2020 Presidential Race

Guatemalans Protest ‘The Squad,’ Nancy Pelosi: ‘We Will Send You Back!’

Guatemalans protested House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and “The Squad,” which consists of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), and Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA), demanding that they stay out of the country’s public policy decisions.

More than 500 Guatemalans marched through the Avenida la Reforma in Guatemala City on Thursday and protested outside the U.S. embassy against a Congressional Delegation led by Pelosi that is scheduled to arrive in the country on August 8, just three days before the nation’s second round of elections.

Protesters called for sovereignty for Guatemala against U.S. intervention, holding signs that read, “We will send you back” and “DemocRATS not welcome, this is NOT your country!”

The two groups who helped organize the event, Guatemala Inmortal and Mujeres Conservadoras Guatemala, posted on Twitter that Nancy Pelosi should “stay away from Guatemala!” writing that Guatemalans “don’t want anyone with a globalist agenda in our country.”

In another post by Guatemala Inmortal, protesters spoke directly to President Trump, writing, “We do NOT want any democRATs, THEY are the ones sabotaging your plans with the far left in our country!”



Last week, Trump successfully negotiated a Third Safe Country Agreement with Guatemala that dictates that Guatemalans seeking asylum must do so in the first safe country they travel to and therefore cannot pass through Mexico and into the U.S. to seek asylum.​
And your denial only makes it worse.
Nah, not denial. Trump absolutely pandered to the Republican base. He speaks to them solely and ran on a campaign of divisiveness and otherness. Also, if his broad platform was so desirable by many, why did he get about 3 million less votes than Hillary? And yeah, he won the EC and that is all that matters in the end. But it is obvious that the majority of the country said "nope" to Trump and his "broad platform." Still the same. Even with this economy, he has never seen approval ratings over 50%. And he never will because half the country despises him.
Nah, not denial. Trump absolutely pandered to the Republican base. He speaks to them solely and ran on a campaign of divisiveness and otherness. Also, if his broad platform was so desirable by many, why did he get about 3 million less votes than Hillary? And yeah, he won the EC and that is all that matters in the end. But it is obvious that the majority of the country said "nope" to Trump and his "broad platform." Still the same. Even with this economy, he has never seen approval ratings over 50%. And he never will because half the country despises him.

What was divisive about his campaign? The vote discrepancy in Cali was more than enough to cover the difference in the national popular vote. Go figure.
Lying. That is called lying.

I have the most awesome seats in Neyland for this season. I go in on the West Club side. My view of the stadium is absolutely spectacular from these seats.

I have the most awesome seats in Neyland (based on what I could afford) for this season. I go in on the West Club side (since gate 21 is on that side of the stadium). My view of the stadium is absolutely spectacular from these seats (because I can see everything below me from my nosebleed seats).

Does my first statement sound grander than my second statement where I added details omitted in the first?
Is any part of the first statement actually a lie?
In making the first statement are the omitted additional details absolutely necessary and vital to get the gist of my statement across to you? I have tickets, my gate is on the west side of the stadium and I have a large viewing area from my seats.
I did both of them . Free healthcare for all , higher taxes , floating the idea of decriminalizing border crossing , college debt forgiveness , $15 min wage , kill fossil fuel industry and socialism . You don’t have to sum it up just hit the highlights that you know Trump will use like I did . How do you combat that ?
You say free healthcare for all, but that isn't true. Bernie said taxes will go up, but you won't pay monthly premiums. Balances out. Most of the rest, including Pete, support a public option if you want it, meaning folks can buy in to Medicare if they like, or keep their own insurance. From Pete's campaign website: "Pete supports achieving Medicare for All through a pathway that helps improve people’s lives along the way while allowing the economy to adjust. He calls this “Medicare for All Who Want It.” This plan makes a Medicare-type public option available on the exchange and invites people to buy into it: if corporate insurers don’t lower costs to deliver something dramatically better than what is available today, competition will create the glide path toward Medicare for All."

Higher taxes for the super wealthy and corporations, that is a normal Democrat thing for decades now, no need to explain further.

