2020 Presidential Race

The facts are:

The democrats have done absolutely nothing for the black communities in this country.
The democrats have use fear and social programs to keep the black community dependent on them.
The democrats ignore the black community every day except during elections.
The democrats think they own the black voters to the point that they can come on message boards and positively say that 90% of them will vote for whoever the white dems nominate.
Look, I am just dealing in what the historical and the most recent trends are. I understand that is what you want to believe and that in your heart, you feel like black voters SHOULD support Republican Party candidates... but they don't, and there is no evidence that is going to change any time soon.
I never said 98%. It's more like 91%. And giving Trump sole credit for the low unemployment numbers is just absurd (that is not to say that his policies haven't helped the economy at all - the tax cuts and some of the deregulation have helped). When Barack Obama took office in January of 2009, the unemployment rate was at 7.8%. When Trump took office in January of 2017, the unemployment rate was at 4.7%. It is now at 3.7%. So, you can clearly see that the unemployment rate had been trending downward when Trump took office. Job growth had been trending upward... Trump didn't change the trajectory of anything. Suggesting that the low unemployment numbers among blacks is a sign that Trump isn't a racist is wrong on so many levels that it's comical.

Dude, you realize this is just more blah blah blah stupid crap coming out your mouth. Don't care about the argument you are trying so desperately making by showing your delusion. Blacks are living the good life now bc Trump has made it so for them. Obama didn't do anything for the black man with his time in Office. I'm pretty much done with you on this topic bc your too set in your ways to see others with a different point of view. It's your way or screw you all.....Your thinking is I know best bc I'm a Democrat and I know stuff.
Dude, you realize this is just more blah blah blah stupid crap coming out your mouth. Don't care about the argument you are trying so desperately making by showing your delusion. Blacks are living the good life now bc Trump has made it so for them. Obama didn't do anything for the black man with his time in Office. I'm pretty much done with you on this topic bc your too set in your ways to see others with a different point of view. It's your way or screw you all.....I know best bc I'm a Democrat and I know stuff.
The economic indices simply don't support this claim. All of them were trending in the right direction when Obama left office in January of 2017. Facts are facts... the unemployment rate was at 4.7% on January 20, 2017. Once again, Trump did not change the trajectory of anything.

I am set in the way of looking at the facts... you have no evidence that Trump is trending in the positive direction with black voters.
The economic indices simply don't support this claim. All of them were trending in the right direction when Obama left office in January of 2017. Facts are facts... the unemployment rate was at 4.7% on January 20, 2017. Once again, Trump did not change the trajectory of anything.

It wasn’t Bill Clinton’s economy. Bush did that. It wasn’t GW was horrible for the economy it was Bill Clinton. It wasn’t Obama making a good economy.......well actually his economy stayed as shorty as GW so it’s not that Obama set up Trump it was GW.
The economic indices simply don't support this claim. All of them were trending in the right direction when Obama left office in January of 2017. Facts are facts... the unemployment rate was at 4.7% on January 20, 2017. Once again, Trump did not change the trajectory of anything.

Your "facts" are those made up by Democrats to fit their agenda....makes Obama look good which is false.
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Look, I am just dealing in what the historical and the most recent trends are. I understand that is what you want to believe and that in your heart, you feel like black voters SHOULD support Republican Party candidates... but they don't, and there is no evidence that is going to change any time soon.

Wow you keep doubling down on the racist stuff.

I believe everyone should vote for political candidates that will best represent their views, vote for bills that will increase freedom and opportunity and do what is best for the country.
Wow you keep doubling down on the racist stuff.

I believe everyone should vote for political candidates that will best represent their views, vote for bills that will increase freedom and opportunity and do what is best for the country.
So do I... maybe Trump could improve his chances if he didn't race-bait so much? Charlottesville, birther-ism, "go back where you came from" ... just a thought.
It wasn’t Bill Clinton’s economy. Bush did that. It wasn’t GW was horrible for the economy it was Bill Clinton. It wasn’t Obama making a good economy.......well actually his economy stayed as shorty as GW so it’s not that Obama set up Trump it was GW.
That is wrong because you aren't looking at the trends. When Clinton took office all the economic indices were trending downward, we were in a recession. Now, I'm not giving Clinton credit for the tech-bubble that occurred in the 90's. That would have made any president look good... but you can't say that was George H.W. Bush's economy with any credibility.

We all know that when it comes to the economy, the president gets too much credit when the US economy is at a peak and too much blame when we are in a recession. George W. Bush followed the same playbook as Trump - lower taxes, especially on the supply side and de-regulate like an SOB with his hair on fire. 9/11 happened while the economy was contracting and suddenly, we were in two wars and the "war on terror". Then you had the sub-prime mortgage crisis and the collapse of home prices. Americans were also paying $4.79 per gallon at the pump in the fall of 2008. So much was out of his control as far as the economy was concerned.
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Bureau of Labor Statistics = Democrats. FBI = Democrats. See how this works.
If the Bureau of Labor Statistics was wrong on January 20, 2017 and the unemployment rate wasn't really at 4.7%... then that must mean that it is still wrong today and the unemployment rate is not really at 3.7%. You can't have it both ways. See how this works?
If the Bureau of Labor Statistics was wrong on January 20, 2017 and the unemployment rate wasn't really at 4.7%... then that must mean that it is still wrong today and the unemployment rate is not really at 3.7%. You can't have it both ways. See how this works?

