2020 Presidential Race

Its always been an interesting debate to me. If you use stop and frisk in high crime areas, it will disproportionately affect minorities because high crime areas tend to be poorer, and demographics indicate that such will have larger minority populations.

Objectively, your motive is to invoke it in high crime areas.

Subjectively, that means more minorities are subject to it.

So by what standard do we judge it as a policy? The intent to direct it to an area because it is high crime? Or the perceived weighted effect on minorities?

I can see both sides of the argument.

As with most things there are two or multiple sides. However, the D-party in particular has decided not only is there only one-side to this but if you support it in anyway then you are racist. It's nuts but those are the rules the D's created.
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Its funny, Trump put out a tweet earlier today where he blasted Bloomberg for the stop and frisk policies and called him "a total racist."

But then someone in the WH remmebred that in the 2016 election Trump repeatedly championed stop and frisk and said it should become national policy.

The tweet was taken down. You just cannot make this stuff up.
In other words, all of your candidates suck so all you can so is bash Trump to try and hide how bad they are
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What's your prediction on where they stand in order of delegates by then?

Warren is toast and so Sanders has the lock on the super progressive wing. I think its wide open in the moderate lane. Biden could easily resurge with a win or two. Buttigieg and Klobuchar have momentum. Bloomberg is gaining traction.
C’mon man. Biden is finished.
right but it's already baked in that D's consider Trump racist. Looks like Bloomberg is too (and rich and old and white - all the problems with this country).

You are right to be nervous about Bloomberg. He could actually win.

Though I don't think either Trump or Bloomberg are racists, I certainly do think both know very well how to manipulate the racism of others to their political advantage.
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You are right to be nervous about Bloomberg. He could actually win.

Though I don't think either Trump or Bloomberg are racists, certainly do think both know very well how to manipulate the racism of others to their political advantage.

I will be curious to see if the Bernie and Co. socialists would vote for billionaire Bloomberg in the general. Dems are in a tough spot.
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The Trump cult is going to have a hard time getting on board criticism of Bloomberg for this. First, Trump promoted stop and frisk laws. Second, the Trump cult frequently trots out minority-dominated communities as examples for more policing -- Chicago, Baltimore, etc.

Frankly, I would think Bloomberg's prior law enforcement policies would be popular amongst a large segment of the GOP.
You are right to be nervous about Bloomberg. He could actually win.

Though I don't think either Trump or Bloomberg are racists, I certainly do think both know very well how to manipulate the racism of others to their political advantage.

I have no doubt Bloomberg could win and I'm not nervous about it. Of all the D contenders he's likely to be the best for the economy and so long as he doesn't get pulled too far left I could see preferring him over Trump.
Its always been an interesting debate to me. If you use stop and frisk in high crime areas, it will disproportionately affect minorities because high crime areas tend to be poorer, and demographics indicate that such will have larger minority populations.

Objectively, your motive is to invoke it in high crime areas.

Subjectively, that means more minorities are subject to it.

So by what standard do we judge it as a policy? The intent to direct it to an area because it is high crime? Or the perceived weighted effect on minorities?

I can see both sides of the argument.

Several studies have shown convincingly that increased police presence is what primarily helped in high crime neighborhoods in NYC. Stop and frisks only contributed to criminal convictions rarely, and almost always in cases where the search was initiated not randomly but due to some probable cause of suspicion.

That doesn't change the perceptions of some outside those communities that stop and frisk worked.
I have no doubt Bloomberg could win and I'm not nervous about it. Of all the D contenders he's likely to be the best for the economy and so long as he doesn't get pulled too far left I could see preferring him over Trump.

We don’t need a nanny to tell us big gulps and salt are bad for us, Trump would eat this pint size dwarf up in a debate..
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I have no doubt Bloomberg could win and I'm not nervous about it. Of all the D contenders he's likely to be the best for the economy and so long as he doesn't get pulled too far left I could see preferring him over Trump.
His anti 2A and stance on how many oz. of sprite I can drink show us just how far left he is
You are right to be nervous about Bloomberg. He could actually win.

Though I don't think either Trump or Bloomberg are racists, I certainly do think both know very well how to manipulate the racism of others to their political advantage.
What is Bloomberg’s angle?

Tired of having a rich old white guy from New York running our country? Then how about voting for a rich old white guy from New York?
Stop and frisk is precrime ********. Harassing people because they happen to live near criminals doesn’t help the community or increase safety. Then the blue backers wonder why whole communities turn on them.

I tend to lean this way . Stopping and frisking someone when there’s no illegal activity is a breach of personal freedom . They all know ( roughly )who’s ridin dirty , catch them in the act then prosecute them . Not before a law is broken . It would be hard for me to justify hating on Red Flag laws and supporting Stop and Frisk .
We don’t need a nanny to tell us big gulps and salt are bad for us, Trump would eat this pint size dwarf up in a debate..

I hate his micro-management of life attitude but there are plenty of foilables from Trump too.

All in all I'd consider it a win if Bloomberg gets the nomination.
I tend to lean this way . Stopping and frisking someone when there’s no illegal activity is a breach of personal freedom . They all know ( roughly )who’s ridin dirty , catch them in the act then prosecute them . Not before a law is broken . It would be hard for me to justify hating on Red Flag laws and supporting Stop and Frisk .

Real lawbreakers don't walk into a frisk anyway.

My dad who was a producer of large quantities of untaxed distillations back in the day told me many stories of goading "revenuers" to pull him over and search him whenever he'd take a new girl out. The girl would feel like she was half of Bonnie and Clyde and he'd get to laugh at the lawmen in front of her before taking her out on the town. They never saw him any time he actually had whisky in the trunk.
I hate his micro-management of life attitude but there are plenty of foilables from Trump too.

All in all I'd consider it a win if Bloomberg gets the nomination.

I think he could do the job at least. I honestly can't imagine Bernie, Warren, Biden or Pete (yet) behind the desk. Klobuchar would be OK but she seems about as close to winning this as I am.
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Dems have won the WH when they've nominated an outsider rather than the establishment candidate. Carter, Clinton win; Gore, Kerry lose; Obama wins; Clinton loses.

Biden is the establishment candidate.

Who's the outsider that will replace him as the nominee?
Hello Nueman...i mean Bloomberg.

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