2020 Presidential Race

Exactly. so if true either way it’s a huge F up.

Read it again slowly

So if true

The political slant is irrelevant if true.
The intention are irrelevant if true.
Accident.....huge F up
On purpose.....huge F up.

I now return you to your regularly scheduled partisan decision making

If true, the guy saw some ballots in a postal trailer and it seemed suspicious to him, and some other workers seemed suspicious. Some other driver hauled the trailer, apparently. Getting to fraudulent ballots being sent to NY to PA, from someone's suspicions will never wash.

If people want to fill in the details, fine, but it doesn't amount to proof of anything

I like President Trump, but I’d have to pass. He shouldn’t run then like Joe shouldn’t have run this one.

I don’t like him and I’m glad I don’t work for him. But I like the majority of his policies.

Edit: I will admit a guilty pleasure in watching how he continually triggers the idiots tho 😂
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Which citizen did Obama have killed with a drone?
A kid in Yemen. Don't worry though. Trump killed his sister
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Obama assassinated a U.S. citizen without benefit of a trial by using a drone. He was judge, jury, and executioner. Democrats like you didn't complain.

Same question - Who? For you I'll add where and when? Should I bother telling you one more time I'm not a democrat?
Seems that proving yourself both wrong and illiterate has struck a nerve. Why don’t you get some fresh air and calm down. Incorrect or dishonest posts like this will only add to the indignity.
Here is is again Albert. They replicated the FEDERAL process for STATE certifications not the design capability! You’re either not mentally capable of absorbing the statement or your bull **** ego won’t acknowledge it so you keep tripping over your own Johnson. AAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!

Here is is again Albert. They replicated the FEDERAL process for STATE certifications not the design capability! You’re either not mentally capable of absorbing the statement or your bull shot ego won’t acknowledge it so you keep tripping over your own Johnson. AAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!

View attachment 327312

Uh huh. What are the words immediately before your highlighted portion? There are three words. Two are hyphenated.
Uh huh. What are the words immediately before your highlighted portion? There are three words. Two are hyphenated.
On the edit the states have no organic code review capacity and I stated as such. And you know it.

This is all about you trying to spike the ball on previously getting your ass handed to you on what was done and you’re failing even worse this time. And it’s hilarious to watch unfold. Please keep doing it 🤣🤣🤣

I’m sure @AM64 is enjoying it too 😂
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@volfanhill @1972 Grad

Thanks for your information.

On January 29, 2017, Anwar al-Awlaki's 8-year-old daughter, Nawar al-Awlaki, the half-sister of Abdulrahman al-Awlaki, was killed in the Raid on Yakla, a commando attack ordered by President Donald Trump.[11][12][13][14]

Please each of you give me the link to your posts demonstrating you thought Trump was unpatriotic. Thank you in advance

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