There is a lot of disagreement among the Dems over decriminalizing border crossings. I think we should decriminalize it. No need to keep separating families based on this law. Pete: "Comprehensive immigration reform must include a pathway to citizenship for immigrants living, working, paying taxes, and contributing to our American story, including DREAMers; resources to end the backlogs in our lawful immigration and asylum processes; and reasonable security measures at the border. Most Americans support such a package, and it is long past time for Washington to deliver. "

Some of us don't support college debt forgiveness. I have student loan debt. Pete doesn't support student loan debt forgiveness either: "For lower-income families, we must make public college truly debt-free. We can do this through a state-federal partnership that makes public tuition affordable for all and completely free at lower incomes — combined with a large increase in Pell Grants that provides for basic living expenses and keeps up with inflation. Middle-income families at public colleges will pay zero tuition. Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and Minority-Serving Institutions (MSIs) are vital for this country and our communities and deserve to receive more dedicated support."

People should make a living wage. Pete: "For too long, the typical worker’s wages have not kept up with expenses like health care, housing, and education. Pete wants to make sure that workers who are giving their all to an employer are getting paid fairly in return. By raising the minimum wage to $15, we can start taking steps to make sure that the economy is working for all workers. Restoring Obama-era overtime regulations will protect over eight million workers when they put in extra time for their employers and ensure they get paid for those hours."

We talked about fossil fuels earlier, so I won't go in to that again.

There. Here's your basic blueprint (blue ha) against Trump without discussing the rest of his major faults.
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Have you watched his rallies or listened to his surrogates like Conway and Huckabee?
Are you suggesting that Dems aren't divisive as well? Both sides attack and disparage those who do not side with them. That's politics. It's nothing new. But now the left is saying because Trump does it, it's bad? Where has the outrage been in the past? When Hillary was calling people deplorable, where was the outrage? Dems and Republicans have attacked each other for decades(at least), where was the outrage? I just find it ridiculous that this behavior has gone on for so long, and now, because Trump does it, it's the worst thing ever. TDS, Trump rage, whatever you want to call it, it's real. And it's disturbing and irrational. People are losing their minds. Sure, he's a deplorable human being. And I know some keep saying "worst ever", but that's just an opinion. IMO, other Presidents have been just as deplorable. Opinions tend to vary. What is fact is he can only serve for as long as he's elected. Whether that be four years or eight years, he will eventually leave office and the country will continue on.

Since 2016, the left has been in a lunatic rage, blowing Trump's Presidency out of proportion. That's my opinion and I stand by it. At what point do they suck it up and accept they were defeated? All that time they could have been preparing for 2020, they instead spent raging at Trump. The Democratic Party is out of touch with America, and their far left ideas are a sign of that. Health care for illegals? Higher taxes(which you know won't just effect the rich)? Spend, spend, spend with no real answer as to where the money will come from? It's insane. I would love for an outstanding candidate to emerge and run for President, but everything I've seen thus far says it won't happen.
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Are you suggesting that Dems aren't divisive as well? Both sides attack and disparage those who do not side with them. That's politics. It's nothing new. But now the left is saying because Trump does it, it's bad? Where has the outrage been in the past? When Hillary was calling people deplorable, where was the outrage? Dems and Republicans have attacked each other for decades(at least), where was the outrage? I just find it ridiculous that this behavior has gone on for so long, and now, because Trump does it, it's the worst thing ever. TDS, Trump rage, whatever you want to call it, it's real. And it's disturbing and irrational. People are losing their minds. Sure, he's a deplorable human being. And I know some keep saying "worst ever", but that's just an opinion. IMO, other Presidents have been just as deplorable. Opinions tend to vary. What is fact is he can only serve for as long as he's elected. Whether that be four years or eight years, he will eventually leave office and the country will continue on.

Since 2016, the left has been in a lunatic rage, blowing Trump's Presidency out of proportion. That's my opinion and I stand by it. At what point do they suck it up and accept they were defeated? All that time they could have been preparing for 2020, they instead spent raging at Trump. The Democratic Party is out of touch with America, and their far left ideas are a sign of that. Health care for illegals? Higher taxes(which you know won't just effect the rich)? Spend, spend, spend with no real answer as to where the money will come from? It's insane. I would love for an outstanding candidate to emerge and run for President, but everything I've seen thus far says it won't happen.
I don't think Dems are as divisive as Trump. Just opinion, as you said.

I think Dems have accepted he won. At the least they have acknowledged if there were shenanigans, he got away with it. Dems are not out of touch with America; otherwise they wouldn't have won a majority in the House in 2018.

With Trump, the "spend, spend, spend" narrative doesn't work. He seems fine with spending with no real answer about where the money will come from. The Tea Party is dead, remember.

There are good candidates out there, much better than Trump. I know you disagree, but there are options beyond Trump.
I don't think Dems are as divisive as Trump. Just opinion, as you said.

