2020 Presidential Race

Typical spin. If you post something that is one sided then expect it to be read and understood to be one sided. It's that simple. There was only condemnation of the President in the post, absolutely nothing in the way of regret of treatment from the other side. If the OP actually felt that way then it should be posted that way or expected to be taken as hypocritical. It's not that complicated, but nice try as coming off as some knight in shining armor.
Have you ever criticized some of the other people on this site or just the so-called "Dim's". It is very easy to come in here and go with the majority. Obviously, I'm saying I don't agree with any cruel behavior, and then you add that we are talking about the President, which is the face of our nation. How do you teach your kids not to call someone stupid, when your President is doing it on national TV and they are watching?
Honestly, the more I see, the more I feel the left's best choice is Pete. Not sure if he can win against Trump, but he probably has a better chance than the others.
I don’t flame anyone for their beliefs , you point to some politicians and say they can put their hand on a bible and lie while omitting others like Bennie ( Jew / bible is irony) Ew and the others that ran for president are also sworn to tell the truth and be non biased. You point to the bad things Trump has said or him being a “ bully “ yet left out all the good for people he or his policies have done to help people that needed jobs , needed extra money , needed to be able to pull themselves off the governments tit to help themselves rather than having a hand out . I watched “a million “ women march on Washington and more across the country after he was elected terrified of losing their rights , I don’t see those marches anymore , manly because it’s hard to to keep that narrative up when it was a lie . What I’m saying is when you balance the scales out what is Trumps tally ? I’m not talking about his twitter , his comments , his idiotic statements , I’m talking about what has he gotten done under constant scrutiny 24/7 for 3 years . Now look at what the left wants to install as POTUS . Oh they won’t be brash , they won’t bully , they will pander to every group under the sun , but they will tank everything that’s ruin well right now with their policies. The market will tank ( it’s natural rest is just waiting for a trigger ) taxes will go up , companies will leave again for other , cheaper taxed countries , unemployment will rise , the government will be larger than its ever been before in our history . But you won’t have to listen to Trump being mean . Well he still will be because he won’t just fade away , but he won’t be POTUS . These are our choices .
I'm reading and taking it all in.
I am a woman, and while I don't agree with abortion, I know that many were out there because they don't want a man as President who thinks it's okay to grab women by the crotch and has more sexual assault lawsuits/accusations against him then Bill Cosby. They did a march recently, so yeah, it's still going on -- maybe not as public as that first.

If it weren't for the economy (and I'm worried about the manufacturing industry) then what? If you care about conservative courts then I guess some feel that is good. (I really don't think they are going to do away with abortion) Prescription drugs are too high, Trump has threatened our Social security (huge population of elderly are getting ready to retire) and disability-- cutting the school lunch programs and the food stamps and had some backlash. For me, I'd gladly give extra for a few freeloaders, to help a kid who was hungry. He will now deal with eliminating Obama Care after the elections and those pesky pre-existing condition people. I worry about the other after he's not got another term. May not be a big deal for those with money but for most of the poor or middle class, it is huge. Also, his vindictiveness knows no bounds, and without an election to temper that...

There is that border wall-- that we didn't need anyway, and should have just been status quo. (no I'm not for open borders) He has an OTT hatred of Obama, and I have my unproven theories on that (not racist but more to do with the Hollywood Elite and perhaps a little bit of that comedy dinner) He is doing away with anything Obama did, even if it was a good program. (ask our Allies) I certainly don't feel safer with him as president.

The deficit is constantly rising, and could be lowered if the right President is in there- (like Amy) I am not holding my breath on that, though.

I am also for some better gun laws- not take guns-- my husband is a veteran and we own them, but even he says it's ridiculous right now and something better needs to be done.

You have him picking on football players for protesting brutality --it is disrespectful to the veterans, and then his behaving like a six year old during the National anthem for the SB.

Anyone who dares speak against this guy is threatened even if it's under oath.. Lies are truth, truth is lies. Agree with Trump or you will pay the price.

I also said I may be cutting my nose to spite my face. I never liked Trump behavior, even before Marla Maples, but if he had shown some human decency as President, then I could get around that. I realize that the Democrats pick at him, but he has brought much on himself. How would you even fight him at all if he just went about his business and wasn't so paranoid and vindictive?

