2020 Presidential Race

Dems have won the WH when they've nominated an outsider rather than the establishment candidate. Carter, Clinton win; Gore, Kerry lose; Obama wins; Clinton loses.

Biden is the establishment candidate.

Who's the outsider that will replace him as the nominee?
I'm leaning Bloomberg at the moment, but that one guy on here who has repeatedly said for the last 10 months that Biden wouldn't be the nominee looks like a frickin' genius about now.
Between those two - Bloomberg has the clear advantage$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Bernie is the wildcard.

Bloomberg is the fuse , Bernie is the bomb that’s going to go BOOM! , when it happens . Only a DNC stunt like they pulled with Bloomberg could get me this interested in their convention. It’s going to be highly entertaining.
Between those two - Bloomberg has the clear advantage$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Bernie is the wildcard.

Looks like Joe is losing a lot of black support in SC and Pete is a non player with the blacks. All the hard lefts are splitting their votes and we may see this thru Super Tuesday. Not sure who would be favored on ST, but Joe may start to pick up many as well.

Not sure what would happen in a brokered convention other than chaos.
Looks like Joe is losing a lot of black support in SC and Pete is a non player with the blacks. All the hard lefts are splitting their votes and we may see this thru Super Tuesday. Not sure who would be favored on ST, but Joe may start to pick up many as well.

Not sure what would happen in a brokered convention other than chaos.

Yes , chaos ....

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Do you see Trump getting re-elected?
I think so, but 9 months is a long time. Who knows what happens between now and then?

When Biden announced and had what looked like an insurmountable lead, I listed 4 possible reasons that he wouldn't be the nominee. For sure, 2 of them have helped to take him down. There is still time for the other 2.
I was on Trump after the Mobile rally.
I voted for Cruz in the Tenn primary, but boarded the Trump train afterward. I hated Trump's guts before he started running. I saw just a little bit of him on the Apprentice, and thought he was an obnoxious New York prick. I still think that, but have grown to enjoy his ways.
I voted for Cruz in the Tenn primary, but boarded the Trump train afterward. I hated Trump's guts before he started running. I saw just a little bit of him on the Apprentice, and thought he was an obnoxious New York prick. I still think that, but have grown to enjoy his ways.

That Mobile speech was an eye opener. A freakin political speech that I had not enjoyed since Reagan. I think that was like a year before the election and 30K people were there. You know, it is a movement.
I was a Cruz guy as well until then. Houston conservative talk radio was all Trump hate.

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