2020 U.S. Senate Races

the two senators have positioned themselves as donald loyalists. They are attached to him, despite what some may think. Yes this is about the senate. American can not have Mitch McConnell hinder things for another 4 years.

One Dem has positioned himself as an anti 2a politician in the south , supporting the ban of “semi auto rifles “ . That is the majority of all rifles held in the US. He also represents the ability of liberals to pack the SCOTUS . I guess we will see how intelligent voters really are .
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One Dem has positioned himself as an anti 2a politician in the south , supporting the ban of “semi auto rifles “ . That is the majority of all rifles held in the US. He also represents the ability of liberals to pack the SCOTUS . I guess we will see how intelligent voters really are .
He's not anti 2a at all.
Then you don't understand what a semi auto rifle is
He didn't say semi auto rifles. That's sort of a key point that is being intentionally misrepresented by gun nuts.
Maybe it's you lacking some understanding on how to read a quote.
He's not anti 2a at all.

We’ve been down this road , there is no room to maneuver in between the words ... “Shall Not Be Infringed Upon “ . If a politician believes in the banning of a group of firearms to prevent the citizens of the United States from keeping and bearing those arms , that politician is anti 2a . Your semantics and word play on an amendment that specifically states that there should not be any leeway on the matter , is duly noted .
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He didn't say semi auto rifles. That's sort of a key point that is being intentionally misrepresented by gun nuts.
Maybe it's you lacking some understanding on how to read a quote.

AR-15’s and other platforms like them .. are semi- auto rifles . Maybe that’s the key point that’s not being pointed out by low information non gun owners from the left . 😉
We’ve been down this road , there is no room to maneuver in between the words ... “Shall Not Be Infringed Upon “ . If a politician believes in the banning of a group of firearms to prevent the citizens of the United States from keeping and bearing those arms , that politician is anti 2a . Your semantics and word play on an amendment that specifically states that there should not be any leeway on the matter , is duly noted .
Sure, there is plenty of room.
I fully support 2a and it's reasonable and rational interpretation.
from his website. You're right, he said semi-automatic rifle not semi auto. My mistake
View attachment 322258
Thank you.
That was a couple of paragraphs below this one:
"I support the Second Amendment and I respect the overwhelming majority of gun owners who recognize that guns aren’t toys; they are lethal and dangerous tools."
Thank you.
That was a couple of paragraphs below this one:
"I support the Second Amendment and I respect the overwhelming majority of gun owners who recognize that guns aren’t toys; they are lethal and dangerous tools."

You do not support the second amendment in its current form or you wouldn’t support infringements on it . It’s cute though when you say you do .
Thank you.
That was a couple of paragraphs below this one:
"I support the Second Amendment and I respect the overwhelming majority of gun owners who recognize that guns aren’t toys; they are lethal and dangerous tools."
Irrelevant platitudes. He spelled out exactly what I said that you claimed was wrong. He wants to ban scary looking semi auto rifles. Says it right there on his website

What understanding am I lacking?
So semi-auto is ok and semi-automatic is not.... then I declare all my pows to be semi-auto and not semi-automatic, at least before they were all tragically lost in the boating accident.
Irrelevant platitudes. He spelled out exactly what I said that you claimed was wrong. He wants to ban scary looking semi auto rifles. Says it right there on his website

What understanding am I lacking?
"The shocking level of gun violence in America today makes plain the need for gun safety reforms, which will not preclude any responsible and qualified American from owning firearms for home defense, hunting, marksmanship, collection, or recreation."
"The shocking level of gun violence in America today makes plain the need for gun safety reforms, which will not preclude any responsible and qualified American from owning firearms for home defense, hunting, marksmanship, collection, or recreation."
Unless they want to own a semi auto rifle or magazine over the unicorn capacity limit. It's spelled out on his site
So semi-auto is ok and semi-automatic is not.... then I declare all my pows to be semi-auto and not semi-automatic, at least before they were all tragically lost in the boating accident.

I just wish I owned firearms . Seems a shame to have all this firearm knowledge and no Pew Pews . Maybe I can find a gun show and use that loophole to buy me one of those weapons of war without registering it and no background checks . That would be awesome
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"The shocking level of gun violence in America today makes plain the need for gun safety reforms, which will not preclude any responsible and qualified American from owning firearms for home defense, hunting, marksmanship, collection, or recreation."

There’s no such thing as “ Gun Violence “ only people violence choosing to use a firearm
"The shocking level of gun violence in America today makes plain the need for gun safety reforms, which will not preclude any responsible and qualified American from owning firearms for home defense, hunting, marksmanship, collection, or recreation."
Gun violence is not being perpetrated by legal gun owners. I would guess the number of cases where an assault rifle with a high capacity mag is used are miniscule. It's a boilerplate response from a guy who has no clue how guns work
I just wish I owned firearms . Seems a shame to have all this firearm knowledge and no Pew Pews . Maybe I can find a gun show and use that loophole to buy me one of those weapons of war without registering it and no background checks . That would be awesome
Sounds kind of like what the FFs wrote in that pesky BoR.
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