I hope Bernie or Warren aren't nominated, but I am open to the rest and hope that they will stabilize and bring some kindness, even if it's just having some manners and human decency.
I'm reading and taking it all in.
I am a woman, and while I don't agree with abortion, I know that many were out there because they don't want a man as President who thinks it's okay to grab women by the crotch and has more sexual assault lawsuits/accusations against him then Bill Cosby. They did a march recently, so yeah, it's still going on -- maybe not as public as that first.

If it weren't for the economy (and I'm worried about the manufacturing industry) then what? If you care about conservative courts then I guess some feel that is good. (I really don't think they are going to do away with abortion) Prescription drugs are too high, Trump has threatened our Social security (huge population of elderly are getting ready to retire) and disability-- cutting the school lunch programs and the food stamps and had some backlash. For me, I'd gladly give extra for a few freeloaders, to help a kid who was hungry. He will now deal with eliminating Obama Care after the elections and those pesky pre-existing condition people. I worry about the other after he's not got another term. May not be a big deal for those with money but for most of the poor or middle class, it is huge. Also, his vindictiveness knows no bounds, and without an election to temper that...

There is that border wall-- that we didn't need anyway, and should have just been status quo. (no I'm not for open borders) He has an OTT hatred of Obama, and I have my unproven theories on that (not racist but more to do with the Hollywood Elite and perhaps a little bit of that comedy dinner) He is doing away with anything Obama did, even if it was a good program. (ask our Allies) I certainly don't feel safer with him as president.

The deficit is constantly rising, and could be lowered if the right President is in there- (like Amy) I am not holding my breath on that, though.

I am also for some better gun laws- not take guns-- my husband is a veteran and we own them, but even he says it's ridiculous right now and something better needs to be done.

You have him picking on football players for protesting brutality --it is disrespectful to the veterans, and then his behaving like a six year old during the National anthem for the SB.

Anyone who dares speak against this guy is threatened even if it's under oath.. Lies are truth, truth is lies. Agree with Trump or you will pay the price.

I also said I may be cutting my nose to spite my face. I never liked Trump behavior, even before Marla Maples, but if he had shown some human decency as President, then I could get around that. I realize that the Democrats pick at him, but he has brought much on himself. How would you even fight him at all if he just went about his business and wasn't so paranoid and vindictive?

I hope Bernie or Warren aren't nominated, but I am open to the rest and hope that they will stabilize and bring some kindness, even if it's just having some manners and human decency.

I can’t argue with most of that and the parts I could would just be semantics . Your post makes a lot of sense in the fact that there needs to be a calming effect if we are ever going to get anything done that isn’t straight down party lines either way . They won’t let Amy be president , she’s not in the chosen group , Bloomberg is anti gun , I can’t even imagine him , Bernies policies are a complete makeover for the country, EW is not even worth trying to explain . Joe has a PR problem and Pete is trying to decide if he can get more votes being a centrist while trying to down play his progressive stance . 🤷‍♂️
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Have you ever criticized some of the other people on this site or just the so-called "Dim's". It is very easy to come in here and go with the majority. Obviously, I'm saying I don't agree with any cruel behavior, and then you add that we are talking about the President, which is the face of our nation. How do you teach your kids not to call someone stupid, when your President is doing it on national TV and they are watching?

I do not play that game of "well he's the President and so his wrong is worse than the wrong that was done to him". The fact that the Democratic Party illegally spied on Trumps campaign to keep him from winning the Presidency and has done nothing but try by hook or by crook to undermine him and and remove him is where this whole "wrong" mess started. You have a party on one side that is so bitter and hate filled because they lost an election that they thought for certain they couldn't lose that is trying to destroy a man and his Presidency by any means necessary including personal and family attacks and that needs to be acknowledged as how we even got to this point in the first place before anyone starts the whole "the President is wrong and so unPresidential like"crusade, to not point out and acknowledge that fact is incredibly hypocritical. I'm no Trump fan and he's definitely got his faults, but he has the right to defend himself, especially after all the garbage he's had to put up with. This POTUS certainly doesn't use as much tact as the normal politician, but then again this isn't a normal political and media attack.

