That sword cuts BOTH ways.

I am still trying to figure out why such a high % of these people filling out affidavits and testifying say that they contacted the FBI and that the FBI refused to investigate any of it...in any cases just dropped them and never returned their calls after them filling out statements for them???

Why would that keep happening?

Like I posted earlier, WHO is responsible for investigating all these sworn testimony claims? Who is gonna put these criminals in a room and grill them until somebody decides to take immunity and tell who is really behind all this BS in their precinct???
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Oh ********. Georgia Tech is an also ran in who actually did the damn audit and I’ve pointed it out to you before. They were recommended to bring in Pro V&V whom are the recognized experts and they conducted the “audit”. Hell I’d guess they did the third party source review back when it was done at the DESIGN REVIEW. I know you’re slow so I’ll link it again.

Secretary Raffensperger Announces Completion Of Voting Machine Audit Using Forensic Techniques No Sign Of Foul Play | Elections

Pro V&V conducted the audit. They are the professionals. Your “but Georgia Tech” implication is sheer stupidity
So, here ya go...The case of the USPS contractor:

So, the driver gives an account of a truckload of apparent legal ballots on their way to be counted, disappearing from his trailer while parked overnight.

So, if anything, it seems more likely that someone didn't want them to be counted, rather than these ballots being fraudulent and later slipped into the legal count, eh?

View attachment 327242
So.. where did the idea originate that these ballots were fake?

Enter the Armistad Project, which takes the drivers account and turns it into the fake ballot conspiracy.

View attachment 327243

Again, some of you are being played for fools.

Are you deaf or illiterate? I have actually watched his testimony and interview..and he didn't even vote in the election either btw...doesn't care about politics.

He testified that his truck filled with 24 pallets of FILLED OUT , PA ballots was taken from Bethpage NY to PA....I dont need to explain why ballots from PA should never at any point in time have ever even been in NY, do I??? I'll assume not and hope for the best.... then, he believes because the ballots were MISTAKENLY put on his truck instead of someone else's, he wasn't allowed to u load where he unloads that exact same trailer, every single day in PA....they made him sit in his truck for nearly 8 HOURS , refused to give him a delivery ticket for his daily mail cargo or let him unload, then sent him to another city in PA AFTER HOURS, on OCT 21st, where he was told to leave the truck and trailer and it would be unloaded there. So he went home, as usual...except late.

Next morning when he went to pick up his truck, the entire trailer was gone. The exact same trailer he pulled every single day on his route from PA to NY back to PA....is gone. Never happened before. Ever. He said he believes that they wouldn't unload the trailer at his normal stop because it was

1. Daylight...and the guys who unloaded it would have also seen what it was...

2. They would have to give him his delivery ticket that shows the contents of his delivery...like they do every other day.

He is willing to risk perjury charges and being doxxed with all the liberal illegal Hell that comes along with it in order for this truth to be seen by the American people.

Willing to risk everything in his life. Brave man.

But yeah...please tell us all about the guy because you half ass skimmed part of an article that 1 of us posted here. Typical arrogant liberal bullsheot and talking down to everyone from your imaginary intellectual high ground....nice.

Edit: just saw your OTHER ignorant post about this guy. Guess we DO HAVE to explain it to you ...

There is NO reason for filled out PA ballots to ever be in NY. None. Ever. Those ballots are mailed from PA to people in PA....Bethpage, NY is NOT in PA....

Does that help? Can you see now how they HAVE to be fake ballots? That no legit ballots would ever be bundled in 24 pallets in NY and shipped to PA a week and half before the election???

Do you understand his testimony that absolutely Everyone involved acted shady and in a manner never before seen by him...and made him sit in the yard all day where he always unloads? Only to take them to a different yard where the entire trailer disappeared?

Keep playing dumb tho jackass
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The more I research past history of our politicians actions on safe voting I become more confident that both parties are corrupt and can't be trusted. I have never trusted McConnell, one article is about how he has blocked three election security bills and in particular voting machines even as late as 2019. Republicans and Trump are both guilty of what has happened in this election.

The other article is how Trump would use it as an excuse. Remember that these articles were written prior to the election. I'm beginning to get a suspicion that we are all being played by both parties, while they fight only for themselves. For me I do not trust either party and not one damn politician.

As He Blocks Election Security Bills, McConnell Takes Checks from Voting Machine Lobbyists

Donald Trump’s Favorite Voting Machines | Washington Monthly
Are you deaf or illiterate? I have actually watched his testimony and interview..and he didn't even vote in the election either btw...doesn't care about politics.

He testified that his truck filled with 24 pallets of FILLED OUT , PA ballots was taken from Bethpage NY to PA....I dont need to explain why ballots from PA should never at any point in time have ever even been in NY, do I??? I'll assume not and hope for the best.... then, he believes because the ballots were MISTAKENLY put on his truck instead of someone else's, he wasn't allowed to u load where he unloads that exact same trailer, every single day in PA....they made him sit in his truck for nearly 8 HOURS , refused to give him a delivery ticket for his daily mail cargo or let him unload, then sent him to another city in PA AFTER HOURS, on OCT 21st, where he was told to leave the truck and trailer and it would be unloaded there. So he went home, as usual...except late.

Next morning when he went to pick up his truck, the entire trailer was gone. The exact same trailer he pulled every single day on his route from PA to NY back to PA....is gone. Never happened before. Ever. He said he believes that they wouldn't unload the trailer at his normal stop because it was

1. Daylight...and the guys who unloaded it would have also seen what it was...

2. They would have to give him his delivery ticket that shows the contents of his delivery...like they do every other day.

He is willing to risk perjury charges and being doxxed with all the liberal illegal Hell that comes along with it in order for this truth to be seen by the American people.

Willing to risk everything in his life. Brave man.

But yeah...please tell us all about the guy because you half ass skimmed part of an article that 1 of us posted here. Typical arrogant liberal bullsheot and talking down to everyone from your imaginary intellectual high ground....nice.

Yeah, maybe you can't read, or are dismissing the account that I reposted from Jack Posobiec's twitter.

Again, why would legit.ballots not be filled out with return addresses, or are you just imagining that he saw the contents and who they voted for? Where did he state he thought the ballots were.fake, and why would you assume these ballots were not legit and being disposed of by persons not wanting them counted,.and why would they be expected to be anywhere in particular if they were being destroyed?

The fake ballot theory just doesn't add up.

Post the video, if you think it makes your case, I've done my good deed for the day.

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