2020 Presidential Race

The day 3 states decide who our president is will be the last day of our nation.

Let's hope it does not come to this. I would hope that our states representatives stop that nonsense before it reaches that point.

No one here wants to travel down this path and go to war against their neighbor.
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the logical conclusion of everyone should vote equally for Federal Government is that members of all 3 branches should be selected by national vote.
This is nothing more than liberal butt hurt because they lost the election. They're trying to rewrite the rules to try and make sure that doesn't happen again. If it was the other way around, where their candidate won the election but lost the popular vote, they'd be all for the EC. Liberals are have mental disorders.
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The point was it is illogical, and not how any normal government would choose to set up their elections. It is only that way because small states know the current system disproportionately benefits them.
yeah, we aren't normal. Normal sucks. we fought against normal, our FFs knew normal wouldn't cut it. letting the big states run it all also disproportionately benefits them.
Agreed with EC votes being cast in accordance with congressional district results as opposed to the winner take all system most states use. I think hog and Louder both touched upon that. Also agreed that gerrymandering would become an even bigger issue, but it would definitely make the campaigning process more interesting, while also no longer rendering 45 states essentially meaningless on the campaign trail.
Agreed with EC votes being cast in accordance with congressional district results as opposed to the winner take all system most states use. I think hog and Louder both touched upon that. Also agreed that gerrymandering would become an even bigger issue, but it would definitely make the campaigning process more interesting, while also no longer rendering 45 states essentially meaningless on the campaign trail.

I tend to agree with you; it would be interesting to go back and analyze the 2016 election and see how it works. Looks like NY and CA would definitely not have all electoral votes going Dim, and some red states would have some blue electors. I particularly like the fact that states like NY with many more rural red districts wouldn't be completely dominated by NYC.
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That's the road we're headed down I'm afraid. It seems to be the big city coast people against the rest of the country. You pussies don't stand a chance against real men.
Interested in how you define or Identify those
I tend to agree with you; it would be interesting to go back and analyze the 2016 election and see how it works. Looks like NY and CA would definitely not have all electoral votes going Dim, and some red states would have some blue electors. I particularly like the fact that states like NY with many more rural red districts wouldn't be completely dominated by NYC.
I remember looking at it after the election. There was a website or article. Hilary picked up some EC votes, but not enough to win it.
10:53 PM 02/28/2019 | INVESTIGATIVE GROUP
Peter Hasson | Reporter

The Democratic Socialists of America are preparing to launch a full campaign supporting Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders in the Democratic primary, DSA memos show.
  • The DSA may not support the Democratic nominee if someone other than Sanders wins the primary.
  • One memo cited “developing propaganda” as a “primary task of the national DSA Bernie campaign.”
  • Another memo stressed the “need to agitate for Sanders” among “rank-and-file union members.”
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