2020 Presidential Race

1. That is a disturbing attitude to have towards your own countrymen, but not surprising coming from someone who uses “Hussein” as an insult.
2. If anything, his summary of the article seems to indicate that they are okay with paying those taxes and they like what they get as a result.
My whole point was to give evidence that liberal Democrats tax and spend more.
1. That is a disturbing attitude to have towards your own countrymen, but not surprising coming from someone who uses “Hussein” as an insult.
2. If anything, his summary of the article seems to indicate that they are okay with paying those taxes and they like what they get as a result.
If the people that live in those states "like what they get as a result" of their taxes, why is there such an exodus of people from those states to states with lower taxes?
My whole point was to give evidence that liberal Democrats tax and spend more.
Check out the same states for a comparison of avg. household income, or average educational level. or net federal tax burden.
You may be unknowingly making an argument for the benefits of tax and spend.
1. That is a disturbing attitude to have towards your own countrymen, but not surprising coming from someone who uses “Hussein” as an insult.
2. If anything, his summary of the article seems to indicate that they are okay with paying those taxes and they like what they get as a result.

Is that why they’re moving south in droves?
Today’s liberals aren’t conquering anything, infesting maybe but definitely not conquering.
They conquered the internets and online shopping.

Plus, a large portion of the northern migration is made up of repubs.
1. That is a disturbing attitude to have towards your own countrymen, but not surprising coming from someone who uses “Hussein” as an insult.
2. If anything, his summary of the article seems to indicate that they are okay with paying those taxes and they like what they get as a result.
I am willing to bet those states listed as the top taxed have far fewer people moving to them than their low tax brethren. so I doubt they are actually happy with it.
Michael Bloomberg WON'T mount presidential campaign in 2020 as he says 'Trump is a threat to our country' but decides not to run against him

Michael Bloomberg said Tuesday that he will not run for president in 2020, ending a political guessing game that had the potential to upend the Democratic field and make the White House sweat.

The 77-year-old former New York City mayor, one of the richest men in the world, announced his decision not to join the crowded Democratic field in a Bloomberg News editorial on Tuesday.

Michael Bloomberg WON'T run for president in 2020 but warns 'Trump is a threat to our country' | Daily Mail Online
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Bad News, Biden: CNN Focus Group Rejects The Democrats’ Last Best Hope Against Trump

Since talk of 2020 began, one person consistently polled well enough to give President Donald Trump pause, and that was former VP Joe Biden. However, as we inch closer to the election, Biden seems to be slipping from the Democrats’ top candidate spot.

In November of last year, Biden topped the list in terms of the top candidates Democrats wish to see run against Trump.

However, as time went on, Democrats began voicing their anger and disappointment that, once again, the party of the left is putting forward a white man as their leader. Soon, the attacks on Biden began.

To further test the waters, CNN gathered a panel of Democrats to ask them how they felt about Biden as an option. All six Democrats rejected the idea, stating that “his time is done.”
“I will be honest. He was riding the Obama wave and I thought he was a person that would unite the party, but to be honest, Sen. Biden really comes from kind of the good old boy politics of the past,” Democrat Russel Banks said.

“I don’t think Joe Biden represents that new thing that we need. We need a new economy, we need new politics and we need someone different,” Democrat Owen Evans added.

Democrats seem to be more interested in having a candidate that is anything but white and male, however, many Democrats aren’t interested in having someone who leans too into the radical parts of the left, as many like Kamala Harris have exhibited. In fact, a third of Democrats have indicated that they would jump ship for a more centrist third option in the form of former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz.

Bad News, Biden: CNN Focus Group Rejects the Democrats' Last Best Hope Against Trump
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Bad News, Biden: CNN Focus Group Rejects The Democrats’ Last Best Hope Against Trump

Since talk of 2020 began, one person consistently polled well enough to give President Donald Trump pause, and that was former VP Joe Biden. However, as we inch closer to the election, Biden seems to be slipping from the Democrats’ top candidate spot.

In November of last year, Biden topped the list in terms of the top candidates Democrats wish to see run against Trump.

However, as time went on, Democrats began voicing their anger and disappointment that, once again, the party of the left is putting forward a white man as their leader. Soon, the attacks on Biden began.

To further test the waters, CNN gathered a panel of Democrats to ask them how they felt about Biden as an option. All six Democrats rejected the idea, stating that “his time is done.”
“I will be honest. He was riding the Obama wave and I thought he was a person that would unite the party, but to be honest, Sen. Biden really comes from kind of the good old boy politics of the past,” Democrat Russel Banks said.

“I don’t think Joe Biden represents that new thing that we need. We need a new economy, we need new politics and we need someone different,” Democrat Owen Evans added.

Democrats seem to be more interested in having a candidate that is anything but white and male, however, many Democrats aren’t interested in having someone who leans too into the radical parts of the left, as many like Kamala Harris have exhibited. In fact, a third of Democrats have indicated that they would jump ship for a more centrist third option in the form of former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz.

