2020 Presidential Race

Bernie Sanders Campaign Hires Illegal Immigrant as Deputy Press Secretary

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) has hired a self-declared “undocumented” immigrant to serve as his 2020 presidential campaign’s deputy press secretary.


Belén Sisa, who previously worked on the Latino outreach side of Sanders’s 2016 campaign, announced her addition to the Vermont senator’s 2020 team in a Facebook post Wednesday.

“This is really emotional for me. I can’t help but think of 18-year-old Belén, who felt hopeless and powerless to the anti-immigrant attacks and policies that were holding her back from her dreams,” she wrote.

According to the Arizona-based activist, Sisa’s parents brought her illegally to the U.S. from Argentina at six years old and as a Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipient. Her legal protection from deportation will expire next year.

Bernie Sanders Hires Illegal Immigrant as Deputy Press Secretary
Bernie Sanders Campaign Hires Illegal Immigrant as Deputy Press Secretary

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) has hired a self-declared “undocumented” immigrant to serve as his 2020 presidential campaign’s deputy press secretary.


Belén Sisa, who previously worked on the Latino outreach side of Sanders’s 2016 campaign, announced her addition to the Vermont senator’s 2020 team in a Facebook post Wednesday.

“This is really emotional for me. I can’t help but think of 18-year-old Belén, who felt hopeless and powerless to the anti-immigrant attacks and policies that were holding her back from her dreams,” she wrote.

According to the Arizona-based activist, Sisa’s parents brought her illegally to the U.S. from Argentina at six years old and as a Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipient. Her legal protection from deportation will expire next year.

Bernie Sanders Hires Illegal Immigrant as Deputy Press Secretary
Both should be arrested. Bernie knows he is in trouble because 3 years ago he was the only admitted socialist in the race, now everyone of them are radical socialists
Andrew Yang: Everything you need to know about the 2020 Democratic candidate
Yang's website lists '3 big policies':
  • Universal basic income: Yang's proposal — "The Freedom Dividend" — would provide every American over 18 years old with $1,000 per month. He contends that this would grow the economy by 13 percent and increase the labor force by 4.5-5 million people. This policy stems from his belief that AI and automation will wipe out millions of jobs, and that UBI is the path to avoiding economic ruin.
  • Medicare for All: Yang advocates for a single-payer health care system.
  • Economy: Yang calls his economic philosophy "human-centered capitalism," advocating for a system that emphasizes metrics that measure "human well-being and fulfillment," such as standard of living, health-adjusted life expectancy, childhood success rate and social and economic mobility.

Everything you need to know about 2020 candidate Andrew Yang
Elizabeth Warren: Mike Pence Is Not a ‘Decent’ Man

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) reportedly told an Iowa journalist Saturday that she thinks Vice President Mike Pence is not a “decent” man.

Says the woman who's falsely been claiming to be Native American for decades. I'd like to know her definition of decent. I'm no fan of Pence, but she's the last person to call him out. Where are all those on the left that should be calling her out for "cultural appropriation"?
Says the woman who's falsely been claiming to be Native American for decades. I'd like to know her definition of decent. I'm no fan of Pence, but she's the last person to call him out. Where are all those on the left that should be calling her out for "cultural appropriation"?
She is also an elitist, phony, educated idiot.
10:53 PM 02/28/2019 | INVESTIGATIVE GROUP
Peter Hasson | Reporter

The Democratic Socialists of America are preparing to launch a full campaign supporting Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders in the Democratic primary, DSA memos show.
  • The DSA may not support the Democratic nominee if someone other than Sanders wins the primary.
  • One memo cited “developing propaganda” as a “primary task of the national DSA Bernie campaign.”
  • Another memo stressed the “need to agitate for Sanders” among “rank-and-file union members.”
Please tell me this is fake?!??

Brave millennial sells testicles to raise money for Bernie's 2020 campaign - NPC Daily
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I just saw a USA Today article that ranked states according to highest and lowest state and local taxes as a percentage of income. Surprise, surprise: 12 of the highest 13 voted Democrat last election. Wisconsin was the only one that voted Republican out of the 13. Of course, the usual N.Y., California, Illinois, Hawaii, Vermont, Connecticut, etc. were on top.
I just saw a USA Today article that ranked states according to highest and lowest state and local taxes as a percentage of income. Surprise, surprise: 12 of the highest 13 voted Democrat last election. Wisconsin was the only one that voted Republican out of the 13. Of course, the usual N.Y., California, Illinois, Hawaii, Vermont, Connecticut, etc. were on top.
Good, screw them
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Good, screw them
1. That is a disturbing attitude to have towards your own countrymen, but not surprising coming from someone who uses “Hussein” as an insult.
2. If anything, his summary of the article seems to indicate that they are okay with paying those taxes and they like what they get as a result.
1. That is a disturbing attitude to have towards your own countrymen, but not surprising coming from someone who uses “Hussein” as an insult.
2. If anything, his summary of the article seems to indicate that they are okay with paying those taxes and they like what they get as a result.
I call people by their name, sorry if that hurts your poor little feelings
And yes screw them, they voted for those tax rates so they should suffer.
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