2020 Presidential Race

The Georgia state legislature passed the signature verification law that was signed by Kemp last year.

Georgia Requires Signature Matching On Mail-In Ballots, But The Science Is Dubious

GA code 21-2-386
SB 630 - Elections Code - merge, delete, amend cert. provisions

Don't know what to say here...this contradicts entirely what was presented to me . I realize now that I misspoke anyway, what I saw alleged that Kemp made a deal and changed policy without state legislation...not the Governor . I was surely wrong about that. I apologize, I don't want to ever spread misinformation.

If there was in fact no changes made to the election policy/rules/guidelines that is currently in circuit Court and headed to the SC ... then I apologize to everyone here, I was mislead and mistaken. At first glance it looks like this link above may be the changes in question, and if it IS in fact the same changes then I was wrong.

I get pissed sometimes when I think people here are intentionally being obtuse or dishonest in their statements ...I talk trash and own it , though I am not particularly proud of the way I come across sometimes. This is totally different...if I was wrong then I apologize and ask those interested to look into it and see what they think. There is so much garbage in GA from "busted water pipes" which i believe was proven to be a lie also, to mailing ballots to people in other states illegally...if even half of what has been alleged in GA is true then they need to toss this entire election and do it again in person with real , living human beings. JmO...

Maybe ND40 can help explain this, or anyone else who is a tech expert...wish my Dad was still here, as he had 2 masters degrees relevant to computer science and programming. ..

Seems to me that this problem, found on equipment used in at least half the voting machines ? Is that when the data is supposed to be verified against the "true hash" in order to show it hasn't been tampered with...even when the thumb drive containing the "true hash" is completely MISSING this software still affirms that the thumb drive with the data from the election machines MATCHES the true hash???

So every single maxhine can be falsely verified to match the true hash, regardless of what tampering had taken place?

Then, the techs from the software company SSnS? That is used everywhere....were caught repeatedly certifying their own machines instead of the people from the actual precincts doing it??? Which as noted by the TX sec is "at best a conflict of interest"....or in layman's terms is fraud/ self policing by a private 3rd party with many millions of $ on the line????

Why was this not all over the news?

Why did the TX sec have to make new policies to clearly define what the roles of the techs were in order to keep them from fraudulent certification of the accuracy of their OWN machines and software?

Why did he have to make sure all the officials in the precincts put an end to this BS?

Why were these machines and software , along with Dominion, still used anyway???

** on another note, have yall seen the case now where a Swiss bank 75% owned by the CCCP (Chicoms) paid Dominion parent company $400 million less than a month before the election? Hmmmm
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Yeah, maybe you can't read, or are dismissing the account that I reposted from Jack Posobiec's twitter.

Again, why would legit.ballots not be filled out with return addresses, or are you just imagining that he saw the contents and who they voted for? Where did he state he thought the ballots were.fake, and why would you assume these ballots were not legit and being disposed of by persons not wanting them counted,.and why would they be expected to be anywhere in particular if they were being destroyed?

The fake ballot theory just doesn't add up.

Post the video, if you think it makes your case, I've done my good deed for the day.

I guess you missed the part where they came from New York? So clueless
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So a poll watcher sees something and says something, what's the process? Apparently it doesn't stop anything; and if election officials refuse to do anything, then what? Are you intentionally omitting that for "2, 3 or 4 weeks" people have been trying to have issues addressed and virtually every official avenue has been blocked, ridiculed, or simply ignored? This process is like a football game where the coaches can simply overrule the officials on the field, and the officials become observers of a free for all.

I didn't omit anything and wasn't some kind of partisan answer, it's mandatory they do it at that moment.

If you're accusing the Republican officials, inside of tabulation centers, of ignoring their own poll watchers, you'll have to take that up with them. I don't buy into deep state hijacking R's, stuff.
As Barr said, the DOJ also looked into any serious claims.

There's a huge difference in "no one followed up" and people just not liking the answer they got.
Signatures are a piss poor way to verify anything. I've always gone by my middle name, and 40+ years ago when I registered here that's likely how I signed ... but I don't know - an early voter ID card is signed middle and last name only. Today with more strict requirements on documents and signing as the name is presented on the document, signing with just the middle name isn't generally acceptable. Add to that my handwriting has changed over the years ... some due to computer use, some due to retirement, and some due to natural aging - generally I just don't write and the aging effect changes penmanship. That's why mail in voting should require a notary signifying that he/she has verified the person by picture ID - no more stringent than the ID process when voting in person. The whole mail it in process is fraudulent.

Those are valid concerns that the Georgia state legislature could certainly look at and try to address for subsequent elections. They should, and have, follow their election law as it relates to voter signature verification. They certainly couldn't require any more verification for the 2020 election than their law requires, or people would have legitimate grounds for changing election results in Georgia rather than baseless allegations of compromises between the Governor and a failed gubernatorial candidate that excluded the state legislature.
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Here ya go...The case of the USPS contractor:

So, the driver gives an account of a truckload of apparent legal ballots on their way to be counted, disappearing from his trailer while parked overnight.

If anything, it seems more likely that someone didn't want them to be counted, rather than these ballots being fraudulent and later slipped into the legal count, eh?

View attachment 327242
So.. where did the idea originate that these ballots were fake?

Enter the Armistad Project, which takes the drivers account and turns it into the fake ballot conspiracy.

View attachment 327243

Again, some of you are being played for fools.
Either way if true this is a huge Fing problem and puts the state in doubt.
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It's also here. This is the 2020 Presidential Race thread. One of the candidates happens to be involved. Why don't you start a "NY to PA Postal Truck" thread if seeing others discuss topics unrelated to that concerns you so much?
This thread is about the presidential election which easily includes voter irregularities, not pardons.
Also, on the 'Dominion doesn't want their machines investigated', that's misleading. DHS, along with certified cyber forensic institutions have checked several.

What Sydney Powell is wanting, is hand picked personal believers (the part dems object to) to be allowed to dig through sensitive technology (what Dominion objects to)that all tech companies have a standard against. Not just voting related companies.

Here's a link to GA, with no objections when it's certified professionals, for example.

Raffensperger said that a lab certified by the U.S. Election Assistance Commission, Pro V&V, used forensic techniques to inspect Dominion Voting Systems voting machines.

Georgia says voting machine audit found no evidence of fraud or tampering
Either way if true this is a huge Fing problem and puts the state in doubt.

Sure it does, or would especially if true. Its not surprising that the driver's account is being spun to fit a narrative, but anyone making the leap to the ballots being fake and later inserted into the count is making quite the slanted leap.

Of course my slanted leap just won't do.
This thread is about the presidential election which easily includes voter irregularities, not pardons.

Thanks for the tip. If you want to post about irregularities go ahead. I will continue to reply to any post I feel like or to post anything I feel is relevant. I'm sorry if you feel it detracts from the topics you want everybody to post about.
Is Flynn the pardon suspected to be involved in the bribery story from yesterday?
No way to know how many pardons were being discussed.. most are speculating the discussions were between Trump and Rudy, but its all just speculative guessing at this point.

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