2020 Presidential Race

But you have no problem with 47 Dems putting their hands on a bible and swearing to be impartial knowing dang well they weren’t going to be? See why it’s hard to take you seriously?

Biden s not a nice person, he just hides his true self better than Trump.
I have no problem if you go in there with hand on Bible, listen to evidence and vote your conscience, regardless. The problem is that you have Bolton out there waving his hand, and all but Romney and Collins voted against witnesses, so that kind of showed they weren't going to be impartial.
I have no problem if you go in there with hand on Bible, listen to evidence and vote your conscience, regardless. The problem is that you have Bolton out there waving his hand, and all but Romney and Collins voted against witnesses, so that kind of showed they weren't going to be impartial.

Could Bolton not just hold a press conference? Not sure what he could say specifically due to disclosure of executive privilege, but could probably generalize.
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I have no problem if you go in there with hand on Bible, listen to evidence and vote your conscience, regardless. The problem is that you have Bolton out there waving his hand, and all but Romney and Collins voted against witnesses, so that kind of showed they weren't going to be impartial.

So why didn’t the Dems subpoena him and fight for his testimony in court?

You are being hypocritical.
So why didn’t the Dems subpoena him and fight for his testimony in court?

You are being hypocritical.
Well, we heard the argument about McGahn. But after testimony, I agreed with Romney, that they should have battled in the courts regardless, and it wasn't impeachable. But if you have someone like Bolton that is willing to testify after the fact, then there is no reason not to hear that.
I don't think some understand how tired many of us are of the cruelty. It's fine to say someone is ugly now. It's fine to make fun of grieving widow tears and say her husband is in hell. Fine to laughingly talk about grabbing women's crotches-- His main base is Evangelicals, which makes this even worse.

I am someone who attends church very regularly, and it has been mentioned more than once concerning how the attendance is dwindling across the board. We are losing people and I think part of that is the hypocrisy of condoning that kind of cruelty while saying they are Christian and follow Jesus's teachings. We have Lindsay Graham and Mitch --knowing they are going to put their hand on the Bible and swear before their God to be impartial-- Saying before hand that they weren't going to be. Then when Romney says he took his vows seriously and had to vote his conscience, he was scoffed and ridiculed by Trump at a prayer breakfast.

Are we following a King or dictator? We are so afraid of this bully that you can't even speak out and say he's cruel and corrupt?

I don’t flame anyone for their beliefs , you point to some politicians and say they can put their hand on a bible and lie while omitting others like Bennie ( Jew / bible is irony) Ew and the others that ran for president are also sworn to tell the truth and be non biased. You point to the bad things Trump has said or him being a “ bully “ yet left out all the good for people he or his policies have done to help people that needed jobs , needed extra money , needed to be able to pull themselves off the governments tit to help themselves rather than having a hand out . I watched “a million “ women march on Washington and more across the country after he was elected terrified of losing their rights , I don’t see those marches anymore , manly because it’s hard to to keep that narrative up when it was a lie . What I’m saying is when you balance the scales out what is Trumps tally ? I’m not talking about his twitter , his comments , his idiotic statements , I’m talking about what has he gotten done under constant scrutiny 24/7 for 3 years . Now look at what the left wants to install as POTUS . Oh they won’t be brash , they won’t bully , they will pander to every group under the sun , but they will tank everything that’s ruin well right now with their policies. The market will tank ( it’s natural rest is just waiting for a trigger ) taxes will go up , companies will leave again for other , cheaper taxed countries , unemployment will rise , the government will be larger than its ever been before in our history . But you won’t have to listen to Trump being mean . Well he still will be because he won’t just fade away , but he won’t be POTUS . These are our choices .
But you have no problem with 47 Dems putting their hands on a bible and swearing to be impartial knowing dang well they weren’t going to be? See why it’s hard to take you seriously?

Biden s not a nice person, he just hides his true self better than Trump.

He’s had 40 years of practicing and experience .
Well, we heard the argument about McGahn. But after testimony, I agreed with Romney, that they should have battled in the courts regardless, and it wasn't impeachable. But if you have someone like Bolton that is willing to testify after the fact, then there is no reason not to hear that.

Bolton is trying to become a multimillionaire by selling a book . Do you think say 5-10 million $ would impact anything he had to say ?
I don't think some understand how tired many of us are of the cruelty. It's fine to say someone is ugly now. It's fine to make fun of grieving widow tears and say her husband is in hell. Fine to laughingly talk about grabbing women's crotches-- His main base is Evangelicals, which makes this even worse.