Bad News, Biden: CNN Focus Group Rejects the Democrats' Last Best Hope Against Trump
We are on the cusp of that party being so radical that we will be considering the likes of Schumer,Pelosi and Biden moderates.
We are on the cusp of that party being so radical that we will be considering the likes of Schumer,Pelosi and Biden moderates.
I had this discussion years ago on a different forum. Don't remember the context but my reply was something along the lines of what will you think when you're "progressive views" are considered the "conservative views" in 15-20 years if you get your way.

Whoever it was laughed and said it wouldn't happen. Didn't think that his progressive and socialist policies would lead to further socialist policies that he couldn't support. He thought govt would reach a point and stop.
I had this discussion years ago on a different forum. Don't remember the context but my reply was something along the lines of what will you think when you're "progressive views" are considered the "conservative views" in 15-20 years if you get your way.

Whoever it was laughed and said it wouldn't happen. Didn't think that his progressive and socialist policies would lead to further socialist policies that he couldn't support. He thought govt would reach a point and stop.
The base of the current party are completely socialist and good with violence simply because they disagree on policy and beliefs. Government may get to a point and slow down only thanks to checks and balances but the trend among the left is to be radical and end the country as we know it
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The base of the current party are completely socialist and good with violence simply because they disagree on policy and beliefs. Government may get to a point and slow down only thanks to checks and balances but the trend among the left is to be radical and end the country as we know it

They talk, their violence is small time bullying. At some point, it will stop. You can only poke so much before someone stands up and breaks the finger poking them.

If things continue, where no good and progressive communication can happen, and it's nothing but back talk and name calling and smart arse talking, which is becoming prevalent, the talking stops. Just look at this tiny microcosm (this forum) of the USA, dialogue has turned to demagoguery. This is the history of the world, and unfortunately, 2 opposing views with no common goal and good only leads to physical violence, and fighting, and wars.

We better start seeing politicians solving real issues, with real world solutions. Problem is, that is not the government, thus, we the people better start figuring it out and then telling government, or better showing them, what to do and how to do it.
They talk, their violence is small time bullying. At some point, it will stop. You can only poke so much before someone stands up and breaks the finger poking them.

If things continue, where no good and progressive communication can happen, and it's nothing but back talk and name calling and smart arse talking, which is becoming prevalent, the talking stops. Just look at this tiny microcosm (this forum) of the USA, dialogue has turned to demagoguery. This is the history of the world, and unfortunately, 2 opposing views with no common goal and good only leads to physical violence, and fighting, and wars.

We better start seeing politicians solving real issues, with real world solutions. Problem is, that is not the government, thus, we the people better start figuring it out and then telling government, or better showing them, what to do and how to do it.
using this forum as an example I would like to point out what good the OT thread does. Getting people just talking can make a huge difference. Show that there is a real person behind the communist/redhat propaganda that gets spewed in every other thread. show that its ok to disagree, and that you can disagree and still like someone as a person.
using this forum as an example I would like to point out what good the OT thread does. Getting people just talking can make a huge difference. Show that there is a real person behind the communist/redhat propaganda that gets spewed in every other thread. show that its ok to disagree, and that you can disagree and still like someone as a person.

Agreed, remember the good old days where people didn't talk about politics and religion.....they were on to something.
Because back then if you were too damn sorry to work and your lights got cut off pr your kids needed shoes...family members or the klan would come whip your ass and tell you that you wouldnt be told a 2nd time...and i am talking about white folks. Not blacks. Go drink up your paycheck and leave the family without grocery money. If your wife didmt have a dad or brothers to straighten your sorry tail out...neighbors, locals, or maybe even the law would make sure you got the whippin you needed. People had enough pride and sense to do right...and the klan very much policed white folks in the south. I do not endorse any group however that practices hate or racism
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Expanding by ignoring the part of the country that elected the last President and cutting out the highest rated most watched news network in the country.

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Kamala D. Harris was this city’s top prosecutor, running to become California’s elected attorney general, when a scandal stunned her office and threatened to upend her campaign.

One of Harris’s top deputies had emailed a colleague that a crime lab technician had become “increasingly UNDEPENDABLE for testimony.” Weeks later, the technician allegedly took home cocaine from the lab, possibly tainting evidence and raising concerns about hundreds of cases.

Neither Harris nor the prosecutors working for her had informed defense attorneys of the problems — despite rules requiring such disclosure. Harris “failed to disclose information that clearly should have been disclosed,” Superior Court Judge Anne-Christine Massullo wrote in a scathing decision in May 2010.

At first, Harris fought back. She blamed the police for failing to inform defense lawyers. She estimated that only about 20 cases initially would be affected. And her office accused the judge of bias because Massullo’s husband was a defense lawyer.

But the turmoil increased. With the local criminal-justice system at risk of devolving into chaos, Harris took the extraordinary step of dismissing about 1,000 drug-related cases, including many in which convictions had been obtained and sentences were being served.
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Not specific to the 2020 election but related. And there's nothing like goading your opposition into fighting themselves.

Sean Hannity: Radical socialists have taken over the Democratic Party and Pelosi fears them

And you know what? Pelosi is afraid to take a stand because that freshman group, they can unseat her pretty quickly. It is a very scary picture inside this new radical Democratic Party. And as the 2020 primary season kicks into high gear, it has become very clear that it will be a contest to see who can present the single most radical, most extreme, most socialist vision for America's future.
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