2020 Presidential Race

I don't have to read it, I know why it changed. I know why they all changed while we were all sleeping

Democracy never sleeps you fascist pig

Also, if Justin were here, he would think the whole cheating narrative was a gift, as he would be able to add "cheater" to his most frequently used words, such as "commie", " sheep" etc..

Kind of a lemons to lemonade type situation.
Democracy never sleeps you fascist pig

Also, if Justin were here, he would think the whole cheating narrative was a gift, as he would be able to add "cheater" to his most frequently used words, such as "commie", " sheep" etc..

Kind of a lemons to lemonade type situation.
What happened to Justin?
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Democracy never sleeps you fascist pig

Also, if Justin were here, he would think the whole cheating narrative was a gift, as he would be able to add "cheater" to his most frequently used words, such as "commie", " sheep" etc..

Kind of a lemons to lemonade type situation.
Votes are usually only found when we sleep or when they have a fake water pipe burst

Sounds like he knows you all cheating communist sheep well
Well, since Hannity just had 3 of the whistle blowers on his program, and they have all signed sworn affidavits under penalty of perjury, I'd say....yeah.

Even Hannity barrel bottom scraping right there trying to come up with facts. Hannity is just so much more believable like Ingraham and gas pain Tucker to you found when they just make sh!t up
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You will have to rely on the government to send you $$ to keep your phone on unless you quality for an obama phone which I'm guessing you would

Good one. Do you keep a list of snappy comeback lines in your outhouse? You do know your supposed to tape them to the inside wall so rain doesn’t wash them away, don’t you?
Congrats, I wanted to open an account there but they would not allow me to without giving my phone number which I did not want to risk getting bombarded with calls. Have you had a problem with them texting or calling you?

Bovada is outstanding. No issues whatsoever. They're based in Costa Rica, and this is the 4th or 5th year I've been with them - football bets almost exclusively. They even offer a 50% match of your money (deposit $500 and they put $250 more in your account - which you basically have to 'earn' during the season by betting, but that's never been an issue for me).

My sole complaint is last year they wanted to charge me $100 to receive my (season) winnings by check, so I went with their free option of receiving it via bitcoin instead. That was a MAJOR pain in the ass to set all that up, but they did pay out and, funny thing is, my bitcoins went up in value by like 10% while I was trying to figure out how to convert them back to money and deposit it in my bank account.

Oh, and here's the kicker why I prefer Bovada over others: In-game bets. This is my preferred betting method FWIW. Let's say, for instance, the final line between the Pats and the Falcons is Pats favored by 14 (-14 line). That's a huge number of points for an NFL games. With Bovada, instead of having to make that bet if you like the Pats, you can just wait for the game to start, and the odds change throughout (most) of the game to reflect the score (and to balance the incoming money on both teams) throughout the game. Best situation is when bad things happen to good teams - like a kickoff return or a pick-6, and they get down by a bunch of points by halftime. The line on the Pats game, for instance, could change to +20 by halftime, meaning the Pats would have to lose by MORE than 20 for you to lose your bet. When you can correctly spot this, back up the truck and have some balls. Worked for me to the tune of $3K during halftime of the Pats/Falcons superbowl.

Anyway, I'm rambling. Betting on football makes it alot of fun, and I normally just limit myself to $25 to $50 per game to make it interesting.
I think China owns much more of our politicians and our government than we ever imagined.
Not to mention how thoroughly they have infiltrated our top research universities (actually nearly every major university doing research in the natural sciences) with spies disguised as graduate students and professors.
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Even Hannity barrel bottom scraping right there trying to come up with facts. Hannity is just so much more believable like Ingraham and gas pain Tucker to you found when they just make sh!t up
Like the Russian collusion narrative pushed by the Maddow guy , Lemon, and the gay CNN guy with the silver hair, etc.
Actually no, no I am not. Like all the other non lib posters here, I just post the links to the people who actually saw the fraud and are willing to risk their necks to testify about what they saw. In each and every single case, it is the Constitutional RESPONSIBILITY of the state legislatures in each respective STATE to investigate these affidavits BEFORE they certify the result in their state. To do otherwise is complete BS, and makes them complicit in the fraud due to the dereliction of their sworn duties.

I agree 100%....BUT:

Here's the trillions of dollars question:

Exactly WHICH agency or department is RESPONSIBLE for investigating and seeking prosecutions for EACH affidavit that is filed as evidence? FBI? Respective SBI? Police? NSA? **

WHO is going to investigate these HUNDREDS of sworn affidavits about fraud blatantly taking place ALL OVER these states??? Where is their spokesperson and press conferences to let Americans know their concerns are being investigated? These VERY SERIOUS allegations???

If Mary J. Rotten Rottencrotch was witnessed by people under oath saying she sat there and fed the same box of ballots into the machine over and over again ...which is alleged at many places....who is gonna put back bracelets on that rotten bitch and change her with federal felonies??? Who??? When???

If John T. Pantywaist was witnessed filling in birthdates from 1900 ad or 1.20.2020 in order to be able to hand feed hundreds if not thousands of fraudulent mail ballots Into the counting machines.....which is already alleged in sworn affidavits at multiple sites in multiple states....
Who is gonna go cuff and stuff Mr. Pantywaist???? Who does this?? When???

Doesn't surprise me a bit that Barrs fatazz can go on TV and say that HE has not personally seen yet evidence of SYSTEMIC fraud that would change the results of the election....which IS ALL he said....because it isnt his responsibility to investigate and prosecute these felonies, right???

Can't find anything if you never look...or it isnt even your job to look ....

So who the HELL is gonna investigate EACH affidavit???