The ones that want to have it both ways will at least try. If and when Trump does something too unpalatable, even for his supporters , they'll say he was really a Democrat.
If the Bureau of Labor Statistics was wrong on January 20, 2017 and the unemployment rate wasn't really at 4.7%... then that must mean that it is still wrong today and the unemployment rate is not really at 3.7%. You can't have it both ways. See how this works?

Your "facts" are made up to favor your argument which means you are kissing Obama's butt.
So do I... maybe Trump could improve his chances if he didn't race-bait so much? Charlottesville, birther-ism, "go back where you came from" ... just a thought.
I wish that someone would explain to me how birtherism is considered racist. I mean the man had a foreign born non-U.S. citizen father and would not furnish a valid birth certificate (and still hasn't in my opinion). He may or may not have been born in Hawaii, but he was hiding something.
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This is a really well-written article. The thing I've always liked the most about Pete is that he owns up to his mistakes, and tries to fix them, as opposed to doubling down on stupid like Trump.

“I found that especially when it comes to racial inequality, every time we tug on a thread, we find that it ties to something bigger,” Buttigieg says. “Whenever we’re talking about race and policing back home,by the end we’re also having a conversation about economic disempowerment. What it compels you to realize is that, you know, systemic racism is this entire complex of things that are all connected. And we’ve gotta talk about, and act on, all of these pieces at once.”
“I guess the biggest thing that I’ve learned is that good intentions are not enough,” he said, with a solemn smile. “Just ’cause I seek to heal, and move beyond racism, and act accordingly, doesn’t mean, A) people are gonna trust me even — or especially — if I’m tellin’ the truth. And B) that we’re gonna get the results we’re after. And we’ve gotta own that.”

Pete Buttigieg’s Antiracist Education
I wish that someone would explain to me how birtherism is considered racist. I mean the man had a foreign born non-U.S. citizen father and would not furnish a valid birth certificate (and still hasn't in my opinion). He may or may not have been born in Hawaii, but he was hiding something.
Yes, he did (both the long and short versions). Trump had a foreign born mother? Big deal! "Birther-ism" was Trump's way of trying to de-legitimize the Obama presidency. Just as Trump and his supporters resent what they refer to as the "Russian hoax" for being an attempt to de-legitimize his own presidency, Obama and his supporters feel the same way about "birther-ism" and despite some bold claims, Trump has never provided any evidence that Obama wasn't born in the United States. In 2011, Trump claimed that he had dispatched investigators to Hawaii to search for proof that Obama wasn't born in the United States and that these investigators supposedly relayed back to him that they "couldn't believe what they were finding". Trump was strongly implying that he had uncovered proof that Obama's birth certificate was fraudulent. Trump also said that he would be holding a press conference in two weeks to unveil this "proof". That was just another lie. That press conference never materialized, which makes me highly doubt that there ever even were any investigators sent to Hawaii. Trump is just a bull s***ter.

I believe that "birther-ism" was a dog whistle to the Trump base of support. It has been a common theme throughout the Trump presidency that black people are somehow less American, less patriotic and less deserving of being in this country than whites. In Trump's mind, black people have no right to complain about the government (as white people do) and should either be happy with what they have or "go back to where they came from" - even if they were born in the United States. "Birther-ism" is at the core of Trump's racism. Trump would have never questioned the legitimacy of a white President with a white European born father, who wasn't an American citizen. Trump saw potential to challenge Obama's American identity because Obama was black.
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Yes, he did (both the long and short versions). Trump had a foreign born mother? Big deal! "Birther-ism" was Trump's way of trying to de-legitimize the Obama presidency. Just as Trump and his supporters resent what they refer to as the "Russian hoax" for being an attempt to de-legitimize his own presidency, Obama and his supporters feel the same way about "birther-ism" and despite some bold claims, Trump has never provided any evidence that Obama wasn't born in the United States. In 2011, Trump claimed that he had dispatched investigators to Hawaii to search for proof that Obama wasn't born in the United States and that these investigators supposedly relayed back to him that they "couldn't believe what they were finding". Trump was strongly implying that he had uncovered proof that Obama's birth certificate was fraudulent. Trump also said that he would be holding a press conference in two weeks to unveil this "proof". That was just another lie. That press conference never materialized, which makes me highly doubt that there ever even were any investigators sent to Hawaii. Trump is just a bull s***ter.

I believe that "birther-ism" was a dog whistle to the Trump base of support. It has been a common theme throughout the Trump presidency that black people are somehow less American, less patriotic and less deserving of being in this country than whites. In Trump's mind, black people have no right to complain about the government (as white people do) and should either be happy with what they have or "go back to where they came from" - even if they were born in the United States. "Birther-ism" is at the core of Trump's racism. Trump would have never questioned the legitimacy of a white President with a white European born father, who wasn't an American citizen. Trump saw potential to challenge Obama's American identity because Obama was black.
I think you see racism everywhere. It had nothing to do with color. It had to do with possibly falsifying records to get into college. Kind of a Blackahontas.

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