2020 Presidential Race

You communists tried for 4 years so I’m good with returning the favor. Resist. Not my president. Impeach the corrupt China puppet
Returning the favor? No sitting American president has ever conducted himself this way before. A candidate for high office is not without recourse in the United States, if they feel they have lost an election as a result of fraudulent activity. There are clearly outlined legal channels to follow. You file a lawsuit and seek an injunction against the certification of the election. You provide evidence of this alleged fraud in a court of law, and then await a ruling. Having exhausted that option and hit a brick wall due to a lack of evidence in support of their claims of fraud, the Trump campaign is now seeking to overturn the results of the 2020 Presidential election by subverting democracy, and circumventing the decisions made in our federal courts. It is an attempted end-run, not just around democracy, but our Constitution. This isn't even putting party over country anymore. It's putting the egotistical needs of one lone stubborn idiot over country.
Returning the favor? No sitting American president has ever conducted himself this way before. A candidate for high office is not without recourse in the United States, if they feel they have lost an election as a result of fraudulent activity. There are clearly outlined legal channels to follow. You file a lawsuit and seek an injunction against the certification of the election. You provide evidence of this alleged fraud in a court of law, and then await a ruling. Having exhausted that option and hit a brick wall due to a lack of evidence in support of their claims of fraud, the Trump campaign is now seeking to overturn the results of the 2020 Presidential election by subverting democracy, and circumventing the decisions made in our federal courts. It is an attempted end-run, not just around democracy, but our Constitution. This isn't even putting party over country anymore. It's putting the egotistical needs of one lone stubborn idiot over country.
Returning the favor? No sitting American president has ever conducted himself this way before. A candidate for high office is not without recourse in the United States, if they feel they have lost an election as a result of fraudulent activity. There are clearly outlined legal channels to follow. You file a lawsuit and seek an injunction against the certification of the election. You provide evidence of this alleged fraud in a court of law, and then await a ruling. Having exhausted that option and hit a brick wall due to a lack of evidence in support of their claims of fraud, the Trump campaign is now seeking to overturn the results of the 2020 Presidential election by subverting democracy, and circumventing the decisions made in our federal courts. It is an attempted end-run, not just around democracy, but our Constitution. This isn't even putting party over country anymore. It's putting the egotistical needs of one lone stubborn idiot over country.
Dude, stop before you give yourself a heart attack. Nothing is going to happen.
Let's talk about the 2000 Presidential election for just a moment then. As the sitting Vice President, it was Al Gore's duty to record the count of the electoral college on January 6th, 2001 which certified his own narrow defeat. He fulfilled that duty, following a much closer election, where he had a much better case for having been cheated then Trump currently has. Not only did Gore only lose his election by 537 votes in a single state, but his opponent's brother just happened to be the governor of that same state. To this day, Al Gore has never described the results of the 2000 presidential election as being illegitimate. He handled his defeat with class... which is something that Trump simply doesn't have.
Let's talk about the 2000 Presidential election for just a moment then. As the sitting Vice President, it was Al Gore's duty to record the count of the electoral college on January 6th, 2001 which certified his own narrow defeat. He fulfilled that duty, following a much closer election, where he had a much better case for having been cheated then Trump currently has. Not only did Gore only lose his election by 537 votes in a single state, but his opponent's brother just happened to be the governor of that same state. To this day, Al Gore has never described the results of the 2000 presidential election as being illegitimate. He handled his defeat with class... which is something that Trump simply doesn't have.

Do you feel better now?
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Returning the favor? No sitting American president has ever conducted himself this way before. A candidate for high office is not without recourse in the United States, if they feel they have lost an election as a result of fraudulent activity. There are clearly outlined legal channels to follow. You file a lawsuit and seek an injunction against the certification of the election. You provide evidence of this alleged fraud in a court of law, and then await a ruling. Having exhausted that option and hit a brick wall due to a lack of evidence in support of their claims of fraud, the Trump campaign is now seeking to overturn the results of the 2020 Presidential election by subverting democracy, and circumventing the decisions made in our federal courts. It is an attempted end-run, not just around democracy, but our Constitution. This isn't even putting party over country anymore. It's putting the egotistical needs of one lone stubborn idiot over country.
You all cheated and you don’t care because orange man bad, so let’s not pretend you communists care about democracy, the constitution or the country. Your side spent 4 years trying to overturn the results of the 2016 election so safe your lecture for someone who GAF. The corrupt dementia patient is going to take office in Jan that won’t change but he should be investigated, impeached and tossed in prison but of course none of those will happen. He’s illegitimate and I will never recognize him or his slut as leaders of our once great country. Screw them and I hope they fail at every turn.
You all cheated and you don’t care because orange man bad, so let’s not pretend you communists care about democracy, the constitution or the country. Your side spent 4 years trying to overturn the results of the 2016 election so safe your lecture for someone who GAF. The corrupt dementia patient is going to take office in Jan that won’t change but he should be investigated, impeached and tossed in prison but of course none of those will happen. He’s illegitimate and I will never recognize him or his slut as leaders of our once great country. Screw them and I hope they fail at every turn.
Trump's legal representation has had ample opportunities to prove that, and in the determination of at least one Trump-appointed federal judge (Stephanos Bibas), their case failed on it's merits. You have nothing but unfounded speculation, which unconditionally favors your own obvious personal bias.

