2020 Presidential Race

This is Exhibit A to just how weak the democratic field is and really downright pitiful. We've heard talks of Hillary joining, now Kerry and even Michelle Obama. Joe Biden looks like a zombie at his stomp speeches. Crazy Bernie Sanders is a communist. I think they only allow him to run as a democrat so he doesn't steal any votes as a 3rd party. The rest are just as big a joke.

It’s amazing the top three or four democratic contenders think the key to winning is running as hard as they can to far left socialism, promotion of class envy and basically saying the US sucks in totality. I truly wish the people supporting Sanders, Warren, et al would go live in Cuba, Russia, NK, China, Iran or Venezuela for six months. Make it a year...see how that goes for them. Those countries are the wet dream of most of the democratic contenders.
Allow insurance companies to increase rates based on preexisting conditions and things will get scary for many of us very quickly.

Allow insurance companies to deny coverage for X months for pre-existing conditions, and the bankruptcy paperwork will start to flow.

Being CID is already a full time job on its own, navigating doctor and hospital policies and figuring out how to do things so you're not paying six payment plans from one procedure. It's as if there's a segment of our population that sees being poor or disabled as weakness and likes kicking us when we're down.
You can't fight math. If it costs X amount to pay out for medical bills, and the gov't says you can't charge more to cover the expenses, guess what? The bankruptcy papers flow.

And you really should step back from the emotional scolding. Looking at basic math isn't a personal attack at you or anyone else. We can't put your leg back on, and we can't fix medical costs. Neither is a personal attack at you. Simmer down with that BS already.
I work hard to provide for my family, and my disability limits what I am able to do to earn more. Why should I and others in this situation be financially penalized because of issues completely out of our control? How do we suddenly generate $10k or $20k more per year to pay for the Bad Genetics / Bad Accident survivor tax?

Also, why do you keep going to free stuff and unemployed as a default in reply? Are you trying to label the disabled in a way that makes us easier to dismiss? Are you saying that we are throw-away humans who are just a drain on your bottom line?
You didn't answer the question.

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