Yall realize a truck driver for USPS testified, affidavit, and went on TV( which is VERY brave doxxing himself like that..) saying that he drove an 18 wheeler loaded with 24 PALLETS from NY to PA .... ballots already filled out mind you....the fraud of JUST that 1 incident is enough votes to change the results in PA....

WHO is gonna put every supervisor above him, dispatcher, truck loaders, everyone who is likely involved....put them 1 at a time in separate rooms and interrogate them and offer an immunity deal to those willing to come CLEAN about who was pulling those strings, and WHERE those ballots ended up???? Pipes BURST under PRESSURE...

Who is gonna do that investigation and leave no stone unturned? Who will have the full might and authority of the US government to slap MULTIPLE FELONIES on those who tried to steal that election??? Which agency is responsible for this, and how do us citizens find out what happens with the investigation if the media won't even report on it?? Hope they let FOX and OAN get some interviews in???

This sheot isnt gonna go away. It isnt gonna be ignored. We want ANSWERS to all of the questions posed above and MORE. Where are those answers gonna come from???

Now that there have been official hearings with AMAZING testimonies in multiple states, when is the MSM gonna do their freaking JOBS and report the NEWS to all Americans??? They too are derelict in their duties, and their blatant bias is sickening. .

**( the NSA employs more people than the FBI and CIA COMBINED....can anyone here tell me a single damn thing that they do? A single criminal case they brought to court, or a single mission against a foreign adversary?? What does this HUGE agency actually DO? Why is there NEVER any record or news report or hearings about anything at all that they have accomplished???)

If they told you they would have to kill you
Yeah...except that Pro VnV is owned and ran by a guy who posts all over social media that Trump is. Nazi....human filth.....his supporters are all fascists etc.

So your take is they want "neutral" folks to check the machines, when in actuality the ones who supposedly spot checked a couple machines...according to them...are a tech company from California the liberal nut job capital of America, which is run by very vocal anti Trump folks. I have seen several of his social media posts, feel free to check them out yourself.

Which I am sure is EXACTLY why thats the only company the Dems are willing to let check the machines...

Why the Hell is it that they get an opinion anyway? The ones that have hundreds and hundreds of sworn affidavits of fraud against them get to decide who checks the machines....for evidence of fraud? In what bizarro world is that ethical?

It said VnV was accompanied by Homeland Security, and a 3rd party. Republican approved.

I'm open to real debate, think it's necessary. And definitely open to real evidence.
But pre determining the result and labeling every result that doesn't support it (including life long Republicans and Trump supporters) as "IN ON IT" isn't debate.

That's a made up game, set to where the rule makers can't lose.
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You will have to rely on the government to send you $$ to keep your phone on unless you quality for an obama phone which I'm guessing you would

If you believe the "Obama Phone" nonsense, I see why you have latched on to the fraudulent election conspiracy theory nonsense as well.
It's over, the people have spoken and rejected Diaper Don emphatically.
It said VnV was accompanied by Homeland Security, and a 3rd party. Republican approved.

I'm open to real debate, think it's necessary. And definitely open to real evidence.
But pre determining the result and labeling every result that doesn't support it (including life long Republicans and Trump supporters) as "IN ON IT" isn't debate.

That's a made up game, set to where the rule makers can't lose.

I agree, but posting/debating the available evidence is too much of a bother apparently.

Seems, so far, that tweets are proof of fraud, though when scrutiny is applied, the affidavits just fall rather flat.

But as usual, post 'em if you got 'em people, nobody is shying away from the discussion.
If you believe the "Obama Phone" nonsense, I see why you have latched on to the fraudulent election conspiracy theory nonsense as well.
It's over, the people have spoken and rejected Diaper Don emphatically.
I know it's over, I am aware the cheating was so widespread there is no way to change it. I accepted that the day after the election. The cheaters have spoken. Best case scenario is Rs change laws or make laws fixing it going forward but I don't have much faith in that either.
Bovada is outstanding. No issues whatsoever. They're based in Costa Rica, and this is the 4th or 5th year I've been with them - football bets almost exclusively. They even offer a 50% match of your money (deposit $500 and they put $250 more in your account - which you basically have to 'earn' during the season by betting, but that's never been an issue for me).

My sole complaint is last year they wanted to charge me $100 to receive my (season) winnings by check, so I went with their free option of receiving it via bitcoin instead. That was a MAJOR pain in the ass to set all that up, but they did pay out and, funny thing is, my bitcoins went up in value by like 10% while I was trying to figure out how to convert them back to money and deposit it in my bank account.

Oh, and here's the kicker why I prefer Bovada over others: In-game bets. This is my preferred betting method FWIW. Let's say, for instance, the final line between the Pats and the Falcons is Pats favored by 14 (-14 line). That's a huge number of points for an NFL games. With Bovada, instead of having to make that bet if you like the Pats, you can just wait for the game to start, and the odds change throughout (most) of the game to reflect the score (and to balance the incoming money on both teams) throughout the game. Best situation is when bad things happen to good teams - like a kickoff return or a pick-6, and they get down by a bunch of points by halftime. The line on the Pats game, for instance, could change to +20 by halftime, meaning the Pats would have to lose by MORE than 20 for you to lose your bet. When you can correctly spot this, back up the truck and have some balls. Worked for me to the tune of $3K during halftime of the Pats/Falcons superbowl.

Anyway, I'm rambling. Betting on football makes it alot of fun, and I normally just limit myself to $25 to $50 per game to make it interesting.

Guys, I know this is the election thread so this is my last betting post...thanks
MP, even better than that if I read it correctly if my original deposit is made with cryptocurrency then I get a 100% match up to $1,000.
Do we have a forum or thread on VN? I went to Gaming and did not see anything pertaining to betting, maybe I missed it.
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