I think Dems have accepted he won. At the least they have acknowledged if there were shenanigans, he got away with it. Dems are not out of touch with America; otherwise they wouldn't have won a majority in the House in 2018.

With Trump, the "spend, spend, spend" narrative doesn't work. He seems fine with spending with no real answer about where the money will come from. The Tea Party is dead, remember.

There are good candidates out there, much better than Trump. I know you disagree, but there are options beyond Trump.

Ohhhhh yes they are. They spent more time dismantling Obama than they did Trump. There is a Civil War in the Democrat Party just like there was in the Republican Party in 2012.

They have not gotten to the reason why Hillary lost instead they are doubling down on it. They are doubling down on the inter-sectional politics, and they are doubling down on Orange Man Bad.
Are you suggesting that Dems aren't divisive as well? Both sides attack and disparage those who do not side with them. That's politics. It's nothing new. But now the left is saying because Trump does it, it's bad? Where has the outrage been in the past? When Hillary was calling people deplorable, where was the outrage? Dems and Republicans have attacked each other for decades(at least), where was the outrage? I just find it ridiculous that this behavior has gone on for so long, and now, because Trump does it, it's the worst thing ever. TDS, Trump rage, whatever you want to call it, it's real. And it's disturbing and irrational. People are losing their minds. Sure, he's a deplorable human being. And I know some keep saying "worst ever", but that's just an opinion. IMO, other Presidents have been just as deplorable. Opinions tend to vary. What is fact is he can only serve for as long as he's elected. Whether that be four years or eight years, he will eventually leave office and the country will continue on.

Since 2016, the left has been in a lunatic rage, blowing Trump's Presidency out of proportion. That's my opinion and I stand by it. At what point do they suck it up and accept they were defeated? All that time they could have been preparing for 2020, they instead spent raging at Trump. The Democratic Party is out of touch with America, and their far left ideas are a sign of that. Health care for illegals? Higher taxes(which you know won't just effect the rich)? Spend, spend, spend with no real answer as to where the money will come from? It's insane. I would love for an outstanding candidate to emerge and run for President, but everything I've seen thus far says it won't happen.
With regard to the two sentences which I placed in bold: Which side of the aisle are you talking about here? Have you seen the appropriations bill that just passed the Republican-controlled Senate and that Trump is apparently going to sign? If not, it is a $2.7 trillion spending agreement. This is going to raise the nation's debt ceiling through 2021, as well as raise caps on federal spending for the next two years. The lifting of these caps will result in $320 billion more spending, with only $77 billion in cuts. The fact is that discretionary government spending is growing faster now than it was under Barack Obama. Conservatives only care about deficits and debt when a Democrat is President. This bill that just passed the Senate and will be signed by Trump, is all the proof you need of that.
Yep, I support a dude that is respectful, well-educated, speaks multiple languages, is a military vet, owns up to his mistakes, doesn't lie with every breath, and has solid center-left policy plans that I mostly agree with.
bwaaaaa haaaaa haaaaaa

Oh, you're serious.
He went after "Crooked Hillary" again and got the cult chanting "Lock her up." He promoted his idiot daughter as helping 12 million people receive retraining for new jobs. He has created thousands of new jobs for coal while thousands lose their jobs in WV, KY, and PA. Obama is the devil. He's the best of all time, people tell him that. And on and on it went for two hours. Same bs, different day.
Oh, and his administration is about to cure cancer and HIV.
Why would they cure HIV since they hate gays... according to you leftists.
Free health care, free tuition, living wages.........

Wait a decade, see the results. There is not a single person who advocates this who can sit down and do the dollars or outline the exponential fall out.

I say have at it.
I don't think Dems are as divisive as Trump. Just opinion, as you said.

I think Dems have accepted he won. At the least they have acknowledged if there were shenanigans, he got away with it. Dems are not out of touch with America; otherwise they wouldn't have won a majority in the House in 2018.

With Trump, the "spend, spend, spend" narrative doesn't work. He seems fine with spending with no real answer about where the money will come from. The Tea Party is dead, remember.

There are good candidates out there, much better than Trump. I know you disagree, but there are options beyond Trump.
lol to be this jaded. Couldn't even imagine it.
Free health care, free tuition, living wages.........

Wait a decade, see the results. There is not a single person who advocates this who can sit down and do the dollars or outline the exponential fall out.

I say have at it.

