2020 U.S. Senate Races

I realized I had to change my approach in order to get any enjoyment out of a 2a debate. No one's mind will be changed even the slightest - on either side. It's best we just try to laugh at each other. I know you guys give me plenty at which to laugh.

I don’t think it’s any coincidence that anytime you’ve stepped into a 2A debate here on VN that you’ve been summarily mud stomped.
I don’t think it’s any coincidence that anytime you’ve stepped into a 2A debate here on VN that you’ve been summarily mud stomped.

If the progressives had any common sense they would send their rational and reasonable policy supports to firearm courses so at least they would have a somewhat fair chance of holding a debate with 2a supporters . I’ve never understood why people with little firearm knowledge and experience would even want to debate a 2a supporter , they ( we ) are extremely knowledgeable all the way across the board when it comes to pew pews .
I realized I had to change my approach in order to get any enjoyment out of a 2a debate. No one's mind will be changed even the slightest - on either side. It's best we just try to laugh at each other. I know you guys give me plenty at which to laugh.

Well, there really isn't any debate, but that's okay.

I feel as if it's going to be X amount of time before you post a rebuttal with Y amount of dumb words on the matter.
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I don’t think it’s any coincidence that anytime you’ve stepped into a 2A debate here on VN that you’ve been summarily mud stomped.
I don't see it that way at all. It just highlights the looniness of the hardcore 2a crowd.
The Democrats will lose both seats by 3-5 points. If they couldn't win both elections during a presidential year, they aren't going to win them in a Republican leaning state during a special election. Turnout will be lower and a lower turnout will only benefit conservative candidates because older voters tend to show up for special elections or off year elections as opposed to younger, more liberal voters. Jon Ossoff lost by nearly 75k votes with record turnout out of Atlanta, even if you remove the Liberal candidate from the ballot and he got every single vote from the Liberal party candidate then it would be a 25k vote race. Unfortunately, most of the voters who voted for the Liberal candidate were more than likely unhappy Republicans not liberal Democrats. A liberal Democrat would not waste their vote in such an important election for their party in a competitive state.
Ossof wont win but Warnock might.
Sounds like you support the Constitution, except ,of course, for the parts you disagree with.
I believe completely in the 2nd amendment except for the part about guns. Those should be banned but we will protect the rest of your 2nd amendment rights with the last breath in my body
I'm sure the democrats have the printing presses running flat out. In fact they might have more people vote in Georgia than live there.
Ossof is on his third campaign in 3 years or so. I think he finally does live in the district he is running for. So hes got that going for him. Which is nice.
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