2020 Presidential Race

Allow insurance companies to increase rates based on preexisting conditions and things will get scary for many of us very quickly.

Allow insurance companies to deny coverage for X months for pre-existing conditions, and the bankruptcy paperwork will start to flow.

Being CID is already a full time job on its own, navigating doctor and hospital policies and figuring out how to do things so you're not paying six payment plans from one procedure. It's as if there's a segment of our population that sees being poor or disabled as weakness and likes kicking us when we're down.
It's easy to say people are fully responsible for their plight in life when your life's needs are being met........being shallow, selfish, narrow-minded, and lacking compassion also helps.
Final caucus results are in: Buttigieg wins the most delegates

Who? Oh the guy that claimed millions of Americans are either racist or ok with racism. His reasoning? They support trump. Then he followed it up with that doozy of an interview on “the view” in regards to late term abortion. F*** Pete.
I agree, however I believe the Dems will hitch the wagons to Pete for the nomination. They don't want Bernie, Joe's damaged goods and will be out soon. Warren running third and no one can stand to listen to her, especially the ladies of color. So that will leave Pete. Good luck with that decision as he'll not pull the people of color vote. I'm sure they'll be plenty of entertainers come out of the closet for Peter.
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If you can’t beat Bernie in a fair fight in Iowa , how in the world are you going to take on Trump and win .
We won Iowa. You can say it isn't fair until you are blue, but they counted paper ballots. That is about as accurate as an election can get. But keep pushing the narrative trying to get me and Persianvol to argue. I know your game old man. lol
We won Iowa. You can say it isn't fair until you are blue, but they counted paper ballots. That is about as accurate as an election can get. But keep pushing the narrative trying to get me and Persianvol to argue. I know your game old man. lol

.... you shut up you don’t know . Busted 😂😂😂. I was wondering how long you were going to let me go on with it . I told NGV that I was running out of bait . Lol
We won Iowa. You can say it isn't fair until you are blue, but they counted paper ballots. That is about as accurate as an election can get. But keep pushing the narrative trying to get me and Persianvol to argue. I know your game old man. lol

If only there were paper ballots to count.
You did call it early in that you thought pete would win Iowa . What do you realistically hope for in the next one . It’s New Hampshire right ?
Tracking poll from NH tonight has Pete tied with Bernie. Pete had a 9 point bump this week in NH. I also said a long time ago Pete would win NH as well, and I still think he will.

Biden's campaign is coming off the rails, which is getting overlooked with this IDP weirdness. He's down to 4th in NH polling.
Tracking poll from NH tonight has Pete tied with Bernie. Pete had a 9 point bump this week in NH. I also said a long time ago Pete would win NH as well, and I still think he will.

Biden's campaign is coming off the rails, which is getting overlooked with this IDP weirdness. He's down to 4th in NH polling.
I think the one who's done is Warren...she is a carbon copy of Bernie on platforms..except she can't give a speech and isn't very likable...Joe can still draw a distinction from himself Bernie and Pete..what I don't get is why Bloomberg gets a high market on Predictit..is the thinking he can outlast and outspend his way to the nomination?
I think the one who's done is Warren...she is a carbon copy of Bernie on platforms..except she can't give a speech and isn't very likable...Joe can still draw a distinction from himself Bernie and Pete..what I don't get is why Bloomberg gets a high market on Predictit..is the thinking he can outlast and outspend his way to the nomination?
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Bloomberg has the cash and his ads are everywhere. I think when people actually see him outside of his ads, he will drop quickly in the polls.
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With how absolutely absurd the democrats have acted since Trumps presidency started, they have all but guaranteed his reelection. It will be yet another 4 years of whining and belly aching.
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With how absolutely absurd the democrats have acted since Trumps presidency started, they have all but guaranteed his reelection. It will be yet another 4 years of whining and belly aching.
The Pelosi stunt was just a huge mistake on her part...I used to think she was poltically savvy but TDS has taken its toll...Reid warned them but they don't see to be listening
Harry Reid warns Democrats: Trump is a 'very, very smart man' who won't be easily beaten in 2020 - CNNPolitics
Bloomberg has the cash and his ads are everywhere. I think when people actually see him outside of his ads, he will drop quickly in the polls.
Yeah..I live in Bama now and see his here so they are national buys I'm sure..also saw a couple from Steyer....looks like Pete only spent in Iowa..not sure in the age of social media how big of a deal TV is honestly I rarely watch any network stuff
Tracking Every Presidential Candidate’s TV Ad Buys
Yeah..I live in Bama now and see his here so they are national buys I'm sure..also saw a couple from Steyer....looks like Pete only spent in Iowa..not sure in the age of social media how big of a deal TV is honestly I rarely watch any network stuff
Tracking Every Presidential Candidate’s TV Ad Buys
We have normally gone state by state with ad stuff. Everything is getting shifted to New Hampshire, Nevada, and South Carolina right now.
Bloomberg and Steyer are blanketing ads nationally. That has been their strategy from the start, they ignored the early states and focused solely on South Carolina and Super Tuesday.

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