2020 Presidential Race

I'm reading and taking it all in.
I am a woman, and while I don't agree with abortion, I know that many were out there because they don't want a man as President who thinks it's okay to grab women by the crotch and has more sexual assault lawsuits/accusations against him then Bill Cosby. They did a march recently, so yeah, it's still going on -- maybe not as public as that first.

If it weren't for the economy (and I'm worried about the manufacturing industry) then what? If you care about conservative courts then I guess some feel that is good. (I really don't think they are going to do away with abortion) Prescription drugs are too high, Trump has threatened our Social security (huge population of elderly are getting ready to retire) and disability-- cutting the school lunch programs and the food stamps and had some backlash. For me, I'd gladly give extra for a few freeloaders, to help a kid who was hungry. He will now deal with eliminating Obama Care after the elections and those pesky pre-existing condition people. I worry about the other after he's not got another term. May not be a big deal for those with money but for most of the poor or middle class, it is huge. Also, his vindictiveness knows no bounds, and without an election to temper that...

There is that border wall-- that we didn't need anyway, and should have just been status quo. (no I'm not for open borders) He has an OTT hatred of Obama, and I have my unproven theories on that (not racist but more to do with the Hollywood Elite and perhaps a little bit of that comedy dinner) He is doing away with anything Obama did, even if it was a good program. (ask our Allies) I certainly don't feel safer with him as president.

The deficit is constantly rising, and could be lowered if the right President is in there- (like Amy) I am not holding my breath on that, though.

I am also for some better gun laws- not take guns-- my husband is a veteran and we own them, but even he says it's ridiculous right now and something better needs to be done.

You have him picking on football players for protesting brutality --it is disrespectful to the veterans, and then his behaving like a six year old during the National anthem for the SB.

Anyone who dares speak against this guy is threatened even if it's under oath.. Lies are truth, truth is lies. Agree with Trump or you will pay the price.

I also said I may be cutting my nose to spite my face. I never liked Trump behavior, even before Marla Maples, but if he had shown some human decency as President, then I could get around that. I realize that the Democrats pick at him, but he has brought much on himself. How would you even fight him at all if he just went about his business and wasn't so paranoid and vindictive?

I hope Bernie or Warren aren't nominated, but I am open to the rest and hope that they will stabilize and bring some kindness, even if it's just having some manners and human decency.
Sounds like a lot of emotional feelings not much logic and reason here
That's about as likely as mid-America fly over country falling in love with a New York shyster how hates all things rural and middle America.

Pete has to convince black voters to support a gay president and his husband . Trump is going to ask those mid America and rural voters do they want capitalism that made this country what it is or socialism that will tear it all down .. you can see it coming can’t you ? Lol
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Pete has to convince black voters to support a gay president and his husband . Trump is going to ask those mid America and rural voters do they want capitalism that made this country what it is or socialism that will tear it all down .. you can see it coming can’t you ? Lol
Trump had to convince blue collar workers in Ohio to support him. Crazy things happen.
Trump had to convince blue collar workers in Ohio to support him. Crazy things happen.

Nah he just had to let Hillary convince them that she would put them all out of business like she did the ones in WV . That wasn’t hard to do apparently.
Overlooking that all important primary again.

Nah just predicting what’s coming . Pete can make it in white bread America , he will fall flat in the South . Bernie bro’s have ponchos and signs , will travel . EW is starting to forget which lie she’s telling who , Biden is on the verge of tipping into the black hole of , only blue haired voters . My only question is , will Bloomberg buy the whole thing at the convention or will the DNC only sell him 80% and force him to pick Klobuchar as VP .

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