Yep , it’s going to be a wild and fun ride until the bus crashes .
With regard to the two sentences which I placed in bold: Which side of the aisle are you talking about here? Have you seen the appropriations bill that just passed the Republican-controlled Senate and that Trump is apparently going to sign? If not, it is a $2.7 trillion spending agreement. This is going to raise the nation's debt ceiling through 2021, as well as raise caps on federal spending for the next two years. The lifting of these caps will result in $320 billion more spending, with only $77 billion in cuts. The fact is that discretionary government spending is growing faster now than it was under Barack Obama. Conservatives only care about deficits and debt when a Democrat is President. This bill that just passed the Senate and will be signed by Trump, is all the proof you need of that.
You do know that bill had to pass the House first before it got to the Senate, right?

H.R. 3877: Bipartisan Budget Act of 2019

Senate Votes For: 29 Republicans 37 Democrats

Senate Votes Against: 23 Republicans 5 Democrats

House Votes For: 65 Republicans 219 Democrats

House Votes Against: 132 Republicans 16 Democrats

Out of the entire Congress only 21 Democrats voted against this spending bill. 155 Republicans voted against it.

You were saying?
With regard to the two sentences which I placed in bold: Which side of the aisle are you talking about here? Have you seen the appropriations bill that just passed the Republican-controlled Senate and that Trump is apparently going to sign? If not, it is a $2.7 trillion spending agreement. This is going to raise the nation's debt ceiling through 2021, as well as raise caps on federal spending for the next two years. The lifting of these caps will result in $320 billion more spending, with only $77 billion in cuts. The fact is that discretionary government spending is growing faster now than it was under Barack Obama. Conservatives only care about deficits and debt when a Democrat is President. This bill that just passed the Senate and will be signed by Trump, is all the proof you need of that.
I guarantee you that when.... if.... the socialists take over, the debt will continue to noit only grow, but to accelerate. At this point, it is not party dependent, it is flat out physics.
Are you suggesting that Dems aren't divisive as well? Both sides attack and disparage those who do not side with them. That's politics. It's nothing new. But now the left is saying because Trump does it, it's bad? Where has the outrage been in the past? When Hillary was calling people deplorable, where was the outrage? Dems and Republicans have attacked each other for decades(at least), where was the outrage? I just find it ridiculous that this behavior has gone on for so long, and now, because Trump does it, it's the worst thing ever. TDS, Trump rage, whatever you want to call it, it's real. And it's disturbing and irrational. People are losing their minds. Sure, he's a deplorable human being. And I know some keep saying "worst ever", but that's just an opinion. IMO, other Presidents have been just as deplorable. Opinions tend to vary. What is fact is he can only serve for as long as he's elected. Whether that be four years or eight years, he will eventually leave office and the country will continue on.

Since 2016, the left has been in a lunatic rage, blowing Trump's Presidency out of proportion. That's my opinion and I stand by it. At what point do they suck it up and accept they were defeated? All that time they could have been preparing for 2020, they instead spent raging at Trump. The Democratic Party is out of touch with America, and their far left ideas are a sign of that. Health care for illegals? Higher taxes(which you know won't just effect the rich)? Spend, spend, spend with no real answer as to where the money will come from? It's insane. I would love for an outstanding candidate to emerge and run for President, but everything I've seen thus far says it won't happen.
Trump is the worst ever. IMO
Trump is not the norm and should never be accepted as the norm. IMO
Segregation was divisive.
Integration was divisive.
Some roots of divisiveness are more justifiable then others.
Trump's means of intentional divisiveness are deplorable. IMO
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Liberals ain’t good with numbers.
At this point, it really doesn't matter what the party is. The weight of the entity is going to cause it to collapse anyway. You simply misspelled 'congress'

I like it that the head guy now is trying something different rather than the same old same old.
Trump is the worst ever. IMO
Trump is not the norm and should never be accepted as the norm. IMO
Segregation was divisive.
Integration was divisive.
Some roots of divisiveness are more justifiable then others.
Trump's means of intentional divisiveness are deplorable. IMO
No one cares about the opinion of a seven year old little girl.
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At this point, it really doesn't matter what the party is. The weight of the entity is going to cause it to collapse anyway. You simply misspelled 'congress'

I like it that the head guy now is trying something different rather than the same old same old.
Granted the spend, spend, spend going on currently is slowly digging our hole deeper but if the Progressive agenda on display in this week’s debates ever takes hold it will turn this country on its head in a very short time.
The rate of increase in the national debt is ALWAYS greatest under republican administrations.
Trump is not only continuing that trend, but setting the new standard.
I don’t argue that. But please see my response to SCV from a minute ago.

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