I am someone who attends church very regularly, and it has been mentioned more than once concerning how the attendance is dwindling across the board. We are losing people and I think part of that is the hypocrisy of condoning that kind of cruelty while saying they are Christian and follow Jesus's teachings. We have Lindsay Graham and Mitch --knowing they are going to put their hand on the Bible and swear before their God to be impartial-- Saying before hand that they weren't going to be. Then when Romney says he took his vows seriously and had to vote his conscience, he was scoffed and ridiculed by Trump at a prayer breakfast.

Are we following a King or dictator? We are so afraid of this bully that you can't even speak out and say he's cruel and corrupt?

Have you not seen Biden when anyone questions him on Ukraine or his son? He was calling a voter fat and challenging him to push up contests, screaming to vote for someone else. Doesn’t matter though, he has no chance. Even Obama doesn’t like him 😂
Well, we heard the argument about McGahn. But after testimony, I agreed with Romney, that they should have battled in the courts regardless, and it wasn't impeachable. But if you have someone like Bolton that is willing to testify after the fact, then there is no reason not to hear that.

Then the House should have gotten his testimony.

Do have a problem with the house withholding some of the testimonies they did get?
So is Obama supporting Bloomberg or did he just use him in campaign videos without his permission?
This is how I perceive the DNC trying to find anyone to beat Bernie lol
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I don't think some understand how tired many of us are of the cruelty. It's fine to say someone is ugly now. It's fine to make fun of grieving widow tears and say her husband is in hell. Fine to laughingly talk about grabbing women's crotches-- His main base is Evangelicals, which makes this even worse.

I am someone who attends church very regularly, and it has been mentioned more than once concerning how the attendance is dwindling across the board. We are losing people and I think part of that is the hypocrisy of condoning that kind of cruelty while saying they are Christian and follow Jesus's teachings. We have Lindsay Graham and Mitch --knowing they are going to put their hand on the Bible and swear before their God to be impartial-- Saying before hand that they weren't going to be. Then when Romney says he took his vows seriously and had to vote his conscience, he was scoffed and ridiculed by Trump at a prayer breakfast.

Are we following a King or dictator? We are so afraid of this bully that you can't even speak out and say he's cruel and corrupt?

But you're okay with illegally spying on a Presidential candidate and then having said candidate personally attacked repeatedly, called every vile name in the book from Hitler to you name it. You're okay with his family and children being brought into it and called name after name and falsely accused of being a Russian asset and being investigated on every move he makes since before he was in office.

How Christian like of you. Enjoy your ride on the hypocrisy bus.
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But you're okay with illegally spying on a Presidential candidate and then having said candidate personally attacked repeatedly, called every vile name in the book from Hitler to you name it and falsely accused of being a Russian asset and being investigated on every move he makes since before he was in office.

How Christian like of you. Enjoy your ride on the hypocrisy bus.
Where did she say she was okay with that?
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Biden isn't a debater, and his childhood stuttering explains quite a bit about how measured he is when he speaks. He is not going to be witty. He's just nice, so he is never going to play the tough guy. CNN showed him in a recent town hall, and I really liked this. Biden needs to just continue to be kind and that would definitely play well for those of us who are tired of the cruelty that Trump brings.

He seems frustrated and his fuse is shortening. Has yelled at a couple of people lately.
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Where did he/she say he wasn't ? I read one side getting hammered, but not the other. Post speaks for itself.
She can think both are wrong or that one is worse than the other and not be a hypocrite. She can also think that they’re equally wrong but that the fact that Trump is the president of the US makes his behavior more significant.

Your assumptions about what she thinks don’t make her hypocritical, but the way you presented it makes her post correct. Good job proving her point.
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She can think both are wrong or that one is worse than the other and not be a hypocrite. She can also think that they’re equally wrong but that the fact that Trump is the president of the US makes his behavior more significant.

Your assumptions about what she thinks don’t make her hypocritical, but the way you presented it makes her post correct. Good job proving her point.

Typical spin. If you post something that is one sided then expect it to be read and understood to be one sided. It's that simple. There was only condemnation of the President in the post, absolutely nothing in the way of regret of treatment from the other side. If the OP actually felt that way then it should be posted that way or expected to be taken as hypocritical. It's not that complicated, but nice try as coming off as some knight in shining armor.
Typical spin. If you post something that is one sided then expect it to be read and understood to be one sided. It's that simple. There was only condemnation of the President in the post, absolutely nothing in the way regret from the other side. If the OP actually felt that way then it should be posted that way or expected to be taken as hypocritical. It's not that complicated, but nice try as coming off as some knight in shining armor.


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