There is not a set of conditions under which Donald Trump could ever lose an election, without completely attributing his defeat to fraud or to his opponent's "cheating". He has signaled his intention to blame fraud for any potential defeat, prior to both of his general elections. Lest we forget that Trump also accused the Ted Cruz campaign of "cheating" to win the Iowa Caucuses during the 2016 Republican Party primary.
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Trump's legal representation has had ample opportunities to prove that, and in the determination of at least one Trump-appointed federal judge (Stephanos Bibas), their case failed on it's merits. You have nothing but unfounded speculation, which unconditionally favors your own obvious personal bias.

There is not a set of conditions under which Donald Trump could ever lose an election, without completely attributing his defeat to fraud or to his opponent's cheating. He has signaled his intention to blame fraud for any potential defeat, prior to both of his general elections. Lest we forget that also accused the Ted Cruz campaign of cheating to win the Iowa Caucuses during the 2016 Republican Party primary.
I hope my side starts playing by the same rules. Riots, cheating who cares whatever it takes.
I hope my side starts playing by the same rules. Riots, cheating who cares whatever it takes.
All your side has to do is prove to a federal Justice that fraud occurred. However, there is an obvious disconnect between what Trump's legal representation is willing to allege while doing interviews on cable news networks, versus what they are willing to allege while standing before a Justice, where there could be consequences for themselves professionally, if they are caught lying or misrepresenting their evidence.

Now, I ask you: Why won't Rudy Giuliani, Jenna Ellis, Lin Wood or Sidney Powell levy the same allegations of voter fraud while in court, which they so adamantly make while they are giving interviews on Fox News?

Is it possible that they are full of $hit... and they know it?
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All your side has to do is prove to a federal Justice that fraud occurred. However, there is an obvious disconnect between what Trump's legal representation is willing to allege while doing interviews on cable news networks, versus what they are willing to allege while standing before a Justice, where there could be consequences for themselves professionally, if they are caught lying or misrepresenting their evidence.

Now, I ask you: Why won't Rudy Giuliani, Jenna Ellis, Lin Wood or Sidney Powell levy the same allegations of voter fraud while in court, which they so adamantly make while doing interviews on Fox News?

Is it possible that they are full of $hit... and they know it?
These judges have seen what you all have done to people they disagree with so I’m sure they fear you all would kill them and or their families. Also these were tossed on dumbass technicalities.
These judges have seen what you all have done to people they disagree with so I’m sure they fear you all would kill them and or their families. Also these were tossed on dumbass technicalities.

An argument failing on its merits is hardly a dumbass technicality. It means that the argument is no good.
These judges have seen what you all have done to people they disagree with so I’m sure they fear you all would kill them and or their families. Also these were tossed on dumbass technicalities.
This is an outright lie and you know it. I have brought this to your attention before... but I am glad to do it again. Just pay attention this time. This is getting old.

Per a 21 page ruling by the Third Circuit Court of Appeals, President Trump's legal effort to halt Pennsylvania's certification process was rebuked by a judge which he had appointed to the bench.

In the words of Judge Stephanos Bibas (who was appointed by President Donald Trump!!!!):

"Free and fair elections are the lifeblood of our democracy. Charges require specific allegations and the proof. We have neither here."

Judge Bibas continued with this:

"The Campaign never alleges that any ballot was fraudulent or cast by an illegal voter. It never alleges that any defendant treated the Trump campaign or its votes worse than it treated the Biden campaign or its votes. Calling something discrimination does not make it so."

... still further, Judge Bibas stated:

"The Campaign's charges are selective. Though Pennsylvania cast 2.6 million mail-in ballots, the Campaign challenges 1.5 million of them. It cherry-picks votes cast in 'Democratic-heavy counties' but not 'those in Republican-heavy counties.' Without compelling evidence of massive fraud, not even alleged here, we can hardly grant such lopsided relief.'


Judge Stephanos Bibas rebuked the claims of the Trump campaign on its merits... and stated so. This had nothing to do with "dumbass technicalities" as you so ignorantly (actually, dishonestly) claim. Once again, I have brought Judge Bibas's rendering to your attention before. You are either very thick, or dishonest. Take your pick.
Maybe incoming presidents should be allowed to hire their own bodyguards; then whatever happens is on them. They just have to be paid etc in accordance with the SS pay scale.

I suspect it is fear of retribution and there will be an attempt at wholesale cleaning of anyone within a whisker of the WH, which is not practical reality with a WH staff of 4K people, which to me is incredulous. Cant have anonymous sources anymore with the incoming and with a complict media, It will be a Broadway display. FAKE FAKE FAKE
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This is a great idea, which would make a wonderful precedent to establish for future Presidential elections in the United States of America!

Let's grant the Vice President with the unilateral power to determine the winner of every Presidential election going forward - even during Presidential elections such as this, where the sitting Vice President was also on the ballot.

What could possibly go wrong with that?
This is a great idea, which would make a wonderful precedent to establish for future Presidential elections in the United States of America!

Let's grant the Vice President with the unilateral power to determine the winner of every Presidential election going forward - even during elections such as this, where the Vice President is on the ballot. What could possibly go wrong with that?

The Republic is already dead and you do not even realize it. Tens of Trillions of dollars on the table in the everlasting thirst for power, by both parties.
I am quite surprised there has not been some mega lawsuit advocating the rights of the 10th Amendment.
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The Republic is already dead and you do not even realize it. Tens of Trillions of dollars on the table in the everlasting thirst for power, by both parties.
I am quite surprised there has not been some mega lawsuit advocating the rights of the 10th Amendment.
It's not dead, and the only thing which really needs to change, is that both parties need to learn how to handle defeats in Presidential elections like adults. Democrats have had a hand in this for sure... but Trump is raising the stakes right now. This kind of crap cannot become precedent for future Presidential elections or it will bring down our form of government.
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