The POTUS is arrogant and he's brash and there are times that I wish he would just shut up and continue doing the good job that he is doing and if he happens to cross the line then I won't have any problem calling him out on it. I however will not take the stance that he doesn't have the right to defend himself against a lynch mob Democratic party and overwhelming left wing media that took this fight to gutter to start with. If they didn't want to get dirty they shouldn't have crawled in the mud. He may be the President, but he's still just a man, a human being like the rest of us and I don't differentiate him from anyone else when it comes to "wrong". Wrong is wrong where I come from, no gray area, doesn't matter who it is, so when I see this President getting blasted daily and then when he defends himself getting blasted and called out again for not being Presidential and being told "he's more wrong than the lynch mob chasing him because he should be above the fray" I find that preposterous and have no problem saying it. I am an Independent and just like most other Independents I know I feel this President has gotten nothing but a raw deal and has had to fight an uphill battle the whole way since before he was even elected. I, like most, just want to see the man left alone to do his job and see him either sink or swim with it, let him do what he was elected to do without an investigation of every move he makes. If he's as inept or corrupt as Democrats claim he his then he will most assuredly do himself in sooner rather than later, but this whole take him down at all costs strategy by the Democrats is doing nothing but making people like myself pull for the guy even more, I know Independents that used to couldn't stand the guy that are now what I would call Trump fans. The left is actually making it pretty easy to root for a guy that under normal circumstances would be very hard to root for. I just call it like I see it.
Another reason why they don’t want FOX to host a debate . The questions won’t be so soft . ( IMO)

Yep,those on the debate stage would poop in their britches for sure. They little scaredy cats.
They are scared of going before a Fox News Chris Wallace & Martha McCallum + 2 more asking tough questions.
They are also scared about having the backlash from their own media calling them all sorts of unpleasant names going on Fox News. Poor little adult babies have a cushy stand w/the other failed networks.
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Pelosi Requests that Facebook and Twitter Delete Trump’s Video — They REFUSE

The video titled “Powerful American stories ripped to shreds by Nancy Pelosi,” was posted on both Facebook and Twitter.

The dispute became public Friday when Pelosi’s deputy chief of staff, Drew Hammill, posted a link to a criticism of the video Friday afternoon, writing “The latest fake video of Speaker Pelosi is deliberately designed to mislead and lie to the American people, and every day that these platforms refuse to take it down is another reminder that they care more about their shareholders’ interests than the public’s interests.”

Andy Stone, a Facebook spokesman, replied to Hammill on Twitter: “Sorry, are you suggesting the President didn’t make those remarks and the Speaker didn’t rip the speech?”

Hammill fired back: “What planet are you living on? This is deceptively altered. Take it down.”

In the end, both Facebook and Twitter declined to remove the Trump campaign post, citing corporate policies.

Facebook’s Stone told CNBC, “I can confirm for you that the video doesn’t violate our policies.”
The Dims are getting owned day after day. The hits just keep on coming. Total disarray.

It’s been a really bad week for them . When you lose James Carville because you’ve gone way too far , you have had an extremely bad time of it .
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It’s been a really bad week for them . When you lose James Carville because you’ve gone way too far , you have had an extremely bad time of it .

This is hilarious. It is the first time I've seen this. Total meltdown. What is even funnier is Carville is laying into the liberals and they can do nothing but take that broom handle up the rear because they can't play identity politics because it's Carville.

Old , privileged , white , rich , land owners , from the Democratic Party standing around arguing about which ones actually have the most blacks . Once again .. you just can’t make this kind of stuff up . 😂
Gee Sus! If the Black community doesn't recognize that they're tokens and pawns to these guys, I just don't know...
Imagine, just for a second, if those were Republicans.
This is hilarious. It is the first time I've seen this. Total meltdown. What is even funnier is Carville is laying into the liberals and they can do nothing but take that broom handle up the rear because they can't play identity politics because it's Carville.

Can I like my own post? I just can't turn away. This is the funniest $hit I've seen in a long time.

I challenge anyone to please drink a little too much bourbon tonight and watch this video. The number of good takes are crazy. You can hear MSNBC analysts laughing in the background.
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Honestly, the more I see, the more I feel the left's best choice is Pete. Not sure if he can win against Trump, but he probably has a better chance than the others.
If poll testing and focus grouping is the way to win the hearts and minds of the electorate then I’d say Mayor Pete is the one.
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