2020 U.S. Senate Races

So someone can “move” to GA before January, vote, then move back?
According to another thread, I can't remember which one, there's like an early December deadline. If you "move" into the state by that date, you can vote in the run off. It makes absolutely no legal sense IMO, but supposedly GA law allows it. Ask GAVol about it. He'll know better than I do.
According to another thread, I can't remember which one, there's like an early December deadline. If you "move" into the state by that date, you can vote in the run off. It makes absolutely no legal sense IMO, but supposedly GA law allows it. Ask GAVol about it. He'll know better than I do.
Governors office has already come out and said they will review, and prosecute, anyone who moves to the state just to vote. They will go after you if they can prove it’s not your primary residence for election fraud. At the end of the day it’s a bunch of hand wringing over nothing.
I should migrate South to Georgia... follow the fish.
If you’re stupid enough to move and declare residency and live there just to vote by all means do it. If you’re stupid enough to not live there and register to vote anyway by all means do that too so we can mock your ass getting an election fraud conviction 😂
Governors office has already come out and said they will review, and prosecute, anyone who moves to the state just to vote. They will go after you if they can prove it’s not your primary residence for election fraud. At the end of the day it’s a bunch of hand wringing over nothing.
And I expect that’s the case. I’d imagine anybody registering right now gets a one pager memo to read entitled “Are you REALLY SURE you qualify to vote in GA?” as they should.
If you’re stupid enough to move and declare residency and live there just to vote by all means do it. If you’re stupid enough to not live there and register to vote anyway by all means do that too so we can mock your ass getting an election fraud conviction 😂
Dems don't get convicted or even charged when they cheat in elections
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To be honest I don't trust any of them, R or D. The swamp beats all. Trump was slowly exposing and bringing them down so that's why he had to go
I think the GA governor will attempt to follow thru on the threat. And I think he’s gonna catch several idiot criminals. I just hope his team isn’t incompetent and catches enough as incompetence is the base starting point for government for me and they hopefully improve from there
I think the GA governor will attempt to follow thru on the threat. And I think he’s gonna catch several idiot criminals. I just hope his team isn’t incompetent and catches enough as incompetence is the base starting point for government for me and they hopefully improve from there
Honestly I don’t think it will matter. Perdue will win going away. Kelly will be a toss up. But you only got to win one. And really they could lose both and it won’t matter. Too many moderate Dems to support anything too crazy. No court packing. That’s dead. No end of filibuster. No Puerto Rico or DC statehood.
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Honestly I don’t think it will matter. Perdue will win going away. Kelly will be a toss up. But you only got to win one. And really they could lose both and it won’t matter. Too many moderate Dems to support anything too crazy. No court packing. That’s dead. No end of filibuster. No Puerto Rico or DC statehood.
I’d be shocked if more than 5k people actually take one for the team and actually move there. Now the idiots that falsify registration do concern me and I hope the governor is on the job. They will have a little over a month to validate any new registrations that is quite a bit of time.
Governors office has already come out and said they will review, and prosecute, anyone who moves to the state just to vote. They will go after you if they can prove it’s not your primary residence for election fraud. At the end of the day it’s a bunch of hand wringing over nothing.
The Governor can say what ever he wants, but "proving" someone moved to GA simply to vote is another issue. Who is actually going to check to see if someone is still at their residence a few weeks later? How will they know? What if they don't move out of GA until a month or two later?

In order to register to vote I think you only have to provide two forms of proof with a GA address that you are a resident (e.g. a utility bill, a water bill, etc.). To not allow someone to register, who has the proof, would be voter suppression would it not? A bunch of you are naïve if you really don't think this will be happening.
How does this guy get enough votes to force a runoff?
He entered a special election that had 18 candidates including an incumbent Republican and a sitting Republican Congressman. Nobody was getting to 50%.

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