There is no substance to this. I frequently will acknowledge that I'm wrong or misguided when confronted with actual evidence of such. I welcome a good argument, but you aren't making one... please show me how Trump is going to garner more than 10% of the black vote next year? He only received 8% in 2016 and that was against Hillary Clinton, who is not as popular among blacks as Biden.
The truth is I don't know because there is no way for me to personally create a poll of likely black voters but what is also true is you don't know either. What you are going off is history that the garbage democratic party has used identity politics well enough to sucker a culture into voting for them. It is never a good thing when 90% of any group agrees on the same thing. It is group think. Blacks, like other Americans, are just Americans. Blacks have benefited from capitalism. I might be nieve but I've seen more black, young and old, saying hold up a second, we don't owe the democratic party anything.
I can tell you the 4th of July conversation was about concerns about the democratic party candidates. That the group as a whole sucks and the concerns that turnout in the black communities could be low.
Democratic policies have been harmful to the black community and those policies are bigger than the black community. The people that espouse most of these policies don't care about blacks. They care about money and power. It's an ideology that extends belong blacks but uses those in its path as pawns. It is really a party for the white elites and blacks who sell victimization as a way to have optimism for free dollars.
Are there Democrats with good intentions? Sure there are. Are their Republicans with bad intentions? Sure there are. Does racism still exist? Sure it does. We see it on this board but it doesn't mean everything people say is racist or a good policy coming from someone you don't agree with on something is still not a good policy.
I have hope for the black community because blacks have always been great throughout history and helped build this great country. What I don't like are cultures, causes, certain demographics sucking on teet of civil rights to develop their movement - homosexuals, illegals, women. That's fine if they want movements but to latch those movement to MLK's movement is insulting for a person that understands the difference. That was a period where "American" citizens could not vote. It is nothing like that today regardless of what they like to tell us.
So I am not nieve enough to believe there will be a large turn of events because as they say in business it takes a long time to change the culture of it. As other blacks that have abandoned the Democratic party have said if the black vote gets to 15% or 20% for Republicans the Democratic party loses. That is a scary proposition for the party and they are throwing all of their evil resources to stop it from happening. That is why illegal immigrants are so important to the party now. At the very least the black community needs to put pressure on the Democrats to promote healthy policies where communities that have large populations can thrive. How do you do that? You start voting them out and replacing them with Trump's of the world. Why? Because there's nothing to lose.
Liberalism is utopia created by the white elites.
This post was edited.